1: An Ordinary Weekend

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I had just woken up ready to start the day. You don't know how tired I get from college, but my parents really want me to take it so I guess I'll have to deal with it for now. The good thing is today was saturday. I had the whole day to relax.

I got up and checked my phone to see that the most trending thing was a face reveal from the Youtuber "Dream". That's pretty cool. After that I saw a message from my mom saying: "Honey, we're coming to visit you in Redshore next week!" I was not expecting this. Nonetheless i was very exciting as I haven't seen my parents and my brother in over 6 months. I remember when we would have family movie nights. Those were the best. Me and my brother, Andrew would always play videogames together. We both love playing them, but now he kinda spends most of his time alone. I mean he is 16. I was the same at that age. I always have a picture of them in my room.

Then I start thinking about how I'm a failure, I'm still a virgin, actually I've never even dated a girl before. My life really sucks right now. I try to focus on my hobbies like playing the piano and taking pictures around the city, but my life feels pointless and empty at the moment. Maybe I'll find something to fulfill that emptiness soon. Anyways I'm pretty sure by now my best friend and roommate Caleb has woken up.

Y/N: Hey, Caleb wanna go to this breakfast place I thought looked pretty cool?
Caleb: Yea sure i guess. I am pretty hungry.

On the way there I starting to think how things haven't been the same. They just haven't since high school ended. I had so much fun, I didn't hate high school too much becuase I had a heck ton of friends, unlike college. I really don't fit in there. Who could forget that PORSHA CRYSTAL! Yea HER, went to the same school as me. We had a couple classes together and I think we became pretty good acquaintances... maybe even friends? I don't know about that far. To be honest I haven't seen her since which sucks becuase I had the biggest crush on her. Like cmon, who didn't? She was the the hottest girl at school. Of course I also like her personality. She was adventerous and had a good sense of humor which I loved about her. Sucks I forgot to get her freaking number. I'm so stupid.

Caleb: Hey Y/N? You there?
Y/N: Hm? Oh yea sorry. I guess I was kinda sidetracked.
Yea no kidding. We're here anyhow.
Oh ok ok. I heard the food here is really good.

I ordered French toast while Caleb ordered some pancakes. The little restaurant didn't have many people dining at the time which I liked. It was a small local restaurant but it was comfy.

Caleb: Hey this food ain't too bad.
Y/N: Told you so.
Have you seen the news that Porsha Crystal was in his dad's latest show?
Yeah I did, but then Jimmy got arrested no?
He did, but he got bailed out the next day.
Jesus that guy is scary.
I know you wanted to date Porsha in high school, but with a dad like that? No way.
I mean-

And with exceptional timing, Porsha enters the cafe... I almost spit out the coffee I was drinking. I think I just ran out all my luck in this single moment. I wouldn't expect Porsha to visit a local place like. As she entered the cafe, I started to admire her. "God she got way hotter." She neared the counter and started to order.

Porsha Crystal: Hm, I've never been here before

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Porsha Crystal: Hm, I've never been here before. Just get me whatever you think is the best.
Cashier: Sure thing, one special coming right up for Ms. Porsha.

I literally couldn't take my eyes off her. She was just too perfect... While she waited for her food, she stared at her phone. I really wanted to go up to her and talk to her, but I didn't have the guts. What would I say? Hey remember me from school 2 years ago? Can I have your number? No that's stupid. While millions of scenarios ran through my head I completely forgot about Caleb.

Caleb: Y/N you good bro?
Y/N Yeaaaah everything's fine. What are the chances. Porsha is right there.
You should go talk to her. What's the worse that could happen.
I- I can't do that. Like what would I say to a girl like her?
Weren't you guys good friends though?
I mean I guess but then high school ended ya know.
I still think you should talk to her. And would you look at that, she's coming this way...
Wait what??

Porsha: Hey Y/N! Um, it's been a while huh?
Y/N: Uh... yea yea it has.
I was going to look for you after school ended, but I didn't find you... How long has it been. A year?
Actually 2... 2 years actually. So... how have you been Porsha?
I've been pretty good actually. Been doing stuff people do when they're famous.
Man it's been so long.
I wish we kept in touch... I kinda missed you being my friend..

She gently touched my hand. At that moment my heart sank. I had no idea what to say. My fur starting turning red. I really hope she couldn't see it. I could hear my heartbeat going really fast.

Porsha: Maybe we should catch up on things hm? What about this fancy restaurant on the other side of town. Tomorrow?
I don't have your-

She then proceeded to write her number on a sticky note and left it at our table.

Porsha: Call me ok?
Yea I will-

She grabbed her drink and then left the cafe. My tail was clearly wagging, but I didn't care. Was this a date? Or like a friend catch up thing? I wasn't sure, but one thing was for sure. I can't wait for tomorrow.


One Of A Kind - Male Reader x Porsha Crystal Where stories live. Discover now