Chapter 3| language barrier

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Canada pov

Gosh how do I even do this. They don't even understand me.


Wait sign language. I know it's a long shot but maybe it'll work. But I have to get them in the car so I can try different ones.

"Uhmm... ok how do I do this... uhhh..."

I try to figure out a way to lead them to the car but can't. You know being a country and all you'd kinda expect me to know how to deal with language barriers.

But I don't.

Oh wait. I make a hand signal to tell her to follow me, just a simple wave. So I turn around and walk off. Hoping that this mysterious country would follow.

I turn my head back for a split second to see if they are following me. And surprisingly I must have gotten the message through pretty clearly. Cause they are right on my tail.

When we show up to the car, the country looks super surprised. Like they've never seen anything like it before.

They might not have, because I don't know the state or advancement of their country.

I open the door and hop in. Waving to the driver and waiting for the country to get in. They seem very hesitant to get In.

Yep they've definitely not seen a car before. If only I could tell them it was alright. They look so scared right now.

But besides that they still get in the car. And they seem to understand shutting the door. I have no clue why they trust me so much.

Because I think that if it was any other person they'd be running to the hills right now. But they trust me. Or at least I think they do.

We sit in awkward silence. The only thing breaking it is the sound of the starting of the car, and the tapping of their foot.

I should probably figure out what language they speak. Or sign language. I should pull it up on my phone just to make it easier.

I start looking through the different sign languages. Finding a few to show them.

I turn my phone the mysterious country. Their head turning with a crack. Why? Idk. But they look at my phone.

Their face turning to confusion once they see the Canadian sign language. I kinda knew that wouldn't work but it was worth a shot.

I keep cycling through the different English sign languages, American, British, so and and so forth. Their face is ridden with more confusion.

So that's a no.

I try Chinese sign language, also no.

Russian, no.

Spanish, no.

Portuguese, no.

French, no.

German, no.

Ok so maybe I need to try something else. I don't think that they know any of our sign language. Well idk what to do, I can try to teach them English but that would take a while...

Oh wait.. what are they doing? Are... are they doing sign language.

They are! I know this one! It's umm.. ummm... Greek right!

Yeah it's Greek! Well good thing I know most of the sign languages. I took time to learn all of them incase I go to another country and someone is mute or can't talk.

(  '' meens sign language in this case.)


They are trying to talk to me.

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