« Chapter 7 »

168 13 9

Tommy POV

The bell rang and Ranboo immediately stopped laughing as Ms. Nihachu began to speak. I held in my laughter too then she said, "After recess, we'll work with partners on some art! Now go on kids."

Then everyone rushed out. I got up out of my seat and stuck my hand out to Ranboo, "C'mon Ran."

He grabbed my hand and I led him with me outside. We headed towards the swing set and I gently swung our hands together.

"Aren't you gonna go with your friends?" Ranboo asked seeming nervous.

I shook my head, "No, they have each other. And, you have me."

He went pink, happy, and nodded. Then we went behind the trees towards the swings. I sat down and Ranboo let go of my hand, "I'll push you."

I nodded then held on to the swing chains. He gently pulled the swing chains back and then let go. I swung forward and then back. Ranboo gave me a push and I went farther forward, slowly getting faster.

Then at one point, I swung back and hit Ranboo. He fell to the floor and I tried stopping the swing with my feet. Though, my feet didn't hit the ground so it took a while.

"You hurt?!" I asked.

"No." He muttered and then sat up.

I went over and helped him up, "Sorry about that."

"No, it's not your fault- I'm fine." He reassured me.

I nodded, "Right, well- your turn then."

He sat down in the swing and I went behind him. I tried pulling the swing but he was quite tall and heavy, I wrapped my arms around him, pulling him back then let go. Now I gently pushed him back and forth as he swung.

After a while he stopped the swing and just sat there, "Do you want another turn?"

I shook my head, "No I'm alright."

"Want to sit down?" He asked.

I went and stood infront of his swing to see his face, "Uhm, no I'm fine."

He nodded then went silent. My eyes widened, "Let's both swing! It'll be a super swing!"

"How would we-"

I sat down ontop of him and held on to the swing chains. He held onto my hands and asked, "Won't you fall?"

"No." I laughed and began swinging my feet. He did the same and we slowly started swinging.

As we gradually swung higher up, I began slipping off his legs. Then we went really high, and he wrapped his arms around my waist. He held on tightly as we swung and I giggled, "This is fun!"

I could hear his smile, "Yeah!"

Then we slowly stopped and Ranboo let go of me. I stood up and grabbed his hand, also pulling him up.

"We should do that again!" I smiled brightly and he nodded.

Then the bell rang and we walked back over to our lines.

"Tommy?" He asked as we were walking.


He softly asked, "Do you want to be my art partner?"

"Ofcourse Ran." I grinned as we got in line.

He smiled excitedly, "By the way....I take it back...I do like you."

I smiled too, "Thanks!"

He nodded then a girl walked up. It was that girl from yesterday who had been mean to Ranboo in the morning.

"Hey weirdo. Hi Tommy!" She smiled.

Ranboo frowned and seemed to move closer to me. I grabbed his wrist then said, "Hi. Did you need something?"

"Oh, I was wondering if you'd be my partner for art." She smiled swaying on her feet.

I rolled my eyes, "No. I'm gonna be Ranboo's partner."

"Oh." She spotted my hand on his wrist, "Are you two like my uncles?"

I furrowed my eyes, "Huh?"

She shook her head, "Nothing, sorry."

She walked off to the front of the line and Ranboo seemed bothered. I let go then raised a brow, "You okay Ran?"

He nodded. I snapped in his face so he'd look at me, "I like that you're different. Weird isn't bad- it's wonderful. I like that you're 'weird'."

He laughed a little, "Thanks..."

I smiled and Ms. Nihachu led us back inside to the classroom. We went inside and took our same seats as before.

"Alright, we're going to do water color paintings and expressionism. So, you'll paint with two colors. You and your partner each pick one, then you'll paint on the canvas. At the end you'll draw on top of it with sharpie. And then I'll tell you what each color represents for emotions. Go on now, pick your colors." Ms. Nihachu said and put out the paints.

"I'll grab the paints. What color do you want, Ran?" I asked.

He smiled, "Purple....a light purple."

I nodded, "Sure thing."

I got up and went to grab a light purple for Ranboo, and a nice royal blue for me. Then I got a cup of water and brought it back for the two of us.

Then Ms. Nihachu passed out cups of water and paint brushes for everyone. Finally, she passed out square canvases and had us paint. I dipped my brush in the water and brushed it onto the color. Then I began painting the canvas.

Ranboo did the same and our colors mixed together and we eventually covered the whole canvas. Purple and blue all around. When we were done, we set our brushes aside and waited till it was dry to carry on with sharpie.

Luckily it was quick dry, so we didn't have to wait too long. After it was completely dry. We got two big sharpies and began drawing onto the canvas. I drew stars while Ranboo drew flowers. Then I wrote Ranboo in big letters, "Look Ran."

He smiled then wrote Tommy onto the canvas too. We kept drawing and Ranboo began drawing a crown. I drew music notes and we kept going until Ms. Nihachu had told us our time was up.

Now we capped our sharpies and I went to put them back. We also cleaned up our dirty paint cup and brushes.

Once we were done cleaning, Ms. Nihachu had begun explaining colors. She talked about how orange meant excited, yellow was happy and confident, pink was hopeful and peaceful, red was powerful and expressive, green was comforting and securing. She went on about these colors and how their shades could be slightly different. Then she finally got to ours.

"Blue tends to be relaxed and friendly. Often calming and kind. This royal blue seems trusting. And very welcoming." She said.

I smiled, I suppose I was feeling friendly, as well as calm and relaxed with Ranboo.

"Purple tends to be in touch with all emotions. Though a lighter shade is caring. Sometimes full of excitement and hope." She smiled then walked off to the next people.

Ranboo seemed to be thinking. I furrowed my brows, "You okay?"

He nodded, "Yep!"

I nodded and ignored his odd facial expressions of worry and yet, happiness.

I was happy to be able to be a friend to him. Especially when he appeared so, on his own? Yeah.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2023 ⏰

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