Meet the Authors: Rita

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Writer's Relay:
Dear Rita, we are super excited, the first chapter of the story is out! And you are the one passing the first relay!
So, let's take this opportunity to know more about you, your writing journey, and your thoughts on Wattpad and the Writer's Relay event.

So, let's start with some warm up...

What prompted you to start writing on Wattpad, and what do you like most about the platform?

Well, I stumbled upon Wattpad thanks to my sister in 2016 and I thought I could give it a go. I've been here since. Wattpad provided me with a safe place for my stories, together with a spot I could store them for a long time without losing them and that's what I liked about it. The sense of communion was an added bonus. I'm glad to say that I've made many friends on Wattpad since I joined and have learned from other great writers how to improve my writing.

Tell us one thing about your writing process that has helped you the most.

When I write, I start by planning out the perfect ending. It's a lot easier for me to build the story knowing the direction it's going.

Which author has influenced your writing the most?

I used to read a lot of Sidney Sheldon so I'd say that's my influence. I loved his novels, the thrill and mystery these stories had, the drama and the plot was just perfect. My favorite books by Sidney Sheldon are just a singular series and I should say this series was the most influential to my writing; the other side of Midnight and memories of midnight.

Another influence was Nora Roberts whose fantasy novels were well written and quite intriguing. Her world building inspired my own and it helped me craft my own urban fantasies.

Where, would you say, do you stand in your writing journey?

I would say I'm still in the learning stage. Of course the learning will never end but I can safely say I have grown very much from the days I started out. I hope to grow in my experience and eventually publish someday.

Which of your own stories is closest to your heart?

Yikes, that's hard to pinpoint. That's like asking a parent which child they love better. But if I've gotta do it, I'm going to say it's Gemini. I enjoyed crafting the final villain. I literally had to imagine myself in his shoes and it was awesome having to create a character that people relate with. It was fun blurring the lines between good and evil because that's how I want my stories to be. I want them to have a touch of realism and deal with real choices. I feel like characters shouldn't easily be painted good or bad. That's too easy. They can be good and like any normal person they must be justifiably bad. In fact, I'm all about making my readers debate on who was right and who was wrong. I know it'll get them talking about my babies for much longer and Gemini is one book that managed to do just that.

Share two Wattpad story recommendations. Include the usernames of the authors and why you enjoyed the stories.

Being a lover of Egyptian mythology, I quite enjoyed The Sands of Yore by KM_Warcop. I felt like the lore and story was beautifully written. It is literally one of the few romance novels I enjoyed ever.

The other book I loved, being a horror/thriller person, was His House by Syrein69. It's the first of its series and I stumbled upon it by absolute chance but I just couldn't put it down. The storytelling, the thrill, the mystery, the intensity. All of it was just on point *chef's kiss*. The story had me on the edge of my seat dying to know what will happen the next the entire time.

There is one question that many authors may have asked themselves, you included... But could there be one simple single answer? Let's hear from your thoughts...
What would be the perfect recipe for the next greatest novel of all time? One you would write or read

To me, it's all about structure. Know where you wanna go and how you'll get there. That means before you pen a novel you have to plan it all out. Another important ingredient would be the characters. Every character, no matter how small they are, has a part to play in crafting your next big masterpiece so you have to take care in designing them. They should be relatable, they should be as realistic as you can get even if one of them is a cat person from the planet Versparis. Have their background straight, every little detail must be on point. It may not make sense at first but something as small as a mannerism, a hobby or a fetish could cause a ripple effect in your entire story.

Another important ingredient is dedication. It's one thing having the layout of the next bestseller but it's another thing to actually put in the work. Once you commit yourself to writing, keep at it. Ask for constructive criticism and never shy away from it.

Overall I can say I would want to read a book that I can picture, with well crafted worlds, a well thought out plot and characters that are loveable and relatable. Something I can picture on the screen.

Now that we know more about you, we are curious about your involvement in the Writer's Relay adventure.

What was your first thought when seeing the Writer's Relay call for participants? Did you apply straight away or did you take time to ponder on your possible involvement?

At the time I was looking for a project to co-write. It was something that I was really looking for and when I saw this opportunity I jumped right at it because it was what I needed.

What do you hope to gain from collaborating with other writers on this Writers Relay initiative?

I hope to learn some cool tips from these amazing writers I'm working with. Hopefully at the end of it all I too will be able to craft one heck of a masterpiece by myself someday. And yeah I get to make new friends along the way and that's an added bonus. The cherry on the top.

Now that you are well into this relay race, what do you think of your role in the collaboration?

Writing as a group is a bit like musicians performing in an orchestra. What is your instrument in this philharmonic? And what kind of symphony will come out?

I helped set up the background for the female protagonist as well as the cultural base for the plot. It was fun to weave such a widespread web that all the other writers would add on to and I know that the story will come out a complete masterpiece because of this. If I could pick an instrument, I'd say I play the violin.

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