A Shit Confrence

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The group were now in shiroyasha's room with shiroyasha and another person.

?????: wow a rabbit. I didn't think that there would be one here on the east side.

The man then moved closer to black rabbit.

Accelerator: wow so we're dealing with a retarded creep.

?????: hay join my community. I'll give you three meals a collar and play with you every night.

Asuka: I think I'll have to turn you down now. Those sexy legs belong to us.

Black rabbit: that's right. Black rabbits legs are....

Accelerator: I am surrounded by idiots.

Black rabbit: Wait no they dont Asuka-san.

Izayoi: that's absolutely correct. These legs already belong to me.

Accelerator: Ok I should leave.

Black rabbit: that's right. These legs----
hay shut up

Shiroyasha: very well I'll buy them. Name your price.

Black rabbit: they're not for sale. Come on black rabbit's getting mad.

Accelerator: wow your dumb that's what they're trying to do. Tch Idiot.

Black rabbit: you Idiot.

She then slapped Izayoi over the head with a giant paper fan.

?????: hahahahahaha. Are the no names actually a bunch of comedians or something. Seriously come back to my place. Of course if you do you will be spending those great legs of yours in bed with me.

Black rabbit: I politely decline.

Accelerator: how the hell are you not ripping his head of already.

Black rabbit: because we are not currently in a position that we can do that.

Accelerator: fine(pushover)

Black rabbit: any how I have no intention of beding someone who lacks common decency.

Izayoi/accelerator: like your one to talk.

Black rabbit: sh-shiroyasha-sama said that if I wore this I'd get a 30% increase in pay for reffing games.

Izayoi: shiroyasha excellent job.

Shiroyasha then gives Izayoi a thumbs up.

Accelerator: what is everyone's obsession with her boobs and legs.

Izayoi: do you not appreciate there grace.

Accelerator: and what kind of grace do lumps of fat have?

Izayoi: you are a sad existence to not have the sanctuary that is books buts and thighs.

Accelerator: kill me.

Black rabbit: we're getting of track we challeng the Perseus community to a duel.

Perseus: I dont wanna.

Black rabbit: hu what do you mean.

Perseus: I mean I am not going to duel your community its simple.

Black rabbit: your men verbally assaulted us and we will not let you off with just an apology.

Perseus: is there any proof of your claim.

Black rabbit: if you question Leticia after you release her you will find all of it is true.

Perseus: I don't wanna. Now that she's run away we're keeping her petrified until we have shipped her out. Also anything that she says might have been planned in advance. You know to help out her former compatriots. Besides she ran away so that she could see you guys right? Isint it possible that you guys stole her?

an extra problem child ( accelerator in problem children )Where stories live. Discover now