【chapter 7】

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Me and kuzuha are in my room right now, thinking of a lyrics for our own song, our teacher told us to make one for the up coming contest next Friday
I was laying at the floor with kuzuha besides me, we had our papers on the floor to, still haven't write anything, he had his pen on his mouth.

" Anything in mind kuzuha?" I ask sitting up, and look at him, he just looks at me for a few seconds then looked away,  probably saying that he doesn't have anything in mind.

"Hete-"  I quickly looked at kuzuha "mmm?" I keep looking at him he seems thinking , "heterostasis?"
"What?" I ask  what does he mean
"Heterostasis.. I think that's a good Title for the song" he said sitting up yawning a little.

"Mmm heterostasis..." I repeat I looked up at the ceiling then began to smile, " yeah! The sound cool" I said hugging him from the back, "Oi- Let go of me" he said a little annoyed,
" Your a genius!" I giggled continue to hug him.

~ Few A hours later ~

we finally get to write to what we're going to sing it took a while for us to think and what will fit to the song and the title , we grab our paper he got his and I got mine we went to my vocal practice room the only thing we needed is the sound and of the song I called my manager and he help us making the music of the song And it sounded So Cool.
( I don't really know who help them make the music video T-T plz don't attack me))

We recorded our parts it took us another hour but we did finish it
We just need to edit some stuff then we're done then we're going to buy our costume for the contest of course we're going to be a little matching.


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