« Chapter 5 »

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Tommy POV

I sat in the classroom now. After recess I had wanted to go up to the drummer boy and apologize for hurting his feelings. I wanted to explain to him that I wasn't mocking him, but that I just thought it was sorta cool. But it didn't seem like he wanted to talk to me, so instead I decided not to bother him and let him have his space.

"Alrighty, goodbye class. Get home safe!" Ms. Nihachu smiled and waved us off, as she opened the door.

We all got up and left class to the front of the school. I saw the drummer boy standing waiting for his car. I stood not too far away.

He walked off and got in a car, immediately smiling as he hugged who I believe was his father.

I smiled to myself, That's nice...that he smiles.

I heard the familiar honk of my brothers car and smiled brightly looking over. I waved to my friends a bye then rushed over and got in the backseat of the car.

"Hi Will!" I exclaimed.

He smiled, "Hey Tommy, how was school?"

"Good! I got a gold star from Ms. Nihachu, there was pizza for lunch- Oh! And my team won dodgeball at recess!" I exclaimed.

He nodded, "Sounds good."

"Mhm." I hummed then frowned a little thinking of the drummer boy.

"Something wrong?" He asked.

I looked up at him in the rear view mirror and smiled shaking my head, "No. Uh- I just remembered that I have homework..."

He chuckled, "Don't worry Tommy, I'll help you out."

I nodded, "Kay."



Do you think the drummer boy is upset? Do you think he'll still wanna be my friend?

I'm sure if you apologize and explain, he'll come around.

Mkay....thanks! Sorry I made you break the fourth wall.

No worries bud.

Ranboo POV

I was currently on the way home. I couldn't wait to be in my room and play my drums!

"How was school, buddy?"  My dad asked.

I shrugged, "Oh y'know...just like yesterday. Uh, perfectly fine."

He nodded, "Any new friends?"

I gulped, "Actually....no. Uhm, actually-" I teared up, "I- It wasn't fine."

He frowned at me in the cars rear view mirror, "Oh son, I'm so sorry. What happened?"

I sniffled, "....I- I don't wanna talk about it right now."

He nodded and didn't comtinue asking questions. He simply turned up the radio a bit, as I held back my tears in a pout.

« Time Skip »

We finally got home. Once dad parked I hurried out of the car. I waited for him at the door then he unlocked it and let me inside. I rushed upstairs to my room and then closed the door behind me.

I set my backpack down, deciding I'd finish my homework later. I put in my ear plugs, even though I didn't have any real drums- I always just imagined the noises or tend to make them on my own.

I sat down on the chair and began banging on the metal pots and card board boxes. Sure it wasn't much, but for me-

It was everything. Something I lost myself in. Where I felt loose, and free. I didn't have to hold back- I could just do whatever I wanted to. Be me!

Suddenly a hand was placed upon my shoulder. I stopped and took the ear plugs out, "Yeah?"

"What happened at school, Ranboo?" My father asked frowning a bit. I set down the drum sticks, well- chop sticks.

"Can I have candy if I tell you?" I smiled a little.

He nodded, "Ofcourse."

I got excited, my dad didn't always let me have candy. So this was nice. I told him, "This boy picked me for dodgeball. He was actually turning out to be really nice."

"Oh thats grea-"

"Then he made fun of me. He mocked me playing the drums. I- I pushed him and ran away. I thought we'd be friends, but- he just wanted to make fun of me." I gulped then shook it off, "Anyways- candy now?"

He was frowning. He obviously wanted to talk with me. But instead he shook it off, and picked me up walking out, "Yep! We can get you any candy you want."

I hugged him tightly, "Yay! Thanks dad!"

He hummed as we went downstairs.

Tommy POV

I walked inside following Wilbur. He locked the front door behind us then went over to the kitchen. I followed, sitting down at the table. He went into the cupboard and pulled out a box of mac and cheese.

"How's some macaroni while doing homework, hm? Should lift your spirits." My brother smiled.

I smiled a little, "Yeah."

He frowned setting the box down and walking over. He kneeled down beside me, rubbing my back, "You okay bubs?"

I shrugged, "I dunno..."

"You wanna talk about it?" He asked.

I thought about it then asked, "If I tell you, will you do my homework for me?"

"No, silly- but I can give you an extra 10 minutes before bed." He smiled.

I smirked putting out my hand, "Make it twenty and you have yourself a deal."

He sighed then shook my hand, "Alright twenty, now spill."

"I tried making a friend today." I started.

"Oh how lovely. That must've been nice, what's his name?" He asked.

I frowned, "I- I dunno, he won't tell me. So I tried getting closer to him....,but I think I may have done something to upset him? B- Because I copied what he'd been doing, only cause I thought it was cool! A- And I think he thought I was mocking him."

My brother nodded, "Well, maybe you should apologi-"

"He pushed me! Then he ran away and I'm sad, but also upset! Bubby, he pushed me!" I crossed my arms upset.

He cupped my face, "Thomas, c'mon. Apologize first and I'm sure he'll realize he was wrong. Quit being stubborn, bubs."

I pouted, "What if he doesn't say sorry?"

"I think he will. Now quit the pout." He kissed my forehead and stood up, "Get your homework out Tommy."

I got my homework out and started on my math sheet. My brother cooked the mac and cheese while I also thought about what I might say to the drummer boy tomorrow at school. I guess I should apologize...

1,067 words
Hope you enjoyed.
I had a good day today bc it was my birthday, and I just felt like updating again. Well then. Later <3

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