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Beep beep

The sound of my alarm clock woke me up. I reach over to shut it off. I let out a yawn and stretched out my arms.

Why on earth did John make us wake up at 6? I pull the covers off myself and got up off the bed.

I picked up my phone from the nightstand next to the bed and checked it. Then suddenly there was a knock at the door. Ugh, who could that be? Probably John seeing if I'm awake.

I sheepishly walk to the door and I opened it to see Danny standing there holding two coffees in each hand.

He reached out his hand toward me. "Morning. Thought you would need this!"

I grabbed the cup and my fingers brushed against his hand. "Thanks! Come in."

I moved out of the way for him to walk in. I shut the door.

"You haven't packed yet?" He asked. His blue eyes scanned the room and he saw my dirty clothes all over the floor.

I took a small sip of my coffee. It tasted sweet. Just the way I liked it. "I just woke up."

"I could help you."

I smiled. "Thank you but I got it and I have to get dressed."

"I thought I would offer because John wants us to leave at 7."

"At 7?!" I asked with shock.

"Yeah well we have a four-hour drive and we have a show at four."

"Okay well, you're kinda distracting me from getting ready," I said in a sarcastic tone.

"I don't want John yelling at you for not being ready." He laughed and he left the room, leaving me alone with my dirty clothes.

I rushed to get dressed and packed my clothes. My phone rang as soon as I was closing my suitcase.

I pull it out of my pocket and see that it's a call from John. With a swipe, I answer it and put it up to my ear. "Hey, John!"

"Hey just checking in cause it's almost 7."

"I just finished packing! I'll be down in a few minutes!" I hung up and put my phone back in my pocket.

I check the room one last time to make sure I have everything.


I climb on the bus and see my bandmates.

"So how was your night with Danny?" Korey asked with wondering eyes.

"It was alright. We just talked about things."

"Did you guys kiss?" John asked.

"What? No!" I shouted. "I'm going to end things with Ben."

"What?!" My bandmates were shocked when I said those words.

"Yeah, I am. I'm tired of going through the stress. It's not worth my time anymore."

"You deserve better than that tool," Seth replied.

They're right about everything but am I ready to end things with Ben? We've been together for like a year now.

"But in the end, it's your choice," Korey said with a smile.

I nodded my head and I sent a text to Danny.

I don't think I'm ready to break up with Ben
We've been together for a year and I still love him but I don't like the way he is treating me.

I got an instant reply.

Just take your time and think things through. It's all up to you. Whatever decision you make, no one will hate you.

I needed to hear that. Danny is always right. I just gotta give things time.

"I'm thinking about giving it time and going to think things through."

"That's a better way to solve things. You don't want to make a fast decision and then regret it later," John said.

"You're right. Do you think I should send Ben a message?"

"Do what you think is right," Korey said, placing a hand on my shoulder.

Hey Ben. Just wanted to know that I miss you and want to make things right between us. You're not talking to me for a week is hurting me and I stay up all night thinking about you and figuring out how it was my fault.

I doubt that I will get a reply back... the second I sent that message my phone went off and I looked with wide eyes to see that it was from Ben!

"I got a response back!" I shouted with excitement.

"That's great! What did you say?" Seth said with a wide smile.

I read out loud what I said and what he said back.

I'm sorry for being such an asshole to you. I didn't realize that you felt this way. I'll come up to tour so we can talk about things. It will be nothing bad. I am not gonna tell you which tour I'll be coming to, it will be a surprise! Can't wait to see my beautiful girlfriend. 😍

I smiled as I was reading the message. He is sorry for what he did. That made me so happy!

"At least he apologized," Seth said.

"I'm happy that he did finally!" I sent a text to Danny to tell him.

That's great! Looks like things will work out between you two!

That means Ben and I are going to last!!!

Or so she thought...

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