Skipping Class

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A/N: As you can tell, I'm on a writing binge, haha. Enjoy xx

Hermione felt hurt when he didn't even bother asking why her day hadn't gone the way she had planned. He was the only person that she wanted attention from and to be cared about, but even he didn't care. He didn't even know her, but she must be so annoying and crazy that even her words drove people away from her.

Maybe the reason she was so studious and wanted to one-up everyone wasn't because of the inferiority she felt being muggle-born. Maybe she shielded herself behind her books because she knew deep down she wasn't likable, so she constantly busied herself on not facing that reality. She was either too much or crazy to others, and people only associated with her in exchange for the help she would provide them.

Even Harry and Ron started being acquainted with her after they realized that they would collapse without her help. People always wanted something from her, and she always complied, which made them want more. Now she was drained, almost soulless.

Her thoughts were spiraling again. So, she tried to find herself a mission to forget. McGonagall. She went up to her office to ask if there were any news.

"Ollivander hasn't reported anything yet," she said with her heavy accent.

"Thank you, Headmistress."

"I'll let you know when he does," she cast a flat smile, and Hermione mirrored the smile, and left.

It had been a week already, and their percentage of finding the attackers was narrowing down. They sure would've had to get a new wand by now. But, when she considered her case, she still used Ginny's spare. Her best hypothesis was that they had spare wands too.

Finding possible candidates was nearly impossible, too, since most of the school hated his guts and directed all their frustration and traumas resulting from the war to him. He didn't deserve to be everyone's scapegoat. She felt bad for him. She wondered how many Howlers he got in the daily. She would never ask him directly. Of course, the best would be to learn it through Theo. She wondered how Theo always seemed to hold a happy and relaxed mood. It was like he had zero defensive bones in his body. He probably dealt with Malfoy's daily sorrows, but the blonde didn't seem like he would ever voice his concerns and traumas. He always spoke in codes, and it was highly unlikely that a riddle like him would be open with his emotions.

But everyone coped in some way. She wondered what his way was. Or what were her therapy partner's coping ways? He also didn't talk much and stopped the second he started to talk about personal topics.

But she figured it was normal since most men she knew didn't speak much about their feelings. Of course, there were always the occasional blabbers, but in general, from her observations, women always talked more and were a hundred times better at being vulnerable. It's stupid how men think that not talking and showing weakness is attractive. Maybe some people found that attractive, but not her.

If a guy opened up to her, even if she didn't think they were particularly attractive before, their attractiveness level would increase as high as fifty percent more, especially in all these romance novels. Women don't just go feral because he's "a bad boy," but when it's a "bad boy" who, on occasion, lets them in their inner world. Now that is what's hot and attractive.

But also, she felt like a hypocrite for thinking these things. She was currently infatuated with her therapy partner when he didn't share shit. It was definitely the idea and mystery of him that captured her. Since her life lacked mystery ever since the war had ended. There was nothing new happening, no more adrenaline, no more fighting for your life, being on the run, and so on.

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