1 Fallen Apart

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"Hello?" Great, not only was I a week late but I also had to wait around nervously for my flat mate to get back. I struggled through the door with my two cases, the rest of my stuff back home ripe for delivery whenever my sister could be arsed to bring it. I was at peace with the fact that would be months down the line because as much as i loved her she never did anything that required much effort. I walked into the living space to see a guy at the kitchen counter, headphones on and moving to the music. I couldn't see his face, so I made my way over to him, tapping him on the shoulder and...SMACK
"Fuck. I'm so sorry." He pulled his head phones off, setting them on the counter before gently holding my face to check the damage "I didn't mean to. You just scared me and...and...fuck are you alright." I started laughing at him and he looked genuinely confused
"Dom I'm fine." I calmed my laughter when I realised he seemed quite upset at the thought of hurting me.
"How'd you know my name?"
"I used to be into your music. Was beginning to think you'd fallen off the face of the earth. Im katie by the way" He chuckled, calming down a lot "There's only us two here apparently." He smirked and I rolled my eyes at him "Fuck off."
"Hey. Its like your fanfiction fantasy. Come on. Was about to watch a film you can join me." He walked from the kitchen to the sofa and sat down
"Was thinking of just sorting my room out yknow?" He nodded
"Okay. I'm just here if you need anything right?" I nodded but he raised an eyebrow prompting me to speak in response instead
"Right." I confirmed "I'll talk to you later." He nodded and pressed play on the movie "sorry for being rude." He paused the film again and turned around to me
"You're not being rude sweetheart. It's fine. Take no offence." I nodded "I'm being serious. It's fine. Take your time to settle in."
"Thanks for being so understanding." He smiled
"One thing you can always expect from me. Promise." He turned back round and played the film "See you later!" He shouted after me
"See ya."

"Hey kit" he greeted as I made my way out of my room
"Yeah. Short for Katie." He leaned over the back of the sofa to face me in the kitchen "Dont you like it?"
"No I do." I smiled "This is still so fucking weird to me. 18 year old Katie is fucking screaming." I opened the fridge "Can I have one of these cans of Dr pepper?"
"Yeah." He said, turning back over "Grab me one. I wanna talk to you. Get to know the person I'm gonna be living with."
"I'm starting uni for the first time at 24. I've got nothing interesting to tell you." I sat down next to him, sitting sideways with my knees bent up so I could face him
"Ouch. I'm 27. That's worse."
"Yeah but you did stuff for yourself. I just tried not to do myself in." He let out a laugh which actually eased my nerves. He understood my humour, something incredibly rare when talking about my mental health with others "Did college like really late. But I was good, and got here."
"Awe. Well I'm really proud of you. Glad I was the soundtrack to your crisis." I laughed at him that time and opened my drink, taking a sip
"So what brings you here. Heard rumours about you and jesse." The look on his face made me instantly feel like shit for bringing it up "We don't have to talk about it."
"Things got shit towards the end. Just wasn't right for us. Been single since then." He played with the tab on the top of his can "Guess you weren't the only one trying not to do yourself in." I chuckled but only lightly since it wasn't the time for full on laughter "I decided to go into the management side. Maybe a label? But everyone refused to take me seriously. So I thought I'd like to teach music. Reach the kids yknow?" He looked up at me "And you? You never said what you were doing here." I shrugged "You don't have to be sad for me. I'm doing alright now."
"I'm fine." I mumbled
"I'm gonna order a pizza. I think you should eat something too." I nodded "I won't be ordering it until later. You want something in the mean time? I really think you should eat" There was silence between the pair of us and he clearly thought he'd messed up. He stood up but I didn't want him to go, not yet
"Stay." He looked down at me and smiled softly "I'm sorry it went so bad for you. Just broke my heart to hear you confirm it."
"Awe kit sweetheart. Don't be worried about me. I'm doing good now." He sat down, his side against the back of the couch to face me "I was in love and happy. That's yungblud. The one who made you feel like you could do anything."
"So yungbluds not a thing anymore?" I saw his heart break when I looked him in the eye, the way his whole face went sad because he knew he had to say it. That was enough for me. To just know rather than hearing him say it was all over
"You knew that two years ago. You don't want to but you know." I nodded "Look, I might not be the big star that younger you saw, but I'm still dom and I'm still fucking here okay?" I nodded "I know. Its hard seeing it fall apart. I've seen that with loads of people, some of them I was really close with."
"But it's, like, all over. And I'm not ready for that. Like I remember taking bets with my online friends about who would propose to who. Or when you'd release an album. Or if you were just teasing us. It's all just fallen apart."
"Yeah well it's not just a loss for you." He turned around and reached for the TV remote, turning it in without another word
"I'm sorry. Didn't mean to mess up."
"You haven't. Just done talking about it." I nodded "I really tried my best. Promise. But I just couldn't do it anymore. I'm sorry I left you all behind." He wouldn't look over at me and his words were monotone, as though he had to forcefully remove the emotion "I didn't mean to make it fall apart. It just did."
"I'm sorry." He sighed "Are you mad at me?"
"What? No." He turned to me "I'm not mad. I promise. I just haven't spoken about yungblud in a long time okay? So it's a big thing." I nodded, still curled up with my knees to my chest "Do you wanna order food now? Its on me." I smiled, amused at how he changed the subject so quickly
"Yeah. Meat feast. But not if its a spicy one, can't stand spice."
"Ohh so your a bland taste girl. I see. Maybe we're not as good a roomates as I thought." I giggled and he seemed to be happy when he saw I was coming around "One meat feast for the lady."
"I'm far from a lady." He tilted his head to the side which made me smile
"Well you're a lady to me. Come on. Go wipe your face and get into some comfy clothes." I nodded and got up off the couch "And smile more like that." He shouted after me as I began to walk back to my room "Looks pretty on ya."

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