Time is Ticking

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One girl.

One arm.

No wand.

Middle of nowhere.


Three invisible men.

Someone to die.

No time.

She could feel her heart in her throat. Everything was against her. Her only hope was from the stranger who had his back turned to her, walking away. She ran to catch up to him and caught his elbow in her hand, "Ron, please. Please show mercy. Don't do this. This isn't you," he didn't even bother turning around and tore his arm off her grip.

Anxiety had taken over her body. She was shaking. There was no time to hate him. She had to find something to trigger him. Something to snap him out of this nonsense, "Your mother would be disappointed with you," he turned to face her at lightning speed.

"Don't you dare bring mum into this," rage filled his eyes, his index finger pointed to her chest.

Good, step on his anger, make him furious, "And Fred too," she could see his features soften at the mention of his dead brother.

Yes, go on. Push him.

"Ginny, Arthur, Harry, George. All of them will hate you, including me, when they find out what you did and how heartless you are-"

"Don't use that bullshit manipulation tactic on me. Even though everyone likes to think like that, I'm not fucking stupid, okay! I see what you're doing, and I'm not going to let you get in my head like you always do!" He was stepping over her, and she walked back, frightened at his murderous expression.

Hermione, don't be scared. You're going to be okay. No, don't! Don't be afraid.



Tick Tock.

Tick Tock.

Go on, Fight!

She shoved his chest with one hand and started pushing him back, "Like I always do?" she laughed. She didn't know if she actually found it funny or if it was the twisted nerves bubbling out of her. Tick Tock. Tick Tock. Dig deeper, "What do you think will happen when he dies at your expense, huh?"

"My expense?! I'm not the one that's going to fucking kill him!" He tried to step over her again, but she was stronger. She backed him up against a tree, making him hit his head hard on the trunk.

"Yeah, but you're not doing anything to help him!" she cried, "You're expecting a victory crown, aren't you? To compensate for the one you didn't have because you were overstepped by mine and Harry's shadows, right!? She exhaled deeply, trying to calm her voice down, "You've always been jealous but only complained instead of doing something about it–"

"This has nothing to do with being jealous–"

Her voice clouded his, "You always whine about how people treat me and Harry higher than you, but if you were so jealous, then why didn't you do anything helpful for once? I sacrificed everything for the two of you and lost myself. I lost who I was, but I never complained! Ever! Even though I was dying inside." Her swollen eyes were itchy from the dried tears, "I saved you in ways I can't even recall anymore, and I am asking you this one, for one fucking favor, and you're not doing it? What kind of a friend, a brother, a son are you!?" She could see a fragment of emotion cross his eyes, but his stubbornness took over, and the flames were back.

Dig deeper, Hermione. Someone else. Find that trigger.

"Do you think Pansy will stay with you after she finds out what you did to one of her best friends? The guy she dated for almost two years? The guy she was in love with since the beginning of Hogwarts!?"

Hermione couldn't breathe anymore. She didn't have anything to say. If all of this didn't even ignite a hint of empathy in him, then there was nothing to do anymore. The time almost stopped ticking.

Death was running towards them, seconds away.

He scoffed, "You know nothing about my relationship with Pansy," he pushed himself off the tree, "If the roles were reversed, he wouldn't have saved me–"

She cut him off, "You don't know that, Ron," her voice was trembling.

"Oh, but I do, and I'm not going to do any different," his voice was sharp, his tone indicating finality.

He had made his decision.

She looked at him in disgust and spun on her heel, running towards Malfoy.


A/N: Twitter @/khaisdragon

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