4: Family Reunion?

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As I woke up I saw Porsha sleeping next to me. All my memories from last night rushed through. Porsha had stayed the night with me. I actually slept very comfortably considering this was my first time sleeping with anybody.. Porsha started to wake up, she turned around to see me and just smiled. She was just- so beautiful. How could anybody be this beautiful. I am SO Lucky. "Hey~" She said to me. "Hey~" I replied back. We got real close to each other's faces. Then we kissed passionately which turned into a make out session. I grabbed her ass which was naturally thicc. She didn't seem to mind and I definitely didn't. Before we could continue I heard somebody unlocking and opening my front door..

Y/N: Porsha...?
Porsha: Yea?
Is today Friday??
I'm pretty sure.
Oh shoot. You have to be kidding me.
What? What's wrong.
My parents were coming to visit me today!!
Wait... so that's them??
Mom: Honey? Are you home?

I had no idea what to do. What if they saw Porsha?? What would they think?? "Are you in your room?" I could hear my mom shout. "Porsha quick hide under my bed!" She does indeed hide under my bed just in time as my parents enter my bedroom.

Y/N: Oh hey guyssss!!
Mom: I almost thought you forgot we were coming.
I could never forget.. anyways would you guys want anything to drink? My house is your house.
Actually I'd like-
"OW." Porsha shouts pretty loudly as she hits her head on the top of the bed frame.
Mom: Honey? Who said that.
Y/N: That was me! Ow I've got a headache.
Dad: your mother isn't stupid Y/N.

They start looking through my bedroom. At this point I'm sure they know somebody was hiding in here. I try to stall them. "It was actually Caleb! Go and ask him."
Mom: Y/N!!
Did you have a girl over??
What! NO!

For some REASON, Porsha decided to crawl out of under my bed. And now there she stood across from my parents. I was so screwed.

Y/N: Oh my god...
Porsha: Hey, uh nice to meet you? Y/N's parents?
Mom: Who are you? Did you two have s-
Y/N: MOM! Mom! No. She's just a friend who came to help me with some stuff.
Mom: You expect me to believe that? It's like 7 in the morning. And that doesn't explain AT ALL why she was under your bed!!
Y/N: If you don't believe me just ask Caleb ok?
Mom: You guys always lie for each other I can't trust that kid.
Andrew: Wait... you- your PORSHA CRYSTAL 🤯
Mom: Wait- your that girl! Your Jimmy's daughter!
Porsha: Yeah, that's me.
Mom: Oh.. well nice to meet you Porsha.
Y/N: See mom. You remember. When she went to the same school me.
Mom: Oh yea I told you to ask her to homecoming... wait are you two like.?
Y/N: nononono. We're just friends ok? Whatever I told you about her when I was in high school forget about it. Becuase it's not true. Not any of it.
Mom: So, you don't like her.
Y/N: Uhhh yup...
Porsha: Wait but aren't we-
Y/N: we're just friends and she's helping me set up something.
Mom: ok...if you say so...
Y/N: So.. you guys wanna go get breakfast?
Dad: I'm in.
Porsha: I guess I'll uh get going then..
Mom: Nope. Your coming with us. I want to get to know you. Your my son's friend.
Porsha: Yup. Friend. That's me.

While we got ready to leave, Porsha approached me and whispered: "Why didn't you tell them we were dating?" "Well I've never had a girlfriend and I don't know how they'll react. Besides it's not really the time right now." I responded. I think she understood.

Once we got to the restaurant, we got seated and ordered our preferred meals. I was sitting with Andrew my brother and we were catching up on things.

Andrew: So you like her don't you.
Y/N: Who are we talking about?
Don't think I'm stupid. I saw the way you look at her.
What- what are you talking about bro.
How long have you guys been dating.
FINE. Fine. Around a week?
Dudeeeeee your dating THE Porsha Crystal!!!
I KNOW!! But just don't tell mom or dad.
Why?? Isn't this good?
Well yea, but just trust me. I don't want mom and dad getting involved right now. It's too dangerous right now.
How is it dangerous to date Porsha??
You'd be surprised...
Fine. I won't tell them. For now.

While me and my brother talked it out about things, my mother was making conversation with Porsha.
Mom: You know... my son had the biggest crush on you.
Porsha: Really? That's cute..
I'm sure he stills does. May i say you are stunning. There's no reason he wouldn't.
Well thank you Ms. Davis, but he probably doesn't plus we're just friends.

I tried to keep it cool so I wouldn't slip a word that would blow our cover.

Mom: You don't like him? Just askin.
Porsha: Uh- your son is great, but I don't have feelings like that toward him. (God it's so not true. I love him.) I said to myself.
Well that's a shame...

There was just an awkward silence that felt like it lasted an hour. I felt bad lying to Y/N's parents, but I guess i had to.

We finished up breakfast and decided to walk around the city. It was surprisingly calm to do so. I was still on the look out for Jimmy or anything that could indicate him. I was still very much not in the clear. I'm sure he still wanted me dead, but I should at least enjoy the company that I have with me now. My girlfriend and my family. As the day started to disappear and the night came upon us, we watched the stars twinkle and glow in the night sky.

Y/N: I see an elephant over there.
Porsha: Where?
Y/N: It's right over there. Do you see it?
Porsha: Oh yea. That's beautiful.
Y/N: Hey mom, dad? Will you guys stay the weekend? I don't see why you guys couldn't.
Mom: I'm sorry Honey but we have a couple of things to get done at home.
Y/N: Oh ok..
Dad: You can come over to the house for Andrew's graduation party.
Y/N: Oh sure! When is it?
Mom: I think it's like in 2 weeks or so. I'll send you the date.

After that, I said my goodbyes to my family and then they left. It was only me and Porsha now. We stared into each other's eyes.

Y/N: I guess- this is where we part.
Porsha: Well actually.. I don't think it's safe for me to go home.
I mean he's probably really angry, he knows I'm with you. If I go home maybe.. ugh I don't know.
No no i get it. Your always welcome with me.
Really? You mean that?
Of course. I love you Porsha.
I love you too Y/N...

She hugged me. I could tell she was a little teary. I didn't blame her. Porsha's dad was not a dad you'd want. I kissed your head. And we returned to my house... Her company made me feel warm and fuzzy. I loved her with everything...


One Of A Kind - Male Reader x Porsha Crystal Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang