Hanging Out

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I enter the hotel all sweaty. I couldn't wait to take a shower! I go in and shut the door and I take my clothes off and set the water to the right temperature for my liking.

I stepped into the shower, welcoming the warm water hitting my body. The water felt really good. It washed away my sweat.

Suddenly my phone started to ring. I signed and stepped out to see who was calling, it was Korey. What does she want now? I answer it.

"Jen, don't forget we're hanging out with the guys."

"I know. I'm taking a shower right now. I'll be out!"

"Okay meet in the lounge."

She hung up and I went back in the shower.

I put shampoo in my hair and I rub it in. Every show we tour with FATN ,Danny and I always hangout afterwards. Oh I mean we always hangout with FATN. They are good friends of ours. I just love the guys.

After I washed my body I shut the water off and dried off.

I heard a knock on my door. "Give me a minute!" I yelled. I threw something quick on and i answered to Danny standing there.

"Hey!" I say.

"John told me everything and I wanted to take you for a walk to talk about it."

I let out a sigh. Of course John would tell him. I just wanted this tour to be about having a great time not talk about my problems. "I thought we are going to hangout in the lounge with everyone?"

"No I decided just for us to talk because John told me what you're going through so I thought that we would talk about it."

Great... just great...


We walked down town. It was a beautiful night.

"So Ben has been ignoring you?" He said cutting the silence.

I rolled my eyes. Why would you care? Are you going to say he's a shitty person that he's not worth it? "Yes. I am giving him space. We had a argument and he just cut me out."

"How long ago did you guys have the argument?"

"About a week ago and I'm trying to figure it how it was my fault." I let out sigh.

"Do you mind sharing what happened?" He asked.

"Well it was basically about me going on tour for a few months and he accused me that I'm going to cheat on him because he knows how close we are."

"That's just stupid. He knows you wouldn't do that. I can talk to him just to prove to him that I'm not into you or you're not into me." He clenched his fits at his hips.

"No I will deal with it. He thinks I always put work first. We always have an agurment about it." I reply, creasing my brows together.

"Jen, you don't deserve this kind of treatment. This isn't fair to you, it puts stress on you and I care about you. I hate to see you go through this." He said without avoiding eye contact with concern in his eyes.

I blush a little. His words hit my soul.

I'm just glad he that not one word came out of his mouth saying: "he's not worth it. Break up with him." That's all I've been hearing from everyone else... but instead he's showing me support and telling me that he cares. Wish my friends were like this...

I gave him a smile. "I know. Thank you for saying that! I needed to hear that! All I've been hearing 'he's not worth it. You should break up with him.'

A big grin grew on his face. "I'm glad I could help."

"You know I will break up with him in person. Doing it over the phone is just weak I guess?"

Danny's eyes widened. He was shocked that I said that. "Are you sure?"

"Yeah I'm sick of his crap. So this is random but I think the last day of tour I'm going to sing Ruins. I know I don't play that song because it's about Ben. But I don't care I'm going to play it!"

My phone suddenly began to ring. "It's Korey calling." I answer it. "Hey."

"Hey you love brids! Do you know what time it is? It is almost 12am. We have to get up ealry to travel to the next state. And we don't want a creaky Jen."

"Really Korey? We're just friends. We will head back to the hotel. " I hung up.

"So we have to get up ealry to go to the next state. That means we have too head back."

Danny had a disappointed look on his face. "I was having fun. Guess we can hangout tomorrow. "



Danny walked me to his room. He wrapped his arms around me. I felt this warmth in my chest when he hugged. I've never felt like this before when we hugged. Being in his arms made me feel safe and it felt comforting.

He pulled away. "Sweet dreams."

I smile. "Good night have peaceful dreams."

He turned his back and walked to his room. There was a part of me that I didn't want him to walk away. I wanted to be in his arms.

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