Made Up of Ashes and Stars

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Why is today different from any other day? Or will it be different? Who knows? It might be another usual day where our famous blonde and fiery brunette decides to act like those two days never happened, or they might choose to acknowledge it.

Another day, another boring classroom. However, there is an element that differentiates it from being just another classroom. The classroom's tables being placed in a circle was an easier way to teach. Since no student could hide themselves endlessly doodling on their textbooks or sleep thanks to the cover of another student's head. But, this atmosphere also created tension and slight blushes here and there from people that either had a crush or crushed on each other.

For instance, it was Milicent Bulstrode's favorite seating arrangement since she could watch Nathan from Ravenclaw for two straight hours, and she definitely was not subtle about it. As much as it was a blessing for Milicent, it was a curse for Nathan. He felt so uncomfortable and pressured by her gaze that he could only stare at his desk the whole time, even though his only desire was to watch the teacher, who had bewitched him from the moment he entered her classroom in September. He prayed every day that Milicent wouldn't show up just for once so that he could register his favorite teacher's movements and face in his mind to use as a pawn when creating scenarios before sleeping.

Then there was Gregory. Oh, he loved it too. It allowed him to be fully immersed in Luna and her world. He was so fascinated by the way she used her eyes, blinked, talked, and the questions she asked that he started writing a play about it and made her the lead. It was actually she that got him into writing, and he couldn't have been more grateful. He had finally found something he was interested in that didn't just last for a couple of days. Since, most of the time, he lived in a pretty repetitive vicious cycle. He would find a hobby, buy every supporting item to maximize his productivity and creative genius in that hobby, then completely dismiss anything about his obsession due to another thing that would pique his interest. He would constantly overhear and eavesdrop on his parents' conversations about why their child was like this, how he would ever find a partner that he wouldn't end up divorcing, or whether this cycle would continue forever.

Needless to say, they were thrilled to find out that his behavior finally changed, thanks to the mystical behavior of his classmate.

A round of applause for Luna.

The funny thing is, though, that Luna was completely unaware of it. She didn't even know his name since she didn't think it was worth her mind's storage to keep it in there. He seemed like just another average Ravenclaw to her.

Other than potential prize-winner writers, this seating arrangement also unleashed a new wave for this generation's potential Vangogh, which would be Caroline in this context. Yes, what inspired this new artist was no other than Ambrose's neck and collarbone structure. From the moment she had seen it when Fickle paired them up to do an assignment together, she got this strange sensation in her chest. She would describe it as this fiery urge to have to get whatever she saw on paper or on a wall or even carve his collarbone on their desk if this was a parallel universe where Hogwarts would ever be in a parchment shortage.

She remembered that day so clearly. During the whole lesson, she tried to suppress her dying urge to draw him because she obviously wanted to keep her sudden interest to herself and not come out as creepy to him. But the moment that clock ticked to signal the termination of class time, she was out of there as if there had just been an evacuation warning, the same as a year ago when the dark side terrorized and took over the entire school. She ran to her room as if she were in a marathon and the stakes were life or death to sit at her desk and let all that inspiration pour out of her on paper like it never had before. It was almost as if she saw a vision of the future and sketched him with her eyes closed, relying only on memory. In less than five minutes, she was done, and the result turned out to be absolutely horrendous. It was no different than a toddler picking up a brush and concentrating on their craft, thinking they were this generation's Monet. Even though she was faced with a weight of deception, she didn't let that stop her and decided that it would be better if she tried to do it with her eyes open instead this time, and that was the beginning of a sleepless weekend where her friends were so worried about her odd behavior, but she couldn't care less. She had to get down exactly what she had seen on paper before Monday arrived where she would see him again.

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