Chapter 3

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Heya! It's been a couple months, and Izuku has trained hard, and has managed to get stronger. He's got his cafe up and going and is now a vigilante! (I am changing plot a bit here sooo ya)

Right now Izuku is on patrol.










It was dark outside, the streetlamps the only thing lighting up Musutafu. Even so, some of the streets still remained pitch black, making them top spots for villain attacks and crimes. The wind was chilling, and I couldn't help but lightly shiver. I should have made my suit to help with the cold. I'll deal with that later, for now I need to see if I can help out people. I feel somebody's presence, and quickly whip around, pulling a knife out of my belt. Within seconds, I was behind the person, the knife pressed against his neck. 

"Woah there. Just me Dark Sorrow." Says the Erasure Head. 

"Don't try shit like that again. I almost killed you." I say angrily. 

Luckily, I had fitted a disorientation device into my mask, so my voice sounded glitchy. Even if you removed the effect though, it still wouldn't sound like my real voice. I draw the knife away from his neck, but eye him warily. 

"You're reflexes have improved since last time I saw you." He points out, approvingly. 

"Lovely. Now what do you need Erasure Head?" I ask. 

"I want to join you on patrol." He says casually. 

"No fucking way. I work better on my own." I refuse. 

"You realize I could arrest you. What you are doing is illegal, even if you cause more help than harm." He says. 

"You wouldn't. Judging by the way you lighten up and how you relax ever so slightly when you are around me, you seem to like me. Dare I say, want to be friends." I chuckle. 

"Damn. And your observation skills have improved." He mutters. 

"Either way you're not coming. I might mistake you for a criminal and stab you." I add, trying to make him go away. 

"We both know that's not true. You can tell the difference between mine and someone else's presence." He says, coming closer to me. 

I throw the knife at him, making sure it narrowly misses, to avoid hurting him. 

"Better be careful Erasure Head. I won't miss next time." I say slyly. "Now hurry up. You coming on this patrol or not?" 

"Finally!" He says, exasperated. 

I pick up the knife I threw at him, and tuck it back into my belt safely before looking back over at him. I activate my jump boosters, they're an add on that use different pieces of technology to give me a jump boost. They activate springs into my shoes, so I can jump high and far, soundlessly. 

"Figure out a way to catch up." I whisper to him, before jumping off. 

I was leaping from rooftop, to rooftop, the wind whistling in my ears, Erasure Head behind me. I pause on one building, where I hear slight sniffles. I doubt Erasure Head could hear them, since they were so quiet, almost silent. 

"Stop. I hear something." I hiss at him. 

"I'll never use my quirk! I'll cook mom! I'll clean! Anything! Anything! Anything! Just don't leave me!" A child, sounding roughly in his teen's cries out, I'm going to guess it was the boy who was crying. 

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