6: Couple Problems

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Ok ok ok... hear me out. It was great. Last night was amazing. I woke up the next morning, next to her. Next to Porsha. All my memories rushed in from last night. I got up first, without waking her. I decided to make breakfast. I turned on the tv while I cracked the eggs.

"BREAKING NEWS!!" Jimmy Crystal is creating a new broadway show with co-creator, Buster Moon! It is rumored to take place in space!

Ugh. Jimmy. I was not sure what I would do if he came back for me. I haven't told Porsha that he was the one that tied me up and I wasn't planning on telling her. I had no reason to. He wouldn't try to kill me twice right..? While I was too focused in my own world, Porsha woke up shortly after.

Y/N: Hey babe.
Porsha: Hey.... Ugh my butt hurts pretty bad.
I wonder why.
Shut up.
Ha ok fine. How do you like your eggs?
You know how to cook?
Um I guess over-easy.
Coming right up for miss Crystal.

I finished making the eggs and we sat down to eat while the tv continued to show sneak peals of Jimmy's new show. "Clay Calloway is rumored to join the cast of this show!" OMG I love Clay Calloway. Porsha happily said. I'm gonna go visit later. You should come with me! Uuh I don't know if I should. You go on without me. I told her. Please?

Come on I couldn't say no. She looked so cute when she begged like that.
Fineeee I'll go with you.

I'm sure I'm going to regret saying yes. Jimmy was going to be there, and obviously we aren't in the best terms at the moment. I thought at least he couldn't do anything to me because there would be a crowd. At least I hoped. We were on our way to the set being built. The closer we got, the more I wanted to turn back.

Y/N: Ok, we're here. I'll just wait for you here.
Porsha: Noooo your no fun. Come on it'll be fine. Don't be an introvert.
No really I'm really comfy in here. I think I'll take a nap.
It'll just be like 10 minutes I promise.
Isn't your dad like kinda mad at you though?
Nah he just gets like that sometimes. I already sorted things out with him. He'll be happy to see both of us.
Fine fine fine. 10 minutes.

Yeah right. He's gonna be so angry once I peak my head through that door. I have to remember I'm doing this for Porsha. I'd do anything for her. Anything. We reached the door and Porsha opened it. On the other side were tons of construction workers and Jimmy was in the middle of it.

Jimmy: Oh Porsha! I'm so happy to see you again.
Porsha: I'm sorry for leaving...
Well I have your room ready for you to return.
Actually i think I'm ok staying with Y/N-
Jimmy: Y/N huh? Hey sport! Don't forget we have some unfinished business to settle. Don't think I forgot.
Porsha: What unfinished work?
Y/N: It's nothing to worry about.
Jimmy: it really isn't. I can't wait to finish what we've started later.
Y/N: mhm.....

Holy- I'm sweating it up. My heartbeat has to be going over 200bpm. I had no idea how I was going to get out of this one.

Jimmy: Moon! Where's Calloway? My daughters a huge fan of his work.
Porsha: Oh my god I'm sooo into vintage right now.
Buster: Uh he's not here just yet.
Jimmy: Well get to it!
Porsha: Hey can I try the flying thing! Is this a sky fy show?

I walked off to the distance while she did whatever she was doing. I walked back to my car and locked it. I didn't know if she was coming back with me, but I was going to wait. I was also hoping I wouldn't be kidnapped again so I was very paranoid. Hours passed by. I fell to sleep. I woke up with the moon lighting up the sky. All you could see were the lamp posts in the distance. Man, what time was it. 11pm. Damn. She went back to her place then. I saw a shadow walking closer to my car. Hell nah I ain't risking it. I drove as fast as I could back to my place. I forgot my key. No this can't be happening. Caleb wasn't in town either. I was stuck outside of my apartment for the rest of the weekend... I couldn't sleep that night, being paranoid that one of Jimmy's henchmen were going to kidnap me.

The next morning I woke up in front of my doorstep. I probably got around an hour of sleep. Hey, not being kidnap is a win. I went to get coffee at a nearby shop. I checked my phone to see like 100 messages from porsha apologizing for not saying bye yesterday. I didn't mind too much. I was pretty sad not to wake up next to her for once. I kinda started questioning how fast we went into this relationship, but how could I say that. She's so pretty and I'm questioning it. Come on I must be sleepy.

Porsha: I'm sooo sorry I left you waiting for me. I didn't know.
Y/N: it's alright. I got locked out of my apartment so I had to sleep outside.
Nooo I'm sorry. I wish you were on my bed with me right now ;) Well I have some good news. IM THE NEW STAR OF THE SHOW!!
Oh, that's great! I'm happy for you.
Wanna meet up for some lunch? How about this place I've been wanting to go for a while.
Sure, just send me the directions and I'll meet you there!


Jimmy: This kid won't leave my daughter alone!
Jerry: What are you going to do about it?
I'd do what any reasonable man would do. That would be to kill him, but this time I'm not letting him escape. Now that Porsha has returned, all that's left to do is to get rid of him. Then everything will go back to normal.


I met up with Porsha at the way too fancy lunch place. She got there before me as I saw her in the patio section.

Y/N: Hey Hey, sorry I'm a little late.
Porsha: No worries. I've only been here for 5 minutes. So what are you gonna do for the rest of Sunday.
I'm not sure because caleb gets back on Monday. Might just have to sleep on the streets haha.
I'm sure I could get you a suite for the night.
Really? I mean it's ok.
Yeah don't worry about it.
Well thank you Porsha. Anyways what's up with you getting the main part of the show??
Oh yea they liked my singing so much they just had to give it to me.
It must've been one heck of a performance then. I've never heard sing.
I'm sure you will very soon ;).
Well I'm happy for you. I've actually wanted to make music but never had the time.
I think that would be cool. I'm sure you'd make some groundbreaking music.

We continued talking for a while and then went on a little walk. I always had this feeling we were being watched and looking on how my life was going, I didn't doubt it. We continued walking until we got to the Redshore mall. Considering the size of the city you'd think it would be a little bigger. We checked out Gucci and other expensive places. It was kinda insane she could afford this stuff no problem. Finally to end our little date we sat by the beach. I looked to the bushes and saw paparazzi there. That was most likely who were watching us. Too late now. The whole world knows something is going on, but I still felt paranoid. That wasn't it. I knew this was coming...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2022 ⏰

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One Of A Kind - Male Reader x Porsha Crystal Where stories live. Discover now