« Chapter 4 »

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Ranboo POV

I stood to the side as everyone threw the balls at one another. I just didn't wanna be hit by one. Sports just....aren't really my thing.

But... I did sorta wanna talk to the blonde boy. I was so happy when he picked me- And he's so nice too!

I saw him out of bounds, meaning he'd probably got out already. But when his brunette friend caught a ball, he called out what I believe was the blonde's name. Though, I couldn't really hear it.

He walked back into the court and ran right over to me. I froze immediately, Please tell me he's not coming over here- Please no, please no, please n-

"Hey!" He smiled that adorable smile.

"Hi!" I sorta yelled.

He laughed softly, "Why're you just standing here? Why aren't you playing dodge ball?"

"Uh...I don't wanna get hit, and I'm not very good at sports." I gulped nervous.

He grabbed my hand, "How about I teach you some things?"

"....okay." I smiled a little.

He held my hand and pointed to his brunette friend, "Okay, so you wanna dodge the ball when it's thrown at you, but you can also try and catch them to get others out, and someone from our team, in. It's pretty simple. And if you find a ball, you can pick it up and try to hit someone from the other team."

I nodded, "Okay..."

He let go of my hand and picked up a ball that had just rolled over towards us. He smiled and handed it to me, "Go ahead and try, yeah?"

I nodded and walked closer to the halfway point. Then I threw the ball at some girl and hit her on the leg. She huffed and then got out of the court.

The blonde laughed and gently punched my arm, "Nice one drummer boy!"

I blushed brightly, "Drummer boy?"

He blushed too, probably embarrassed, "Sorry! I just... don't know your name."

"What's your name?" I asked him.

"Tom, but you can call me Tommy." He said, then picked up another ball and threw it, getting someone out.

"Nice name...Tommy." I said, holding back my smile.

"Thanks. What's your name, drummer boy?" He asked.

"You'd forget it if I told you." I frowned.

He furrowed his brows, "No chance. C'mon, tell m-"

A ball hit him in the face. My eyes widened, and I cupped his cheek, "You okay?!"

He moved my hand away and looked over at some kid on the opposite side. The one who'd thrown the ball. He was laughing and pointing at Tommy.

"Dummy! There's no headshots, Jake!" Tommy yelled to the boy.

The boy rolled his eyes, and then Tommy huffed and moved off the court. I was nervous without him, and so I retreated back away from the half court line.

Slowly, all my team members got out till-

Oh, jeez! It's just me! What do I do?!

A bunch of kids started throwing the dodge balls at me, and I only barely dodged them.

Then I heard Tommy yell, "Catch a ball!"

I looked over, and he nodded like I could do it. The boy from earlier that Tommy had yelled at, threw a ball right at me. I put my hands up and caught it!

I smiled and looked over at Tommy, "Tommy!"

He ran in and pulled me towards him, saving me from a ball. He laughed, "Watch out silly, and good job."

I blushed brightly, "Th- Thanks..."

"Ofcourse."  He said and then began focusing to get more people back in.

I stood behind him as he did so. Then I picked up a ball and tried helping. Eventually, we'd won the dodge ball game.

Once the game was over, everyone left to do something else. I tapped Tommy's arm. He turned around smiling, "Yeah?"

"Uhm....T- Tommy?" I gulped.

He raised a brow, "Drummer boy?"

"Wou- Uh- Would you like- uhm- to go on the swings wi- with me?" I asked light pink.

He grabbed my hand, "Sure, let's go!"

He started walking off in the direction of the swings. My hand felt like it was getting sweaty, and I was really nervous, I've never had a friend before- not that he'd consider us friends anyways...

"What about your friends?" I asked.

He rolled his blue eyes, "They can live without me, don't worry."

I smiled a little as we walked past the trees, then to the swing set. He let go of my hand and then went to sit on one. I sat on the other beside him, silently.

He started swinging, and he kept going higher and higher. I just stayed there as I watched him.

"Don't you know how to swing?" He asked.

I nodded, "Yes...,but I fell one time."

He dragged his feet and stopped his swing so he could talk with me, "I've fallen off the swing plenty of times- But I always get back up and try again."

I frowned, "What if I fall again?"

"There's a big chance you will." He chuckled then continued, "But, you need to keep trying. Don't be afraid."

I got off the swing, "Maybe another time."

He stood up off the swing too, "Alright then- What now?"

"You can go back with your friends..." I said, nervous.

He smiled, "I like hanging out with you!"

I smiled happily, "Oh, thanks!"

"So what else do you do besides sitting on the swings?" He laughed softly.

I blushed lightly embarrassed, "Uh...n- not much else."

"You sure?" He raised a brow.

I gulped, "Uh.....y- yeah."

Tommy went over and picked up two sticks, "I dunno drummer boy...I think you do more than that."

I clenched my fist, Ofcourse he's not nice- He just wants to make fun of me!

He picked them up and began hitting the air, "Pshhh! Bring! Bodum! Bum! Pch!"

He laughed, smiling. I teared up and pushed him. He fell back and hit the floor, "What the heck!"

"Stop it! It's not funny!" I sniffled.

He sat up, "No! I wasn't- "

"Shut up!" I yelled and ran off, leaving him there. I wiped my eyes, trying not to cry.

I thought I was making a friend. That he called me drummer boy because he thought it was maybe...cool?

But no! He just wanted to make fun of me and then mock me! Gosh, why are kids so- so flat-out rude!

1,078 words
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See you next time <3

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