« Chapter 1 »

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Ranboo POV

Hi I'm Mark! But you can call me Ranboo! It's sorta like my stage name! But more of just a name I prefer to go by- like a nickname of sort-

Remember you can't break the fourth wall, mkay?

Sorry! Er-

There I was, sat in the backseat of the car. My papa tells me that the passengers seat is more dangerous, and that sitting in the back is safer for me. My papa's name is Technoblade, it's his stage name! But his real name is Alex. Still I call him papa, because dad is just too common. I like to be unique! That means different from everyone else! Papa says I should always be myself!

And trust me, I love being myself, but sometimes at school the other kids don't really like when I act unique. I guess because I tend to rant, but I dunno what they mean cause I never rant. I just speak a lot- Wait....Ken is that what rant means?

Yes Ranboo, now-

Oh sorry! I won't break the fourth wall anymore- Uhm, anyways! That makes it difficult for me to really be myself at school, which is why everyone thinks I'm like 'mute' or something? But trust me I'm not really mute. Infact I really enjoy making conversation- especially about the drums! Oh! Have I told you that I really, really, like the drums!? Cause I do! Papa says that one day when money isn't so tight, he'll get me a drum! I would really love a whole drum set, but I know papa works hard just to pay the bills so I try not to ask a lot of him.

You're ranting, wanna let me do this?


Don't worry, we'll work on it. :]

Okie dokie! Oh wait Ken, but I forgot to mention tha-

Third Person POV

Ranboo was sat in the backseat of the car, his father Techno driving him to his elementary school. It really wasn't that far away, but Techno is very overprotective of his child. He thinks it's too unsafe for his eight year old to walk to and from school every day.

Not to mention he has Ranboo sit in the backseat just to make sure he's safe. Techno is a great parent, but he's single. And providing has been difficult. He use to take Ranboo to public chool, where Ranboo felt much more comfortable being himself. Simply because there was more diversity, and so many kids that Ranboo didn't get picked on very much.

However, Techno has always wanted the best for Ranboo. And so he saved up money to put him into a private school. He's been going there for a good half a month, and so far it's been- 'Alright' in Ranboo's opinion. It's harder because there's a lot more rich kids who have better clothes and belongings. A lot more British people, who tend to pick on Ranboo- who is American. Ranboo has been quieter than often, but hasn't told his dad. He knows Techno has worked hard to get him in that school, and so he won't complain.

Techno pulled up into the vallet line and dropped Ranboo off. Ranboo got out and waved to his father, "Bye Papa! Have a good day at work!" He blew his father a kiss, "I love you papa!"

Techno smiled, "Love you kid, have a good day."

Ranboo closed the door and walked towards the school gate holding his backpack straps tightly. He wasn't really excited for school, he just wanted to be with his dad.

But there he went walking into the school gates then towards the line where the Teacher would meet them at eight and lead them to the classroom.

Tommy POV

Hello I'm Tommy! I love the guitar! And I love my brother Wilbur! And I love school! And I love dodge ball! I love my cassette player! I love you guys too!

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