« Chapter 6 »

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Ranboo POV

"Have a good day, bud." My dad smiled, waving me off.

I smiled, waving back at him, "Bye dad!"

I got out of the car and began walking up into school as my father drove away. I frowned immediately afterwards. I was now walking to my line.

I got in line where I'd wait for Ms. Nihachu to come pick us up and take us to class. For now though, I waited patiently and quietly in the line.

Most kids talked and laughed, or tossed a ball, or were playing hand games. I sorta just stood there on my own.

I was in the way back at the moment. As I looked around to see what everyone was doing, I saw the blonde boy bobbing his head with his eyes shut as he walked.

I got nervous, I definitely don't want to stand by him...

Then a short brunette, the one he always hung out with, called out to him, "Come here, Tommy!"

The boy opened his eyes and removed his headphones. He walked over, pausing his cassette player. He smiled as he began chatting with his friend further towards the front of the line.

Oh...well, uh- that was close.

"C'mon kids!" Ms. Nihachu had arrived, and now we all followed her to the classroom.

As I was entering the class, I saw the blonde, Tommy, and his brunette friend talking. Then Tommy walked away towards the back of the class where I usually sat. He sat down and then looked around as if he was looking for something?

His eyes landed on me, and I froze up. He smiled a little and put his hand up as to say hello. I held my breath and then went to sit elsewhere. Then the boy blushed lightly- seeming embarrassed.

I sat towards the middle, still at a table on my own- but away from the blonde, too.

Then a backback was set down, and the blonde boy plopped himself into the seat beside me, "Goodmorning."

My eyes widened, "Wh-" I huffed, "Bad...morning to you."

He frowned, "I don't think that's an actual saying..." He took out his pencil case, "Plus, that seems mean."

I sighed, "Why are you sitting with me? You have friends who actually wanna sit with you."

He shrugged, "I like you, and wanna sit with you instead."

"You...like me?- Like a girl likes a-"

"What?!- No! Dummy, I mean, I like you as in, I wanna be your friend." He turned a light pink.

I nodded, "I-...I don't like you."

He furrowed his brows, "I know this is about recess. But, I wasn't making fun of-"

"Tommy." Ms. Nihachu called, "Please keep a voice level of zero for instruction, okay?"

"Sorry!" He said, then stopped and listened.

She smiled then continued, "Okay, class. Today we're gonna correct our math sheets, that were homework. Grab a partner and red pens for corrections!"

I know I was upset with the boy, but I wouldn't mind being his partner, "So, do y-"

"Tommy! Come be my partner!" The brunette friend called out.

"I already have a partner, sorry!" Tommy called back to him.

The brunette nodded and then went to find another partner. I was surprised as the boy handed me one of his red pens, "Sorry, what were you saying?"

I gulped, "Uh- can we be partners?"

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