3: No Second Chance

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I'm Y/N, and me? I just got a girlfriend. Pretty epic right? And not just any girlfriend. PORSHA CRYSTAL as a girlfriend!! How could I pull that off? I'm still wondering the same thing. Damn it today is Monday and I've got college... ugh I really didn't want to go. I checked up on my phone and I was trending? Oh shoot. The paparazzi must've found us yesterday.

**HOT NEWS** Porsha Crystal, the daughter of famously known Jimmy Crystal was found at an italian restaurant last night with a guy by the name of Y/N. Are they just friends or more then that? We'll have the latest news here!

As I looked through the window of my apartment I saw a lot of newscasters and paparazzi's waiting outside my house. At least I found an excuse to skip college for the week? My phone started ringing. It was my mom... Oh god she probably saw the news.

Y/N: Mom?
Mom: Hey sweetie, just wanted to see how you we're.
Uh.. good? You?
Yea we're good too. Just wanted to let you know we'll be going over there on friday.
Mhm can't wait. That's all?
Yup, see you soon!

I had to get this sorted it out before then. Shoot. What if Jimmy finds out? I'm a dead man.
Caleb: DUDE, your on the trending page. Y/N: Yes I'm aware!! I'm screwed.

My phone then started ringing again. God who can it be this time. "Who's calling me?" I asked. "Ooooo it's Porsha." Responded Caleb. I grabbed my phone and answered.

Porsha: Hey. How are you?
Y/N: Other than the huge mob outside my apartment, good. You?
I'm sorry for getting you into this. It's my fault I should've checked if the paparazzi followed us.
No no it's fine.
Yea yea it's no big deal.
I think it is. My dad found out... He got really mad at me.. and you.
Ahhhh great.
I- I don't want you to get hurt Y/N..
I'll be fine. Don't worry about me. Can we uh meet somewhere?
Yea sure. I'll send you somewhere we can meet in incognito.

I put on my hoodie and escape from the back so I wouldn't get seen by anybody. I started walking down the sidewalk. When I got near the location she sent me, I saw that it was a local park nearby. It started raining out of nowhere. In the distance I saw her sitting on a bench by herself.
Y/N: Hey Porsha..
Porsha: Hey!

She gave me a hug and kissed me on the cheek. Hey I wasn't complaining. Great my tail has started wagging again.

Porsha: You know I'm worried about you.
Y/N: Ill be fine.
You don't understand what lengths my dad will go when he's mad. Maybe it's not the best idea to-
Porsha i just got you, I don't want to lose you already. I'll stay safe.
I don't want to lose you either... hey you hungry?
Uh yea kinda.
I got us some food.
Oooh nice Chinese food.

For the rest of the evening we spent enjoying each other's company. It was really nice. After that I headed home, having to sneak through the back again as the mob had not left my doorstep.


Jimmy: Jerry have you found the kid? Have you gotten rid of him.
Jerry: Uh not exactly. We haven't seen any sight of him.
Fine, I'll do It myself Jerry.


I was so tired I just jumped on my bed and fell asleep. That was a pretty surreal day.


"Where the hell am I?" I woke up in a gray squared room with a flashing red light on top. My hands were tied up and I couldn't move. Did I really just get kidnapped in my sleep? This is feeling like any horror movie ever made right now. I saw a piece a glass on the floor. If only I could reach it-

Jimmy: HEY How's my least favorite person in the world?
Y/N: Jimmy? Crystal?
You really didn't try to hide huh? Accepted fate?
What do you want??
From you? Nothing. I already have everything I want. I don't know what you were thinking getting close to my daughter.
I- I didn't know.?
Of course you didn't. I wish I didn't have to do this. Your young, have a future. All of this could've been avoided you know.
I shouldn't have gotten close to her. If you let me out I won't get close to her again sir.
Oh it's too late for that I'm afraid. I hope this teaches a lesson to everyone that tries anything just like you did.

He had a gun in his hand. He loaded it up. He was going to use it on me. I had feared everything as my life flashed before my eyes. I did not want go out this way.

Y/N: Your an actual psychopath.
Jimmy: Eh I wouldn't call it that.
Jerry: Sir, your getting a phone call.
It can wait.
Jerry: it's from you know who.
Ugh. Keep an eye on the kid Jerry.

Jimmy left the room. I knew if I wanted to get out alive, this was my only chance. I grabbed the piece of glass behind me and started to cut. I was able to release my hands from the rope. "JIM"- Jerry tried to say but I knocked him out cold just in time. I escaped Jimmy's building, running as fast as I possibly could to the nearest public area. Calling the cops wouldn't do anything. This guy is untouchable. I didn't have my phone. I didn't have anything on me. I found a payphone and a couple of quarters on the floor. I had memorized Porsha's phone number. Hey, I told you I couldn't keep my mind off her.

Y/N: Hey, HEY Porsha!
Porsha: Yea? who's this?
It's me! Y/N!
Y/N?? Are you ok? Anything wrong?
Your dad... just tried to kill me!
Oh my god!! Where are you?!?
I'm at a uh payhphone next to a Domino's.
Ok ok, I'll pick you up.

As I waited for Porsha to pick me up, I was very tense and traumatized after what I had just experienced. It was very windy at the time. I was in the dark with what has happened in the outside world. I didn't even know what day it was! I saw A sports car pull up next to the pay phone and they lowered their window. "Hop on." Porsha told me.

Porsha: What happened! You haven't answered my calls in days!!
Y/N: I dunno. I went to sleep and the next thing I know I was in an empty room tied up. I also just avoided death. Pretty cool huh?
Your ok right?
Yea yea, other than the traumatic experience I just faced I'm good.
Aw im sorry.. I had to sneak out of my room to come and pick you up.
Wow he won't be too happy when he notices your gone. Anyways what day is it?
It's uh- Thursday.
I was unconscious for 3 days...
Let's get you home babe.

She just called me "Babe"!! Why am I freaking out about it so much. It's just a nickname, but it's a nickname for me! That just gave me much needed happiness after certain events. After a little while or driving, we got to my apartment at around 2 in the morning. Even though I was knocked out for 3 days I was very much tired now.

Porsha: So this is your house hm? This is my first time here.
Y/N: Yea, it's not too big, but it's comfy. We have to be quiet becuase I'm guessing my roommate Caleb is sleeping.
You have roommate? Cool.
He's also my best friend. Hey Porsha.. will you stay the night with me~
Well I kinda don't want to be alone after what happened...
Oh. Uh, yea okay. I'll sleep with you tonight~

So this is it. I was going to sleep with Porsha. I started spooning her which I very much liked. I would have to resist my raging hormones, but it'd be worth it. Pretty sure I could feel my tail wagging for the millionth time and I think she noticed as I could hear her giggle slightly. I held her tight in the spooning position we were in. We wen't to bed for a great night...


One Of A Kind - Male Reader x Porsha Crystal Where stories live. Discover now