Meet the Authors: Catfish Waterdancer

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Meet Brian, a.k.a. Catfish!

Writer's Relay:
Dear Brian, we are super excited to have you participating in this unique collaboration with your fellow writers. Let's take this opportunity to know more about you, your writing journey, and your thoughts on Wattpad and the Writer's Relay event.

So, let's start with some warm up...

What prompted you to start writing on Wattpad, and what do you like most about the platform?

Becky Albertalli (Simon Vs. The Homo Sapiens Agenda) has one of her characters in "What If It's Us" publish his writing on Wattpad. Wattpad quite literally puts your work in front of an international audience of millions. Getting folks to read it is up to you.

Tell us one thing about your writing process that has helped you the most.

Trust your gut. If something feels off or out-of-place, it probably is. If a phrasing seems awkward or clunky, it probably is. AND - keep copies of anything you edit out of your drafts even if it means making a separate document just for them. One day, you'll be thankful you did.

Which author has influenced your writing the most?

J.R.R. Tolkien. I've read the trilogy 13 times. It's a world I never get tired of, and each reading gives me something new to relish. As you grow older and your POV changes, so do the things you take from rereading your favorites. Middle Earth is one of the greatest examples of world-building that I know of. Not the best - that's a title shared by many names.

Where, would you say, do you stand in your writing journey?

I've been writing poems and short stories on and off for over 4 decades. I'm 63, and this new path sees me once again at the beginning. Today's writers must market themselves - it isn't, alas, enough to just be a good writer. My experience in the performing arts, and experience as a press release writer gives me a small advantage.

Which of your own stories is closest to your heart?

I wrote "A Viral Little Christmas" as a love story to New Yorkers and their fierce togetherness during 2020's Covid-19 crisis. I was born and raised in Brooklyn. To see what they faced, and how they faced it with kindness and innovation and hope is an incredible lesson in love and humanity. The story involves a little girl who asks her Great-Uncle Santa to bring Christmas early, and what his response awakens in her. If anyone reads it, let me know if you cry a little. <3

Share two Wattpad story recommendations. Include the usernames of the authors and why you enjoyed the stories.

(1) "A Little Love for Pennies" by Mittu (-dreamsinwords). Mittu takes a standard lonely hearts love story and stands it on its head to address the mysteries and realities of ace relationships.
(2) "Midnight Calling" by Elisabeth_Long. A very original and delightfully engaging fantasy thriller that puts a whole new spin on the concept of Father Time.

There is one question that many authors may have asked themselves, you included... But could there be one simple single answer? Let's hear from your thoughts...

What would be the perfect recipe for the next greatest novel of all time? One you would write or read...

1 cup Fantasy, 1/2 cup SciFi, 1/2 cup Mystery, 1/2 cup Thriller; 3/4 cup sweet Romance, 1/4 cup Suspense powder, 1 teaspoon salty dialogue; 1 cup heavy Drama, 1/2 cup good Irish Fairytale whisky; 1 tsp dream extract, 1/2 tsp paranormal ether. Mix dry ingredients thoroughly. Stir liquid ingredients together until smooth. Add dry to wet ingredients and mix well. Pour into trilogy molds dusted liberally with giggly powdered sugar. Bake for one year. Slice into three books. Pray for great reviews.

Now that we know more about you, we are curious about your involvement in the Writer's Relay adventure.

What was your first thought when seeing the Writer's Relay call for participants? Did you apply straight away or did you take time to ponder on your possible involvement?

First thought - that's insane. Thought for a while longer and I realized that I like insanity.

What do you hope to gain from collaborating with other writers on this Writers Relay initiative?

Knowledge in writing serial fiction that has several authors writing the stories.

Now that you are well into this relay race, what do you think of your role in the collaboration?

Writing as a group is a bit like musicians performing in an orchestra. What is your instrument in this philharmonic? And what kind of symphony will come out?

My role? My chapter is where the treasure is found, and Christmas is almost upon them. I felt that the finding of the Bird should involve some 'good will to men' as opposed to chases or acrobatics. And there's a twist - wink!

The piccolo. It never ceases to put a smile on my face. Perhaps "Peter and the Wolf" meets "Clair de Lune?" Or Mozart writing a la Gilbert & Sullivan?

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