Chapter 5

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I begin to wake up, and immediately groan in pain. Everything that happened last night was hazy. I vaguely remember what happened, but not very well. I hear crying, and sit up slowly to avoid hurting myself anymore than I already was. I look around in the dark room, and my eyes widen. This was not my room, so this definitely wasn't my house. Who's house is this? Where am I, and why did they help me? Especially if they realized I was a vigilante? I hear a choked sob, and look over to where the noise came from. Sitting on a desk, was Aki. His head was in his hands and he was sobbing. I get up and wince from the pain in my right shoulder, but ignore it anyway. I walk over to him, and wrap my left arm around his shaking figure. 

"Huh? Oh Izu, you dumb bitch!" He says, before turning around and hugging me. 

"Are you okay? Why are you crying? Why am I even at your house?" I ask, as he shifts position so that he's behind me, his arms wrapped around my waist. 

I could feel my face heat up, and begin to blush, but I doubt he could see it. 

"You got hurt last night on patrol, really badly. At around midnight, you knocked on my door. I opened it and you were covered in blood, you were crying and then you passed out. Zuzu I was so scared, I thought I was going to lose you." Aki says, his voice cracking as he begins to cry again. 

"I'm sorry." I say apologetically. "What else happened, if you don't mind me asking?

"After you passed out, I brought you upstairs and into the living room. I had to get you cleaned up. You had a really big gash on your head and a stab wound on your shoulder. And that's from what I could see. I treated your injuries, to the best of my abilities, but you might have to go get them checked out." He says. 

"Thank you. For being there." I say. 

"If I'd lost you I don't know what I'd do. I need you so much. Every time you get hurt, you scare me, I don't want you to die. I still need you Izu, I love you so fucking much- Oh shit I wasn't supposed to say that last part." Aki says, laughing nervously as he blushes a furious shade of red.

I move his arms and instead turn around to face him. 

"You do?" I ask, my eyes sparkling. 

"Y-yeah." He stutters, rubbing the back of his neck, as he blushed. 

"I like you too." I say softly, before burying my head into his chest, so he couldn't see me blushing a deep crimson. "So..."

"So?" Aki says, confused. 

"What are we?" I ask shyly. 

"Whatever you want to be. All we need to know is that I'm yours and you're mine." Aki says, tilting my face towards him. 

"Mine?" I mumble. 

"Yours." He confirms, with a smile. 

He looks into my eyes, and I couldn't help but blush under his stare. He slowly moves closer to me, until our faces were mere centimeters away. I flicked my eyes to his lips and meet his gaze  once again, as he mimics what I had done moments ago. He brings a hand to my cheek and strokes it gently with his thumb. 

"May I?" He asks. 

"Y-yeah." I say quietly. 

He seals the gap between us, and kisses me softly. I close my eyes, and melt under his touch. It was gentle and full of love, getting everything we wanted to say to each other through in just a few seconds. After a few seconds, he breaks away and smiles at me. I smile at him back before yawning.

"Come on Izu, get back in bed. It's too early for you to be awake and the painkillers will wear of soon, and trust me, it's going to hurt like a bitch when they do. I'll have to get a healer in tomorrow." He says thoughtfully.

Healer... Hmm. I'm sure I had something to do with healing. Oh my fucking god. I'm so stupid. I can heal myself! 

"Aki I'm so stupid. I could heal myself!" I exclaim, mentally face palming. 

"Hurry up and heal then." He says, rolling his eyes. 

I imagine myself healed but nothing happens, except the fact a few scratches close up. Hm. It might rely on my energy levels. And since they are down, I can't heal much. 

"Never mind. I'll have to do it in the morning after I sleep. I don't think I have enough energy." I say sadly. 

"Okay. That just means you'll have to be careful." He says. 

He picks me up gently, and lays me back down on the bed.

"What time is it then?" I quizzed. 

"Around three in the morning. Now go back to sleep." Aki says, shaking his head. 

"But I'm not tired, I just passed out and that counts as sleep!" I whine.

"Izu. You just yawned, that clearly suggests you're tired." Aki sighs. 

"Lay with me?" I ask innocently. 

"You're too cute for this. You really are going to be the death of me." Aki says, laughing. 

He climbs into bed with me and I nuzzle into his neck as he wraps his arms around me, careful of my shoulder. 

"Does it hurt?" Aki asks, worriedly.

"Not too much." I say. 

"Be more careful Izu. You should make a team of Vigilante's to help you." Aki says, coming his free hand through my hair. "I'd help." 

"But, you want to become a hero!" I protest. 

"Not really. If you must know, I only wanted to be a hero to spite All Might. Revenge for what he said to you. But it'd be better if I joined you, I'm sure some of my other friends would like to help out!" Aki says enthusiastically. 

"You'd all have to undergo some tough training, not to mention you're lives would be in danger." I point out.

"Meh. I think we all realize that Izu." He says. 

"Okay. You can if you really want. But i'm not so sure about your friends, I don't know them so I can't really trust them. Now let me sleep you land whale!" I shout. 

" You wound me Izu." He says, gasping in mock offence. "And what happened to the 'I'm not tired' mindset you had a minute ago?" 

"Just to get you to cuddle with me." I say, giggling. 

"Cute. But, if you wanted cuddles just ask. Now let's sleep." Aki says. 

"Finally! Night Aki!" I say to him. 

"Night baby." Aki says. 

He just called me baby! I think I'm going to have a severe episode of gay panic. He called me baby, he loves me. 

"You good? You sound like you're having a brain aneurysm!" He chuckles. 

"You called me baby!" I squeal. 

"Oh. Do you not like it, I can change it if you want." He says. 

"No! I mean- no." I say quickly. 

"Okay baby. Night now. For real this time." He whispers.

"Good night." I say. 

I start to feel drowsy, and let that familiar feeling of darkness take me, as I fall into a deep slumber.

And that's it! So, you guys might be wondering why I updated again. Unfortunately, I lost motivation for my DabiDeku book. I generally hated the way my writing style was, especially since it changed. So I'm contemplating whether to just write a few more chapters and finish it up, discontinue it, or put it on hiatus. So to make it up, I've posted on this book instead. I hope you enjoyed. Stay safe, Stay happy, Stay hydrated, but most importantly, STAY YOU! You are a fucking beautiful human. And if you don't love yourself. WELL THAT'S FUCKING FINE! I'll carry your love and mine for you, until you learn to love yourself. Yes, I was aggressive when I just said that, but it needed to be said. So love yourself no matter what! I'll be here to support you no matter what. <3

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