We left

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She and Draco looked at each other with a sudden sense of unease lingering among them, and they looked like they didn't know what to do with themselves. Theo, noticing this, decided to take on the role of the hero of the day as usual by taking them out of their misery, "I'm kidding, jeez. Look at you two," he shook his head, showcasing his conspicuous disappointment, "Look at them," he tilted his head sideways, now talking to Harry.

Harry mirrored Theo's movements and shook his head as well, which earned him a nasty glance from Draco, which made him stop the act.

Theo strode over to her bedside, handing them the plates. Hermione's eyes quickly picked up on the rune detailing and raised a brow. Draco noticed them as well and how the cake suspiciously incorporated a mix of their house colors, giving it a Christmassy vibe, which he couldn't have detested more.

"The red fucks it up," he commented, "It would've been better if it were simply green, perhaps even a shade darker," she thought that he talked in a manner as if he were a host in a baking competition critiquing a concoction made by one of the contestants.

"Oh, you think so? Well, I think that the green doesn't accentuate the vibrance of the red runes very well and gives it a faintly unpleasant allure," the Hermione in her burned so radiantly that she clapped back, half serious and half-jokingly. Even though the sight of a frustrated Granger amused him, he showcased the exact opposite, matching her frustration less animatedly.

On the other hand, Theo watched them with a childishly adorable grin edging on his lips, Harry thought, not that he was watching by all means.

Theo only needed a good old bucket of popcorn, and it would be just as if he were watching a comedy movie in the theaters. Seriously, these two had the potential to become the wizarding world's favorite actors, not that they even needed to act, by just acting aside from each other being themselves. They were splendid entertainers, and wasting their potential because of their extreme stubbornness was simply upsetting to him.

He also liked watching them argue because it meant that the cake was the last thing on their mind, and he secretly nipped off a couple of bites from each of their slices like a master pickpocketer. He wondered what else he could casually grab without them noticing.

Harry, in this scenario, had zoned out from their bickering right after Hermione's first clap back at Draco and had apparently lost control of his eyes again since they had once again naturally gravitated in Theo's direction without even trying to do so. It just happened, and he shook his head at the brunette Slytherin's opportunist character as he stole bites from their cake. Seriously, how could someone eat that much, be that fit, and not get into a sugar coma? It was either another world wonder or a forever unresolved mystery.

While looking for something to grab, Theo's eyes caught on a small notebook poking out of her pocket. He felt tempted to grab it but was afraid it might be her diary. He would never read anyone's diary without their consent, nor did he want others to read his. Him keeping a diary was actually the only thing he hadn't told Draco, let alone anyone. It just seemed so private, and he never felt like sharing it for some reason. But lately, he had barely done any diary entries. His life had been pretty full so far, and if he were ever to write again, he knew that he needed at least a couple of hours to get everything down on paper.

"But seriously, why does the cake have runes? Has there been a celebration today?" Hermione asked Theo after their heated argument had led to absolutely nowhere. Their conversations always seemed like a loop since ninety-nine percent of the time since they could procure a counterargument to the other's answer or claim.

Draco knew he liked this about them, but Hermione wasn't aware that she secretly liked it as well since her determination to outdo him overpowered how she actually felt about their constant bickering.

Blinded by the Walls | DramioneOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora