Spinning for our Loved Ones

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For the most part, Theo would consider his therapy sessions bland, like a conversation you would have with an acquaintance in the halls. But, he at least wouldn't place him in the 'to avoid' section of acquaintances because those were dreadful. The ones where you would always talk about the same thing, which looks sort of like this.


'Hey. How are you?'

'I'm good. Pretty tired, but gotta keep pushing, you know?' awkward laughter.

'Yeah. Totally. What class do you have now?'

'Potions. And you?'


'Ah. Good luck on that one.'

Awkward laughter, 'See you,'


Yeah, this was absolutely horrific, and Theo tried to stir away from them the best he could. There were numerous moments he could recall having to hide in the bathroom if he saw one of those people walking towards him from afar or having to go up to a nearby teacher to act as if he were to ask something.

Once, he remembered asking, 'What are your thoughts on the development of bunny rabbits?' Yeah, and that person was Snape, to his luck, so receiving a week's work of after-class chores shouldn't be the greatest surprise.

But anyway, the point was that his therapy partner was on the opposite side of the 'to avoid' section. He could see himself talking to him at lunch, a dinner party, or spending time with him in the luck of running into him. Theo wouldn't consider him the type where he would specifically arrange a one-on-one gathering with him or go have a drink at his house or vice versa. However, Theo didn't mean he was opposed to it. Still, he only figured that getting to that level of closeness required some type of vulnerability, and what better time was it for Theo to talk about his unresolved feelings about Potter to a stranger?

"I have a crush," Theo cut off his therapy partner in the middle of his speech.

"Oh," Harry reacted, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose, "Is it one-sided?'

"That's the part I'm trying to figure out," Theo sighs in frustration.

"What prevents you from doing so?" Harry became rather curious.

"Because it's not what I'm used to."

"I'm not quite sure I follow," Harry furrowed his brows, crossing his arms against his chest.

"I've always been attracted to women most of my life, but now I'm not even sure if that was the byproduct of my environment or how I was raised, but I'm starting to have serious feelings towards...a guy," it felt good but quite frightening o finally let it out there.

Harry understood him a little too well, "You don't think he likes you back?"

"I don't know. He does these things sometimes. They're very sudden, and it's always these tiny moments where all my doubts vanish, and I'm sure that he likes me back, but then he just lets go and stops everything, and I'm back to my overthinking and feel like I do the stupidest things when I'm around him so he might as well think I'm some idiot."

Harry thought about how Theo had run away from him after he had opened the door half-naked, and he hadn't thought it was weird. It was kind of funny but in a good way. A cute way...

"Maybe he doesn't think that. Maybe he likes it when you do stupid things," Harry offered.

"Sometimes he says these things, and it's so hot, and I know he wasn't trying to be, which makes it even hotter."

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