Chapter 2

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Hello Everybody! I just want to say, thank you for reading. I hope you enjoy! Again remember, the whole story is told in Izu's pov. So we are missing some description in Val's story, however they all still happened, but Kat isn't as traumatized. He's becoming a hero to find Izuku, he still has hope he is out there somewhere, despite him being claimed as missing and dead.












Slowly, I start to come back to my senses. I felt numb at the start. I could hear the quiet murmur of the cars passing, the slight rustle the trees would make when the breeze shook the leaves. But then it hit me. At first it was a dull ache, but suddenly, out of no where, it turned into an unbearable pain. I almost scream with how bad it hurts. Luckily, it doesn't come out. I remember what uncle said, and imagine myself fully healed. Seconds later, the pain vanished and I was able to move again. Although I was healed, that didn't change the fact I, and the area around me was covered in blood. I must have looked crazy, a 15 year old boy covered in blood walking around Japan at night. I wonder how long I was out... I doubt it was too long, since none of the heroes had found me yet. Unknowingly, I start heading to my house. Whilst I was walking through a street, I see Kachan, staring at me wide eyed. 

"D-deku?" He stutters.

"Yes Kachan?" I say sweetly. 

"You're covered in blood... No one should bully someone this bad, even if they are quirkless. Who was it? I swear I'll kill them!" He says angrily.

Explosions were popping out of his hands. Typical Kachan. He doesn't really like bullying me. He's just afraid, afraid of what people will think if he doesn't. He does it to fit in, and it doesn't help that people keep on egging him on. But he took it to far today. Way to far. And it hurt when he said that. Hurt so bad I did it. It certainly didn't help that my old idol, All Might, practically told me I was useless and couldn't be a hero.

"I did!" I say cheerfully. 

"W-what?" He asks, unable to believe it. 

"Swan Dive." I say casually. 

"No. No. NO. NO!" He shouts. "DEKU!" 

"Calm down Kachan. I'm not dead. Or I might be... I have no idea." I say, shrugging.

"Deku, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm so so so fucking sorry. I didn't mean it!" He shouts, as he breaks down sobbing. 

"I'm still here Kachan." He says, uncomfortably. "I'm don't think I'm dead."

He looks up at me and I stare into his piercing, ruby red eyes. They were full of tears and had a mixture of sorrow, and guilt. 

"I'll see you one day Kachan." I say, before turning around and walking into a neighboring forest, a few minutes away from my house.

"No Deku!" He screams.

I ignore his pitiful cries, and carry on walking. I hear him scream in agony and I feel tears well up in my eyes. As much as he hurt me, I still cared for him, he was my friend when I was younger after all. I still walk on, and find myself on the edge of a forest. The leaves looked black in the dark, it was... unnerving to say the least. I walk in, and hear the crunch of twigs snapping beneath my feet. Other than that and the sound of my breathing, it was eerily silent. There were no animals making noise, and for some reason there was no wind. At first it was scary, but soon it became peaceful. I enjoyed being alone, it gave me time to think about what I wanted to do. I carry on walking, looking for a place I could find shelter in. It was getting colder, and with just my uniform on, I was shivering. I carry on walking and find a clearing in the middle of the forest. In the center of the large patch of land, there was a massive house. It seemed to be abandoned due to the vines and dirt it was covered in, but it didn't change the fact it looked spectacular. It was black, which helped it blend in with the forest. It had a small stream beside it, and I couldn't help but run over, excited to see what it was like. I try to open the front door, and to my surprise, it was unlocked. Inside though, it looked simply stunning. It was a bit dusty, but everything was still intact. There was dim lighting from the moonlight coming in from the window. I try flicking on the light's and it worked! This means that I have found my new home. With a little cleaning, I'me sure I could get it fixed up. If I work on it tonight, It will be ready for me in the morning. That would be useful, considering I needed to find a way to make a steady income.

I look around in one of the cupboards and find... ramen? It was still in date too, I guess I'll eat that for breakfast. I carry on looking and after finding many in and out of date food, I finally find cleaning supplies. I blow some of the dust off, and sneeze. I guess it's time to make this place more homely. I pick up a duster, and start dusting the whole place. This took a while, with how vast the house is. Luckily, I managed to get that done in just under an hour. As I was removing the thick layers of dust, I found how beautiful this house was. It had a very modern theme, and there were picture and posters in some of the rooms. I'm going to guess they were bedrooms. However, some of the colors were faded, making it hard for me to read it. Oh well. I head back down and put the duster away, this time getting a rag, and a bucket. I try to open the tap, and it works too. I fill up the bucket, before putting in some soap. Now I could clean it down, just to make sure it was clean. Wouldn't want it to be dirty, I could get ill. I start cleaning and after another hour I was done. Finally, I would have to clean and dry all the bedding. I for sure was not sleeping in a dirty bed! I hand wash all of them and leave them to dry outside. I notice that it was sunrise now. Had I really been cleaning for that long? At least it was done. I head back inside and admire my hard work. The once dirty house had now been transformed, it was clean, allowing it's real colors to show. I take a seat on the couch and start to think about what to do. I have no quirk, so I can't be a hero. All Might told me i couldn't, so that was clearly off limits. But I still want to help people! I don't want them to suffer. Maybe I could become a Vigilante? That would work. It would just take a little training. I also need to find a way to get money. I can't be living off random ramen packets I found in the cabinet. Well I've always wanted a cafe... I should start one! For heroes, villains and just regular citizens! I don't like the way people treat villains. Yes they do things they shouldn't, and I don't agree with them, but they have a reason for it. 

For now, I go down to the ground floor and to the training hall I found. It was basically a gym, but had things such as punching bags, and dummies. It also had things to help with flexibility, stamina, endurance, as well as all of your senses. It was perfect, especially for someone like me. With no quirk, this would help out. I think it would be the most smart to start with... ALL OF THEM! People need help, and they can't wait. Within a couple of months at most, I should be ready to help people, and fight for what it right. Hopefully, I will also have started my cafe by then, so I should be able to get food. Though, I'll have to change up my look a bit. Nothing a bit of hair-dye, contacts and make-up can't fix. 

Maybe things were starting to look up for me?

Maybe I could live this life after all. 

And that is it! I hope you enjoyed. I will see you on Sunday, if you are reading my DabiDeku book, next Friday if you are not. Have a lovely rest of your day. Love you babes! Stay safe, don't overwork yourself, and take care of yourself. I'm always here for you if you need to speak.

Ps. Send Val your love, give them the recognition they deserve! <3

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