8 Baby

64 4 1

TW for mention of sexual assault

I woke up to dom breathing very heavy. I was confused, unsure of where I was and my brain went quite dirty for a moment. But then I noticed I was on his bed. Laid next to him. And he was having a bad dream. I watched him panic in his sleep and move about a bit, hoping it would end. But then, like something out of a horror film, he gasped and shot up. It made me scream which upset him, clearly
"Shit, shit it's okay baba. I just had a bad dream." I didn't move "Cmere." I reluctantly sat up and let him pull me close "It's okay. Moved you to my bed so you'd be comfy." I nodded
"Was sleeping. Until I heard you breathing and woke up."
"Fuck, you probably thought....eww." I giggled "What?"
"Our minds think too alike." He kissed my head
"I'm not that kinda guy." He pulled away to crane his neck down and look at me "Are you okay now?"
"Yeah. Was that dream about that guy?"
"Yeah it was. But I'm more worried about how you screamed like that. You were so confused. Can't believe I scared you." He moved again, back to where he was with me tucked under his chin "You're loving this aren't you?" I chuckled
"A little bit yeah." He let go and pushed me back to where I was sleeping, laughing along with me "What? That's on you for being a soft arse." He laid back down and put his arm over me, much like he did the night before his mum came over "Do you wanna talk about it? Was it about that man?" He nodded, cuddling into my neck again, his attitude completely shifting making me sense that he was about to reveal something sinister or close to
"He's not a nice guy kit."
"What did he do?" He retreated into himself, getting upset and working himself up to saying it. It broke my heart but I knew he needed to let it out
"He touched me kit. Said I should like it cus I'm a rockstar and they fuck everything. Then I got...hard. But like, not because I was into it or anything" he rushed out the last sentence, not that I believed he was into that but he sought to reassure me regardless "My body just...just reacted. And he followed me around a lot, after freshers. And the reason I wanted to go was because I was genuinely scared he try and do the same to you."
"Don't worry about me. What he did to you was wrong. On every fucking level imaginable. But you're not to blame."
"But it feels like who I was follows me about all the time. I'm not just dom anymore."
"Was your dream about him touching you?" He shook his head
"He touched you. Pinned you against a wall and...and..." he was crying, and I knew where the conversation was headed so I put a stop to it
"I'm right here. You took me to bed?"
"You were so peaceful. But I needed the toilet so I took you to my room so I was still with you, and you were comfy."
"Thank you." I felt him smile against my skin "You're a good guy."
"I'm sorry you screamed."
"It's okay. You just...scared the shit out of me." He nudged his head up slightly
"I'm sorry." He mumbled
"You wanna stay there tonight?"
"Are you okay with that? I kinda just put you in my bed without asking you." He seemed so far regressed into his childlike state that I didn't want him to say anything more about the topic. I simply wanted him to lay there and be calm
"Shh baby. It's okay." I moved away to look down at him, now laying on my chest. His pupils were blown out and his eyes all watery but he didn't seem himself. Not in a bad way. He just didn't seem...'all there' as my sister would put it. But I knew he liked being babied "I don't know how to do this. Are you okay, am I good?" He nodded "You wanna sleep on my chest?" He nodded again
"Love you."
"You too baba. You sleep right there yeah?" He nodded, dazed as fuck but so cute just laying there
"Night kit."
"Night. Sweet dreams."

He did have sweet dreams. Or it seemed so with the way he slept so peacefully. He even slept in past the time we were supposed to be at a lecture, but I was happy missing it if he was happy sleeping with me there. I didn't notice he'd woken up until he spoke
"We missed our lecture didn't we?"
"Yeah. It's okay, you got some good sleep." He smiled
"Bad influence on you."
"Not quite bubs."
"Thanks for last night. For not thinking I'm weird, for letting you baby me and that." I chuckled
"You're alright man. Glad you managed to get that off your chest." He nodded
"So...there's like this open mic thing at the bar here. Was thinking maybe I could try it?" He seemed nervous to bring it up so I thought best to encourage him
"I think you'd be amazing."
"I want you to be there. Its tomorrow."
"I'll be right there." He smiled, yet to open his eyes yet still showing so much expression "What are you gonna do?"
"Sing its quiet in Beverly hills." I didn't quite know how to respond. That song meant so much to me. So much that I couldn't even play it after he stopped music. I must be let out a sound of some sort to indicate I felt uncomfortable though "I can change if you want. You sound panicked."
"Just haven't heard that one in a while."
"Haven't heard or won't play?" He had a smirk on his face, not to be mean but because he knew he had me cornered
"It was hard on us too okay?" I realised I was being a little rude but he didn't seem to take that from it at all. He seemed to take on board what I was actually saying which was, indeed, just that; it was hard on us.
"I know. And I'd say a thousand times I'm sorry if it would take it back. But it won't." He still had his eyes closed and was just as calm as when the conversation started, but deep down I knew that was something that had stuck with him. The smirk was wiped though, he knew he'd touched a nerve
"I know. I'm happy to hear you play whatever. Just as long as no one makes you feel like you did last night yeah?"
"Well I'd feel better about people being weird if you were there."
"Yes dom. I promise you I will be there. Unless, like, my arm falls off or something serious like that yknow?" He chuckled "We should get breakfast. And you should rehearse."
"Actually I was gonna ask you. Can ben come over, and Adam. Thought it'd be nice like old times." I smiled "I know you're smiling all cute at me." I rolled my eyes at him
"I was not. And yeah, that's fine. Are they wanting to eat here too?"
"Yeah. But I don't want them to know about what happened, that's between me and you."
"Wouldn't tell them even without a warning. That's our conversation not theirs. But I promise I won't bring it up." He held his hand up, poking his pinky out. I interlocked mine with his and he seemed satisfied with it,  letting go and putting his arm back down "Let's get breakfast then we can make something for when they come over yeah?"
"You sure that's okay?" He thought about it for a moment
"What if they start reading more into us. Like, if they think we're dating. What do I say?"
"No, obviously. But if they tease you then I'll just shout at them. They've no right to read deeper and not take your word." He nodded "Breakfast?"
"Yeah. Bacon sandwiches, by me of course." He sat up and got off the bed "Come on sweetheart. We need brekkie before the boys come over."

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