Chapter 8 (Part 1)

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Why do I not have a bf like Aki?! it's okay- I got you guys. I love you all, you're all mah little demonz. There is going to be 2 parts to this chapter, but they're both going to be quite long, which is why I had to split it.






It was the day after I had went to Shinso's house, and if I was being honest, I felt like absolute crap. I must have caught something when I walked back home in the rain. I was shivering, but I felt like I was boiling. My throat hurt, I had a head-splitting migraine, and on top of all that, I had been sick in the night. I ended up calling Aki at three in the fucking morning, crying, and he came over to my house, and stayed with me. He comforted me, and sat near me till I fell asleep. He's so sweet. He walked out of the bathroom, and walked over to me. 

"Baby, do you need anything?" He asks, whispering so he doesn't hurt my head.

"I want you to stay..." I mumble, feeling tears start to cloud my vision. 

It turns out I get extraordinarily emotional when I'm sick. Fantastic. How did mom cope with me when I was ill? I have no idea, she really is my superhero. Imagine dealing with me, and my five Kilograms of emotional baggage. 

"You know I have to go to work. I sub for you when you don't come in." He says softly, trying to reason with me. 

"Aki. I'm your manager, I decide that you have a free day today." I say bossily, wincing. 

"That's so kind of you, Mr. Midoriya, but I want to work today as you won't becoming in." He says, bowing. 

"Then I'm coming in with you." I say stubbornly, getting up, only to be lightly pushed back down onto my bed. 

"No, baby. You're not allowed. Which one of the idiots should I call to look after you? Shinso, Haru, or Kazuya?" He asks, adjusting the cold flannel on my forehead. 

"I don't know. Haru is sweet, but will probably start freaking out. Kazuya is lovely, but too loud. And it's going to be awkward between me and Shinso because of last night.." I say, trailing of at the end. 

"I'm calling Shinso, he's the most responsible out of them." Aki says. 

He reaches for his phone, and dials in Shinso's number. It rings for a few seconds, before being picked up.

"Hey Shinso, can I ask a favor?" Aki asks.

"If I have to go out to get McDonalds for your hungry ass, no." Shinso deadpans. 

I stare at Aki, and lightly smile, before I burst into a coughing fit. 

"Woah. Wait, who's coughing?  Are you okay? Do you need me to come over?" Shinso questions, sounding slightly concerned.

"It's Izu-" Aki starts, but the call ends as soon as my name was said. 

"I told you things were going to be awkward. He doesn't like me anymore..." I say, my voice trembling. 

"I'm sure it's not that. He doesn't seem like the type to do that." Aki says quietly. "He might have lost connection, I don't know." 

A few minutes later of me whining that Aki should stay, we hear a knock at the door. Aki looks out of my window, and turns back to me smiling.

"It's Shinso." He says. "I'm going to have to go open up the shop so your workers can get in. Bye baby, I love you." 

He kisses my cheek, before rushing downstairs. Shinso comes up and checks over me. 

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