Thirty-Three: The B-Sides

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A year ago, Sylvia had gotten so drunk on Halloween that she threw up on her costume. Wendy, who was a champion heavy-weight drinker, held her hair back in the bathroom and did a shot of whiskey with a girl neither of them knew.

"This is her first Halloween!" She yelled at the girl.

"What?" The girl yelled back. A Backstreet Boys song was playing so loudly that Sylvia felt like slamming her head against the porcelain toilet seat.

"I said it's her first Halloween!" Wendy said again, "She's British!"

Wendy had made her entire costume from scratch. She was dressed as Madonna from the Open Your Heart music video, pleather leotard and all. Sylvia couldn't see what the other girl was dressed up as, her sight was zeroed in only on the tiled flooring.

"Oh cool." The girl replied, taking a sip of her beer, "Jesus who's in control of the music right now?"

"What?" Wendy yelled.

"This music makes me want to kill myself!"

"Cricket." Sylvia mumbled into the toilet bowl. The girls both looked at her like they'd only just realized she was there.

Wendy leaned down towards her, "Huh?"

"Cricket Freishen!" She tried to yell, "She's DJ-ing right now."

"Who the hell is Cricket Freishen?" She heard Wendy ask the girl before turning back, "How do you know everyone's full government name here?"

"Oh fuck I know her," the girl replied, "Yeah she's a sophomore I think. From LA."

Sylvia threw up again.

Wendy had helped make her costume, which made her feel increasingly awful and begin crying into the toilet. She really hadn't done much more than sew a patch onto a green boiler suit and steal a pair of white high-tops from the costume shop, but Sylvie still felt bad. "You look even hotter than Sigourney Weaver," Wendy said, "You're definitely getting laid tonight."

"I ruined it," her cries echoed into the toilet bowl.

"Syl, get your face out of the toilet. What are you talking about?"

"I'm never drinking again."

"Hah. I'll be sure to remind you of that next weekend."

"I ruin everything," her sobs shooed away a pair of girls who had come in to check their makeup, "I'm a bad friend."

Wendy pulled her back so she was leaning against the wall now, hair stuck to her forehead and neck with sweat.

"Oh come on," Wendy grinned, "if they were playing better music, maybe."

Sylvia let out another sob, prompting Wendy to put an arm around her, "Hey, stop that. I'm just messing with you. Do you need to go home? Let's go home."

"No! I'm not making you walk me home!"

"I can walk her home," the other girl said, "I was thinking about leaving anyways. What building do you guys live in?"

The girl's name was Drew, and it only took a matter of five minutes for Sylvie to develop a crush on her. They walked with their arms linked to keep Sylvie from stumbling off the sidewalk and into the street, and she could feel how sweaty her hands were and how flushed her cheeks must've been.

"It's nice to know there are other people who can't last that long at parties."

"You don't have to do this. We're only like two blocks away. I can get home by myself."

"And get mugged by some mid-town teenagers? I don't think so." Drew had a laugh that was low and gravely, "So Sylvia, what's your major?"

"I'm leaning towards undecided," she suddenly felt very embarrassed, "You?"

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