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She made a list of things she wanted to do today.

7-7:30: Find 2nd Target

7:30-8: Make the target angry

8-10: Defense Against The Dark Arts

10-12: Potions

12-12:30: Find 3rd Target

12:30-13: Make the target angry

13-14: Skip class

14-14:30: Therapy Session

14:30-15: Find Miles

15-15:30: Kiss Miles

15:30-17: Transfiguration

17-20: Go to the library to cancel all sins committed

20-12: Do whatever

She giggled like a little kid while making her list. Today was going to be a fun day for her, and she couldn't wait to complete all her tasks. She decided to put effort into her appearance today.

She wore a fuschia lace bra and unbuttoned the first four buttons of her shirt. She was going to ask Ginny to help her with her makeup, but she had, per usual, already left for quidditch practice. She felt like she hadn't even seen her in almost a week, which was odd since they were roommates. She wasn't in the room most nights, so her life must have been pretty eventful, at least. She quickly dismissed the adult content images that formed in her mind about her two best friends.


She shortened her skirt a couple of inches with the spear wand Ginny had given her—she really needed to pay Ollivander's a visit to get a new wand this weekend.

Her mission was to feel sexy, and she did—but she didn't want to break the illusion by looking at herself in the mirror. She didn't want to face the person she had become, at least not yet.

Of course, there were whispers in the common room, but she blocked all the noise to not let it distract her from her mission. She had this inexplicable urge to complete today's tasks as if her life depended on it.

She saw Ron sitting at the Slytherin table dining with Pansy. What a hypocrite, she thought. After all those years of complaining about the snakes, he willingly sat at their table. She scoffed and took a seat. As usual, there wasn't anything that she craved, so she opted for a pistachio croissant. It was a rare breakfast item, and she liked the taste, but not enough to crave it.

She could feel the stares, but she continued to eat in a delirious manner while hunting her prey. She decided to go with someone from her own house this time.

"My, my," Theo approached her, "Who are you, and what have you done with Hermione Granger?" he questioned with a cheeky grin. Malfoy stood beside him, politely trying not to look at her cleavage. The question was, why did he even look tempted to do so?

She wanted to test him, so she subtly opened her shirt wider, not leaving anything for the imagination, and it caught his attention. His eyes darted to her chest, darkening momentarily. Her tongue snuck out to lick her lips for a second, and he closed his eyes, and she watched him take in a small, steadying breath. She supposed that no Pureblood superiority complex or Mudblood distaste could go against the most ancient seduction techniques of them all.

"Hermione's completely fine. It's just scorching hot in here," she said in a playful manner and waved her hand against her chest to create some wind.

"Interesting," Theo sat across from her and grabbed an almond croissant. Malfoy was still standing, "Are you seriously not going to take a seat?" he asked, looking fed up about how much the house system still mattered to him.

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