Chapter 8 (Part 2)

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Hey. Bet you didn't miss me. Welp, here is part 2. It's a nice long one. So be prepped for around 2000-3000 words. I usually only write 1000-2000, but the message I'm trying to convey here was important. A lot longer than what I usually do. If you're wondering, every chapter that I am writing is necessary for build up to something. I can't say what, but it's big. Try guessing!

I wake up with a start, trembling from the nightmare I just had. The first thing I realized was that Shinso was no longer here, and instead Aki was sitting on my desk, scrolling through TikTok. I sit up and look around the room, dazed. The last thing I remember was falling asleep, laying on Shinso's lap, as he talked to me about some random shit. It was nice, his voice is comforting, similar to Aizawa's.

"Baby. Are you okay? You look shaky." Aki asks, walking over to me and instead sitting on the chair beside my bed. 

"Nightmare." I say blankly, staring into the distance. 

"About Bakugo again?" Aki confirms. 

I nod my head, and wince at the searing pain in my head. It had certainly got worse, that's for sure. I grab my head and groan, feeling tears start to well up in my eyes. If only I could heal my headache. A bad wave of nausea hits me and I cover my mouth quickly. Aki realizes and helps me out of bed, before walking into the bathroom. I run to the bathroom and unloaded the contents of my stomach into the toilet. When my quaking body had finished purging, I crumpled onto the floor beside the bowl. The sour taste of bile was heavy on my tongue and slicked along the back walls of my throat. Just the thought of puking itself was enough to tempt me back into throwing my face over the toilet bowl once more, but I resisted. Aki was rubbing small circles on my back, trying to make me feel better. I wretch once again and use every ounce of my willpower to not spill my stomach contents once again. Once I was certain that I wouldn't be sick again, I flushed the toilet, and cleaned myself up, with the help of Aki. He lead me to my bed again and I sat on the edge as he sat at the desk again.

I quietly groan, or so I thought. Unfortunately, Aki heard, and crouched in front of me.

"Baby, what's wrong? Does your head still hurt?" He asks. 

I nod my slightly, and he gets up and into my bathroom, where he pulls out a pack of painkillers. He walks back in, and gets the bottle of water from my table and puts it into my hand. I take one and wait for it to kick in. 

"Fuck, I forgot my mother's coming home today. Shit, I have to go but I don't want to leave you." Aki says, running his fingers through his hair. "I don't even like the bitch. I barely even know her, it feels weird having her in the house."

"Aki, just go. She'll end up leaving soon anyway." I say, smiling. "And don't call your mom a bitch." 

"Fine, I won't call her a bitch. But I can't leave you alone. You're ill, and I can't call anyone to come over at 9." Aki says, looking over at my clock. "I can't even call Haru or Kazuya, because they're patrolling today." 

"Aki, go. I'll be fine by my self. If I'm not I'll call you and a whole team of pro heroes." I say laughing. 

"Promise?" He asks. 

"I was joking about calling the pro heroes-" I start, but Aki quickly cuts me off.

"Nope. Too late." He says, smirking. "Now promise me baby." 

"Fine. I promise." I say, rolling my eyes. 

By now, the pain killers had kicked in and I felt a bit better. I walk over to him and wrap my arms around his muscular figure, giving him a hug. He returns it and kisses my forehead once again. I let him go and give him a reassuring smile. 

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