« Chapter 3 »

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Tommy POV

It was lunch time now! Finally. I was starving! But I sorta knew that the cafateria food would be totally gross- it usually is. That's why I always steal food from my friends who pack their lunches.

Ms. Nihachu walked us out of the classroom and to the lunch tables quad area. The kids who'd packed their lunch left to the tables, but I stood in the lunch line with Charlie. We were gonna get the cafateria lunch.

Charlie is one of my really close friends, we call him Slime though- It's sorta like a nickname. Same way we call Grayson, Purpled, and Toby, Tubbo. But they all just call me Tommy, instead of Tom.

"Tommy! Look, they have pizza today." Slime smiled pointing to a kid who'd just walked out of the cafateria.

I gasped, "Oh cool! Finally something good. I'm so hungry!"

We entered the cafateria and grabbed a slice of pizza, then juice, and a fruit. Before exiting, we entered our school ID number and then left over to the lunch tables.

Slime hurried over towards our usual table where Tubbo and Purpled were sitting down eating their packed lunches. I walked, taking my time-

Then I saw the boy from earlier. The drummer boy, sitting down by himself at a table, way off to the side. I frowned feeling bad for him as he ate what looked to be a PB&J sandwich. He kicked his feet humming to himself. He set his sandwich down on a napkin and drank his juice box. I notice he had some peanut butter on his cheek. It was cute how he didn't notice.

I really wanted to go over so he wouldn't feel alone, I know he was new too. But, my friends would probably question it if I just went and sat with him.

So, I looked away and went to sit with my friends like I would normally do. I sat down beside Slime, across from Tubbo and Purpled. I began eating my pizza as they all started talking.

I dunno why, but I couldn't stop glancing over at the boy sitting by himself.

"Tommy! Stop staring, dork." Purpled said laughing.

I blushed lightly and looked back over to him, "I- I wasn't staring..."

"Oh, you were staring long and hard. Dunno why though- He's not much to look at. He's just weird." Slime said then sipped on his juice box.

I rolled my eyes, "Whatever, he seems cool."

"Yeah. But he's always alone. And he's always moving his hands in the air, plus he makes really weird noises all the time. He must be special ed or something." Tubbo shrugged, eating a cookie.

I furrowed my brows, "He's not weird! Sure, he's different, but he's not weird!"

"Jeez, relax Tommy. I asked him if he was special ed, he said no." Purpled said, eating his ham and swiss sandwich.

I scoffed, "How could you possibly ask him that?!"

"I was just curious...It's not like I was trying to be rude or hurt his feelings." He said, raising a brow at me like I shouldn't be so worked up about it.

"Sure you weren't trying to hurt his feelings! But I'm certain with a question like that- you did!" I crossed my arms.

"Tommy....He's just some kid. Calm down." Tubbo awkwardly laughed.

I sighed, "I don't like when people are rude- It's funny when it's a joke, but....Don't actually be mean. He's not just 'some kid'- He's another human being with emotions n' feelings like us."

They all went quiet and then slowly changed the topic. I just stayed quiet the rest of lunch, eating my food and listening to them talk.

Once the bell rang, it meant we could leave the lunch tables to recess. And so, we all left over to the black top. Morning recess, we got to do whatever we wanted. Lunch recess was longer, and so we played one big team game, then had free time.

I was always a team captain- People just liked me, and so I was always nominated for it. Then they nominated the other team captain to be Purpled.

Finally, we would choose people for our team. We did rock, paper, scissors, and I won. That meant I got first pick!

Of course, I picked Tubbo to be on my team, so then Purpled had chosen Slime. Then we kept choosing till there were only two left.

It was always embarrassing to be picked last. And when I saw who was left....I finally knew why the boy had stood out to me so much. It was the drummer boy and Beau.

I knew Beau pretty well, I believe she actually had a crush on me. I kinda liked her a little, I mean- she's beau- tiful...get it? ....sorry.

Anyway, I felt bad for the drummer boy. He was always picked last. And basically, not picked at all.

"Choose already." A kid yelled out.

The drummer boy looked up from his feet and met my eyes. He blushed lightly, and I smiled softly to him.

Tubbo tapped my shoulder then whispered, "Maybe you should choose the quiet kid."

I nodded then pointed to the drummer boy, "You."

"Me?" His eyes widened.

"What's your name?" I asked.

He gulped, "R-...You wouldn't remember if I told you."

"Well, I choose you. Come over here." I waved him over.

He smiled a little, "You choose.....me?"

I nodded, laughing softly, "Yes you, now come over here, would ya?"

He walked over, clearly nervous. I put my hand up for a simple high five, and he met my hand then twined our fingers together, "Thanks for picking me."

I blushed lightly, "Y- Yeah..."

He let go and then stood off to the side. By default, Beau went over to Purpled's team. Today we were playing dodge ball. So we set up the game, then got behind the line.

I noticed the drummer boy had gone towards the end of the line which was odd. When the supervisor called out 'go', everyone ran to grab a ball.

The boy didn't. He stayed in the back, probably just trying to avoid being hit.

Being distracted, I hadn't ran to get a ball either. Instead, as the game began, I walked over to him, I should talk to hi-

A ball hit me in the arm, and Slime laughed, "You're out! Shoulda payed attention!"

I rolled my eyes and then stepped out of bounds, waiting for a teammate to catch a ball, then choose me so I could go back in.

It was too bad I didn't get to talk to him before I got out.

1,119 words
Sorry I missed the past 2 weeks, I'll try my best to keep it weekly.
Alrighty then, later! <3

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