2: A Date With Porsha Crystal

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Caleb: There's no way you just scored a DATE with THE Porsha Crystal.
Y/N Are you sure it's a date? Maybe she just wants to catch up.
Why would she want to go on a date with me. I mean I look okay but-
Just accept your going on a date with her, because that is literally what is going to happen!
Oh.My.God. I have a date with Porsha Crystal Tomorrow.
Are you sure you want to go through with this? Look what your getting yourself into. You know how her dad is.
I am NOT losing my only chance to impress Porsha.
Suit yourself.

I was so happy. She's way out of my league, but she still wants me to go out with her. How could she like me? Does she like me? Man I wish it was tomorrow.

Later that day I hesitated if I should call Porsha or not. I finally concluded that I would call her. I am not screwing this up.

Y/N: Porsha?
Porsha: Hey Y/N! I can't wait to see you tomorrow!
Likewise... Anyways why did you want to take me to a restaurant? I don't think I deserve such attention from a celebrity like you.
I- uh mean- just to catch up yes yes. I mean we haven't talked in years.
Makes sense...

We talked for a good hour. It was the happiest I've been in months. I had a grin that couldn't be wiped off my face. I decided to go to sleep and dream about what awaited me the next day.

My alarm wen't off at around 10 in the morning. I was determined to have a productive day before I met up with Porsha. Mostly to keep my mind off her for while. Did it work? Absolutely not.

She told me to meet her at 6. As the date neared. I still was hesitant to call it a "date". I started to get ready. Porsha said to wear something casual so I wore some cargo pants and a regular shirt. I started driving to the restaurant. It was called Italian Reservoir. I was wondering what I would say to her. I was getting really nervous now. At the same time I was really excited too.

I finally made it to the restaurant. I got off the car and wen't inside. It was really fancy. A little too fancy for my taste, but I didn't mind. I wasn't sure if I was just waiting for her now or...

Y/N: Is there a table reserved for Porsha Crystal.
Employee: That would be none of your-

Then Porsha entered inside. She looked breathtaking. She was wearing her famous Clay Calloway shirt with her golden jacket.

Porsha: Table for 2 please.
Employee: Oh yes Ms. Crystal. Right this way.

I was astonished at how the waiters attitude changed when she saw Porsha. I'm not going to complain though becuase I'm finally on THE date with Porsha. We got to our table and sat across each other. I was just staring into her beautiful green eyes while she was looking at her menu.

Y/N: So... what have you been up to after high school?
Porsha: I guess shopping mostly and keeping to myself. I don't have many friends.
How come? Who wouldn't wanna be friends with you??
You'd be surprised..

I actually felt bad for her. It's not like I had it any better either, but I really did feel bad.

Y/N: Well, I'm your friend.

Then there was just an awkward silence for a while. I didn't know what else to say and she didn't either. I was trying to find the courage. To tell her that I liked her.

Y/N: Can I tell you something?
Porsha: Uh.. yea sure anything.
I uh- I've had a crush on you since forever... You probably don't feel the same way, but I just wanted to get that over with-

She then grabbed me and pulled me into a passionate kiss. I swear my heart was beating a thousand times per second. After the kiss I was left dumbfounded.

Porsha: I like you too silly.
Y/N: Wait really??
I mean yea. Ever since we became friends i've loved your attitude towards things and your just a genuinely nice guy to be around..

I really had nothing to say. I just looked at her without a word coming out of my mouth.

Y/N: So.. is this like a date then?
Porsha: I guess you could say that.
Why did you want to come to this specific restaurant anyways?
"Well, it's the same restaurant my parents went on their first date. You know they did things people do on their first dates". She said that with a smirk on her mouth.
Like what? They kissed?
"Close." Her smirk grew larger. I was curious actually.
"They uh- they ******. She said whispering it but I couldn't hear what she said.
"Hm?" She was about to repeat herself but the waiter came to take our orders.

Waiter: What would you 2 like on this fine evening.
Porsha: We'll take 2 ravioli plates.
Coming right up.

I guess Porsha already ordered for me which I wasn't bothered by because I was sidetracked thinking about how could Porsha like me. It's really surreal for me at the moment. We don't see each other in 2 years and then we both express our feelings towards one another. After waiting a while we finally go our food. It was actually really delicious. I mean it had to be good considering this is one of the most expensive restaurants in Redshore.

The rest of the evening we spent time catching up, talking about life and such things.

Porsha: So your parents wanted you to ask me to homecoming?
Y/N: Haha yea, but of course I didn't have the courage to do so. I always thought I'd make a fool of myself.
Well you really should have. :)
Maybe we should-
Hey sorry I have to go, my dad is asking for me. I had fun. Call me tomorrow!
Oh ok. Sure!

I was kinda bummed she left early, but that was one of the happiest days of my life. I returned home, satisfied that day.

Caleb: How was your "date"?
Y/N: Amazing.
So are you guys boyfriend and girlfriend now or...?
I mean- I think so?
Really? I didn't think you could pull off getting a girlfriend
Haha very funny.
Does her dad know.?
He doesn't need to know.
I just don't want you to get in a whole mess ok?
Yea yea I won't.

Jimmy: Jerry, Where's my daughter?
Jerry: Uh, we found her at a restaurant with a guy.
With who??
It's all over the internet sir.
Whoever this is, take care of him as soon as possible. I don't want him to be getting any ideas. I've told Porsha before what happens.
Yessir I'll get it over with right away.


One Of A Kind - Male Reader x Porsha Crystal Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora