1. buying the game

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It was a normal day. Nothing ever exciting happens to me. It was 12:00 pm. I was in sience class glancing out the window as some kids ran past chasing each other. The window was opened and a small breeze went over my shoulder as for we were learning in the sience lab,we were learning about forces. My friend lilly was sitting next to me as we were learning. "Alright class the bell will go in 1 minute start to pack up" Mr rodwell Said while he was checking his watch to look at the time. I got up and put my sience book in the box that we keep our class. I grabed my bag and took my phone out and googled how much the game costed 30$ the exact amount I had. "Lilly should i buy five nights at freddys one help wanted?" I asked her curiosly 

"Sure if thats what you want to do," She replied to me. I saw she was doing a drawing of one of the hermets from hermet craft she was drawing grian and it looked so good. "Nice drawing by the way," I pointed to her drawing

"Thank you!" Lilly drew more untill it was noticable what she was drawing and soon after the bell went and me and her walked to the canteen building and she went to go order some food as I sat down on the ground watching videos of fnaf help wanted to see if i would like even though I had an obsesion with fnaf. I soon came to a strange video that was all glitchy and i showed it to lilly as soon as she came back. I told her to look the video up but it didnt show up on her phone and she said i was over reacting. I clicked on the video confused and all it did was show me a free fnaf game at the gamestop near by and it said it was free. Soon the bell went off for us to go to our next and final class which was history in A block to be more pecific it was A 4. Our teacher miss bale came out of her staff room with the stuff for class. "Alright hats off and phones in bags and lets go inside," Miss Bale said while she unlocked the door letting us in. At this stage in history we were learning about ancient egypt and what they cloths they would whear. 

"Alright class get your History books out and turn to a blank page," Miss Bale turned on the tv and put on a horreble historys video that showed us what they would whear. Apparently it was really normal to be naked in public back then and poor people used shit for wall literly. After we watched it she handed out work sheets for us to work on which had some questions for us to awnser. I looked up to the clock and i was 1 minute till we could go home. "Alright pack your things up and get ready to go home," Miss bale was packing up her stuff and closing her computer. Soon everyone was all packed up with bags on backs and ready to head home from the horrible school day so they waited by the door but me and lilly just sat on a desk looking at our phones. The bell went and it was the song im happy so we all left and I headed down a steep hill to the place where the buses were but I went out the gate that was there to our blue ute and i climbed into the back seat. "How was your day?" My father asked.

"It was good but could you take me to gamestop?" I asked.

"Sure ill drop you off there," My father replied to me. My father started the car and strated to drive me to the gamestop passing all the houses and to the gamestop were i got out of the car and he just waited there as I walked in. "Hey do you have the fnaf help wanted?" I asked.

"Yes we have this free one if you want it?" The employe replied  

"Yes i will take that one please," I replied and he gave me the copy. I walked out back to the car. I opened the door and got in. 

"What did you get Kaylah?" My father asked.

"I got fnaf help wanted for free," I would replie

"Ok you can play it when we get home," my father started the car and drove us home. I got inside and walked into our living room and i booted up my ps4 and i opened its game compartment inserting the game and getting the controller while sitting on the couch. I opened the game and somthing werid was happening the ps4 went in a portal state. 

814 words

five nights at freddys comes to life (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now