Chapter 4| children?

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Your pov


I yell down the hallway. My accented voice echoing throughout it.

"Stop calling me that!"

I chuckle and start to sprint down the hallway. Sure my feel hurt because of my shoes, since i'm not used to wearing the new shoes they gave me, but I'll manage.


I hear a loud groan from the living room, that this long hallway leads to.

I slid my feet across the carpet and turn the sharp corner. Almost falling but managing to stay upright with a little bit of magic.

Oh yeah. I haven't told The cinnamon roll about my magic, cause I don't want to scare him or something.

The couch that my dear friend is laying on comes into view. Oh look at how peaceful he is... well time to ruin that.

I jump over the brown leather couch and land on Mr. can man.


He grunts and sits up a second after I jump on him. He's breathing heavily and has his hand on his chest. I assume I knocked the wind out of him.

He stops panting for a second and looks at me, and his flag gets a little bit more red. I don't know why, is it because of the position we're in?

I'm currently sitting on his lap with my legs folded backwards, and my hands near his chest. I don't see anything wrong with it though.  (Oh you innocent child)

But i'm still confused on why his face it red, er- more red.

I reach my hand up and poke his cheek, my head tilted slightly and my eyes widened a tad.

"Can can you ok? Face is ummm r-red. A-ar-e you si-ck?"

I say in my broken English. He taught me some more but I'm still a little rusty. When I do that his face turns more red.

"O-ok C/n you have to get off of me."

His voice is shaky and he stutters. Strange, he's never done that before. He's only stuttered once when he was ordering food. And he said that it was one of his old friends who was taking his order, and they were not nice.

Does that mean I'm not nice? Oh pls don't think that nada...

I hastily get off of him and sit on the coffee table next to the large couch. My nightgown/robe resting on my legs as I sit.

Maple boi sits up fully and does what I think is trying to fix your breathing. After that he swallows Loudly and looks up at me.

The remains of the red stuff still present on his face.

"So what is it C/n?"

He says in a sort voice. I smile a little and stare at him.

"Wat a-re the e.. extra rums for?"

"Oh you mean the other rooms in the house?"

I nod.

"Oh these are for my children."

I look at him with a confused face. If he has children why didn't I see them. They should be in the house if he has rooms for them.


He lets out a breathy chuckle. His voice deeper than most times.

"They are at their uncle New Zealand's house. He promised to take care of them while I take a break."

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