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I knew he would never let me under any other circumstances, so as he probably still swim in his mental Palace recovering any memories related to me. I moved forward quickly, wrapping my arms around him in a bear hug.

Immediately he tensed up his hand unmoving from their stagnant position in the air.

"Emilie please refrain from...hugging me"

With a my first truthful smile of happiness of the week, perhaps the month, I pulled away. Years of knowing Sherlock told me he meant no offense and was simply not used to contact, and thus didn't appreciate it when sudden.

Emilie...felt weird to be called like that, by now only the Holmes brothers used my real name and not my nickname. Mostly Sherlock though, Microft barely refered to me as Emilie unless the matters where of extreme importance.

Nevertheless I felt a certain nostalgia as he spoke my name, one he was proud to have learned after we first moved to France for our studies.

A new voice spoke.

"Emilie as in Amy? The one in Mycroft's letter, that was about to marry?!"

As if a bucket of could water had been dumped over my head my whole tensed and hand instinctively went to where my promise ring had once been.

But the other man talking had finally made me notice his existence, shorter than Sherlock, blonde hair nicely cut and kept. He too must have been in the army, probably a soldier with too many stories to tell, judging by his body language and emotions deeply hidden and caused by most probably a traumatic experience.

Sherlock obviously noticed my discomfort and the blonde man was smacked on the back of his head.

"Haven't you learned anything John?! Tell me what can you see?"

John then is it? Feels like a fitting name for the man in front of me, who by now, was uncomfortable scanning for cues. Unbeknownst to the fact that I was all but bothered by Sherlock's games!

"I ugh she doesn't have a ring"

Trying to keep up the fake smile I showed my hand to him hopping to help the very distressed looking man. As far as I was concerned, I didn't mind being subject to Sherlock's scanning, as long as it didn't imply me admitting to a weakness such as sentiment for an asshole.

Apparently John was taking far too long for Sherlock's taste so he took his turn.

"The ring isn't there meaning the marriage was cancelled, but it was taken off too long ago as you can still see it's marks. Her eyelids seems slightly irritated and you can still see the residues of smudged make-up, my guess crying over the break up. Her clothes seemed tidied but Emilie would never let any detail such as incorrectly folded collar pass, so it must have been in some sort of hurry that she dressed. No perhaps stress? But why would you be here then?!"

I didn't even bother to answer, knowing he wanted to figure it out on his own, and so he did continuing on.

"Somewhere to live maybe? Breakups gone wrong when both people live together forcefully lead to one moving out! Or maybe you came here as a client trying to discover why he broke up with you? You where about to ask me if he was cheating huh? Well he was, painfully obvious when you look at both of your fotos on social media"

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