Chapter 10| states

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Your pov

The day passes and honestly it's pretty uneventful. But mostly because America promised all the kids McDonald's if they calmed down and let me settle in. But he whispered to me a little bit later that he was going to go anyways.

So after the VERY expensive trip to McDonald's we all start to settle into bed. I'm a little scared after what happened last night, but America gave me a 'cat' they adopted. And I'm just gonna say that this is one of the most cuddly things I've ever seen in my life.

And so I slowly drift off into a deep sleep...



I stop myself halfway through. Then try to calm myself down yet again. Finding it a bit harder to do so this time.

I had another nightmare. Again. This one more scary than the last. But still the same. It was all the same. Same guy. Same place. But not the same outcome.

This time I ran away but went down the left hallway. I ran for a bit and nothing seemed to happen. But I ran into something. And next thing I see is something falling from the roof and then I'm stuck.

I hear a very loud crack and excruciating pain rips through my body. I can't move anymore after that. And the footsteps are still coming. No matter how hard I tried I couldn't get out. Then two glowing red eyes come from around the corner

He gets really close and then bends down to where I'm laying.

"Well what happened here?"

I remember him say. Then he grabs my chin and moves my head around

"Well at least your pretty little face isn't ruined. The rest will heal."

I shudder back at the thought of his words.

Then he gets up and puts his hands in what I assume is his pocket

"Well good night!"

And then it all goes black and I wake up. Why does this keep happening?!

Then I get interrupted by the door opening. A girl a little bit shorter than me opens it, rubbing her eyes.

It takes me a minute to recognize her, but then I remember her as South Carolina

"Uhhh you ok C/n?"

"Yeah in fine. Just a nightmare"

"Mkay. Well dad is making breakfast. I hope you'll come down."

And then she leaves again. I get up and change out of my current clothes. I change into some comfortable clothes. (Whatever you'd like) then i fix my hair. Since it tends to be pretty crazy in the morning.

And I begin to walk out. South Carolina seems to be gone by the time I leave. Though there are a few still outside of their rooms, either chatting or sitting on a chair outside.

A few see me standing there really confused and decide to walk over. They both seem very joyful. Probably some of the happiest looking people in here. Well besides Hawaii but she's a child.

"Hey! So you must be C/n right? Well I'm New York! I hope you feel welcome here!"

New York moves out of the way to show someone behind him

"Heyo! I'm Wyoming! One of the lesser know states. It's kinda strange why me and New York are such good friends but oh well! Who cares! Oop- sorry I rambled again,."

Wyoming closes her eyes and scratches her neck. I just chuckle and pat them on the head.

"It's ok! Well it's nice to meet you two!"

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