« Chapter 2 »

393 29 38

Ranboo POV

Alright, this time- I've got this narrating thing down, okay?

If you say so.

The group activity had been boring. I was left out most of the time, and they were sorta mean. That's okay though, because now we could move or return to our seats.

I got up grabbing my backpack just as everyone did the same. They all went back to their seats, I looked over to where the blonde boy had been sitting. He got up and pushed in his chair.

I put my hand up hoping he'd notice me, and maybe sit beside me. He picked up his bag and met my eyes. He saw that my hand was up and I immediately put it back down.

He smiled at me and put his hand up then waved. I got crazy butterflies, he seems so nice! I went over back to the seat I was at and sat down. The blonde tilted his head and I bit the inside of my cheeks holding back a smile. I motioned to the chair beside me and shrugged. He blushed lightly then began walking over.

Oh my gosh! He's gonna sit with me! I'm finally gonna make a friend!

A short brunette grabbed the blonde's arm and said something. I was too far to hear. Then they both sat down towards the front of the class.

I held my hands in my lap and looked down at them, Ofcourse he doesn't wanna sit with you...

Ranboo...He just-

Don't break the fourth wall, remember?


The bell rang and it was time for morning recess. I looked up at Ms. Nihachu who spoke, "Okay, you're all dismissed. Be safe, and line up when the bell rings!"

All the kids hurried out of their seats and rushed outside. Some went to the playground, the field, or the black top where there were a bunch of courts for games. The school had tether ball courts, handball, basketball, and four square.

I walked slowly over to the swings. They were located near by the playground, but they were behind a couple of trees.

I walked past them and sat down onto the swing. I didn't bother swinging back and forth, I just sat there, the tips of my feet just barely touching the ground. I'm taller than most kids, but I'm not all that tall- I am only eight years old.

Morning recess wasn't that long, but it was okay. I just sat there bopping my head and humming. I looked around, no one was really paying attention to me or even looking at me.

I got up and went by the trees. I picked up two small sticks and began pretending to play the drums, when it was only the air. I made noises as I moved the sticks up, down, side to side.

I'd been doing it earlier without sticks, it's pretty fun. I've always wanted a set of drums- it'd be like the coolest thing ever! But, I don't have any. Which is fine- I still managed to learn the drums in my own way. And I hope in middle school, I can be in band and play drums every day!

Some kids came running passed the trees and onto the swing set. I smiled at them as they sat down and started to swing. They just giggled and whispered. I walked away still playing my air drums.

I was walking on the black top, when a boy came up to me. He had faded blonde hair, and a purple hoodie on. He always hung out with that other light blonde kid.

"Hi." He said stepping in my way.

I looked up and smiled, Someone approached me! "H- Hi!"

"Are you...special ed?" The boy asked seeming curious, and not exactly mean.
(Don't get too defensive or upset, remember they're all just kids plus this is a book)

I furrowed my eyebrows, "Wh- Why would you ask me that?"

His eyes widened, "Oh! Sorry! I didn't mean it as like- an insult. I was just wondering..."

"Why?" I held on tighter to the twigs in my hand a little upset and sad.

"....You just- You're always alone. And you were just making weird noises while moving sticks in the air- It was a little weird." He said awkwardly.

I gulped, "I- I'm not special ed."

"My apologies...What's your name?" He asked.

I opened my mouth to tell him then thought, What's the point- "You wouldn't remember if I told you."

I walked off away from the boy and then threw the two sticks to the ground. I stomped on them, "Stupid twigs! Stupid Ranboo!"

I huffed and then the bell rang. That meant we needed to line up again to go back to class. I sniffled and then jogged back over to my class line. I got in line behind the light blonde haired boy. He wore a red and white tee shirt and blue jeans.

I was tempted to talk to him or even tap him just so he could turn around- But I decided against it. I just watched as he talked to his short brunette friend infront of him. They seemed close.

"Follow me back to class kids!" Ms. Nihachu had told us and began walking.

We got back in class and I went back to my seat. Then Ms. Nihachu began talking about stuff and whatever. I zoned out and looked out the window to the side.

I wasn't thinking about much, just waiting until it was lunch. I was really hungry, and my dad always packs me lunch!

Plus after lunch we got more recess time, and any time away from people, I'll take. It's not that I don't like people....I just- Am afraid to talk to them. Anyone who has ever spoken to me has been rude on purpose or accident. Not to mention- I don't think anyone likes me very much.

Which I don't mind, I guess. School is just so I can learn- I don't have to make any friends. And...I'm fine with that.

1,017 words
Thanks for reading, I hope you like this one as much as I do :] Still debating wether or not to continue this one at the same time as Rock With You, or let me know if I should do one or both. Later <3

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