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"Ric. We got one that talks."

"Given recent events some students have expressed Concern that I am not allowing you to have a say In the decisions that affect your future. And I agree."

Dr Saltzman started the assembly, Alice sitting with Hope as far away from Lizzie as she could,

"If you are expected to abide by the schools policies, it only fair that you have a voice in how those rules are made."

Dr Saltzman said, Alice could see the Saltzman twins Do a little handshake in the front row.

"So, I am forming an honour council."

Dr Saltzman said causing a murmur to start within the crowd, Hope and Alice a little fazed by it,

"One Vampire, one witch and one werewolf, each elected by their peers. Along with our school counselor Emma, whose vote will represent the younger students."

Dr Saltzman continued, Alice and Hope both looking at each other, like who are they going to vote in, and if they were going to run in what section would they run in.

"Now, I have to go off-campus. In the meantime, I expect you to make good decisions and to vote wisely. That's all. You're dismissed."

Dr Saltzman said, Alice particularly racing up to him,

"I know you are going to Dorian to question the monster he captured. Please take me with you, I could be of some help, you could call me a walking encyclopaedia, please don't, but you could."

Alice rambled, practically down on her knees begging, he just chuckled as they continued to walk to his car,

"It's cause the whole guard thing with Lizzie, isn't it?"

He asked as Rafael raced to catch them, interrupting their conversation,

"I'm, is there a decision coming about if Landon can stay here?"

Rafael asked,

"We are running tests on him to figure out once and for all if he is supernatural."

Dr Saltzman tells the boy who's dragging behind the pair,

"What if the results aren't clear?"

The boy asked, Alice wanting nothing more than for the boy to leave them alone.

"well, then I have to make a decision."

Dr Saltzman said,

"Well, can the honor council decide? Isn't that the point? You know, that we have, like, a say in stuff like this?"

Rafael asked, Alice stopped as dr Saltzman turned to face the boy,

"If it comes to that, and we determine he's not a danger, then yes."

Dr Saltzman explained, Alice groaned, she didn't want Landon to stay, he threw off a vibe that Alice didn't like.

"Thanks. You're not going to regret this."

The boy said walking away with a bounce in his step, Alice and Dr Saltzman turning to go, Alice still not having an answer on whether she could go or not,

"Dr Saltzman. Hey."

MG said as the two turned around, Alice audibly groan, Dr Saltzman picking up on it,

"Alice, you can come. Only because we need to talk about this guard thing. Go ahead and wait in the car."

Dr Saltzman said chucking her the keys, Alice doing a little happy dance as she made her way to the car where she had already put her go bag, in case he did say yes. As dr Saltzman went to get in the car with Alice, Hope used her magic to shut the door on him,

Guard thy enemy ➢ Lizzie SaltzmanWhere stories live. Discover now