5 Not Like You

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"Come in guys." He squeezed out, leading them into the flat. He was still in shock but when he'd fully noticed that both Sam and izzy were stood in front of him he started to cry. It hurt me the most to see him so unable to contain his emotions, so unable to be calm and explain how he felt. Izzy hugged him first, he wrapped his arm around her, using the other one to hold her to his chest. It made me chuckle a little at the way he seemed so ill prepared because of how much she'd grown. But he got the hang of it eventually "Missed you so much kid. You're so fucking big now." He wasn't trying to stop crying, instead he just cuddled more into her and the pair of them sobbed together. It was healing as well as heartbreaking and as I witnessed it I couldn't quite process how I felt in response. Guilty was one emotion. But so was the overwhelming relief that it had gone okay. He lived them and was happy to see them. His mum came over and he carefully moved his sister to the side so he could wrap his arms around them both "I'm sorry mum. I love you so much you know that?"
"Of course I do." She replied, her voice breaking as she spoke but I admired how she held it together "I'm so glad Katie called me. Was beginning to think you were dead." That made her cry and izzy let go so dom could hug her properly. That was her turn, her time to grieve the lost time she didn't have with her son, but also the time to be glad he was okay. He was right there. She could hold him and see him and hear him and most importantly she could tell him how much she loved him. And she did, over and over and over again as they both cried. Like she was making up for lost time. Dom seemed upset, but not because he was angry at me, just because it was so overwhelming being back with his family
"How's jem?"
"She fades in and out. I see her at work obviously, but other than that she's been pretty distant." I saw the look on his face, he knew what he'd done
"And dad?"
"He moved out."
"Did I cause that one too?"
"No. Not that one." That fact she confirmed that the way jem was acting was his fault somehow made the denial more sincere, as if she was acknowledging does actions had consequences, but emphasising that his father moving out was not one of them
"Did he put his hands on you again?"
"Are we gonna get to talk about it this time?" She let go of him and he let her walk back a little. They had both calmed down now and were able to hold a conversation. I was still watching the whole thing unfold from the kitchen
"We disagreed. And it caused a fight. And he said some pretty disrespectful things to me. But the final straw was him trying to manipulate the girls into...into believing that you cutting us off was my fault. They didn't believe it of course, now neither of them speak to their father."
"Wow. Missed a fucking lot didn't I? Didn't protect them yet again."
"But I'm so glad that katie-"
"Kit, mum, she likes kit." I wanted to step in and scold him for interrupting his mother like that, but he had good intentions since he'd seen that I freaked out when he shouted my full name at me the day before
"Sorry. I'm so glad kit called me, telling me to come over. It was like I'd suddenly got happier." Izzy was very patiently waiting beside them, but I noticed the topic was making her uncomfortable. Dom looked over at me and I looked over at izzy to indicate she was getting uncomfortable
"Anyway. I'm so glad you're here. Fuck that man and what he did. We should go out and celebrate." His sister perked up and smiled
"Is Katie okay to join us?" He looked over at me
"I...I don't know izzy. Is it really appropriate for me to be joining you guys."
"Cmon kit. It'll be fun." Dom said, his tone of voice confusing, but I went with what he was asking me
"Fine. Let me get ready and ill join you guys."

"You can just drop us at the train station." Dom shook his head as he took a sip of his drink
"I'll drive you home. Least I can do."
"No. I have a train ticket and the new house is right near the train station." I was sat next to his mun, facing him and izzy on the other side of the table. As she mentioned the new house his face dropped
"You moved?"
"Yep. Smaller house. You and jem were so busy we decided you weren't going to move back into your old rooms, so we moved house." He nodded "You're always welcome though. We have a spare room."
"Yeah, I'll come down when I can." He started drinking his tea, ignoring the topic at hand
"Dominic we haven't-"
"I'll come down when I can" he repeated, making me feel uneasy because of the tension "When I feel ready." He gave me a look which instantly put me off my drink. I hadn't paid for it anyway, it was his treat, and as much as I'd try and drink it to stop him feeling bad, in that moment I couldn't care less. I set it down on the table and took my hands away from it
"You okay sweetheart? You've still got a lot left." Sam said, putting her hand on my shoulder
"Yeah, just feel a bit sick that's all."
"He has that effect on people." I chuckled and she seemed happy with the fact she'd brought a smile to my face
"He's alright really."
"I know. I hope he's not bad to live with. Used to be a proper slob at home with us." I looked over at dom and his stare just took the smile right off my face. Sam seemed to pick up on the new atmosphere  "Are you guys done. I don't want to be getting the train too late"
"I'm finished." I said timidly
"I'm done too. Izzy?"
"Me too." She just looked at her son, clearly unimpressed with the tension hed created at the table
"Yeah, same." He mumbled, getting up from the table "Let's go. Well walk you back then go back to the car yeah?"
"Come on then. We can arrange another day to do this on the way."

Dom held my hand the whole way to the train station. It wasn't sweet, though. It was cold. A clear fake display of affection to win over his mother who seemed content he was being left in good company. We got to the front and it was time for them to go. Dom teared up and hugged them both in turn, but just as tight as the other. They briefly said bye to me but I didn't care, it wasn't my moment
"Fucking love you guys." He held my hand once he'd let go of them "I'll come see you soon, promise. I'm sorry, for everything."
"Dom sweetheart it's okay. You'll be good with kit. Look after each other."
"We will." He said, squeezing my hand
"Promise mum, now cmon or you'll miss your train." He ruffled his sister hair before bidding a final farewell to them both. He waved them off but as soon as they were out of sight he dropped my hand, quite suddenly for someone who was pretending to be so chuffed minutes earlier. He started walking away and I didn't follow him at first, making him stop and turn around "Car." He said, quietly but it was clear there was no room to argue or it would cause a scene. We walked back to the car in silence but it wasn't comfortable, far from it. It was tense. As we approached he unlocked the car and I got in first, closing the door. Then he got into the drivers seat, closing the door too. And it was quiet. Which is why I wasn't expecting - "What the FUCK do you think you're doing! Getting all up in my family business you meddling BITCH!" I continued staring out of the windscreen whilst he yelled at me "I was fucking VULNERABLE with you. And....and you fucking betrayed me!" He slammed his hand off the steering wheel "I fucking hate you Katie. You're a selfish BITCH! And I don't wanna see your fucking face when I get home. Understood?" I didn't responded, shaking and crying in the passenger seat "UNDERSTOOD!" I jumped and nodded "Good. Now not a fucking word. You're lucky I'm driving you home. Stay the fuck away from my family and my family business. We are NOT like you and you can't put us into the same fucking box!" He started raising his voice towards the end but reigned it in. Clearly he thought it was enough, how nice. I continued crying in the passenger seat as he drove us back to the accommodation, which wasn't far but any amount of time in the car with anyone would be he'll after that, let alone someone I thought was gonna be so safe "Stop crying. Tissues in the glove box."
"Fuck off" I spat at him, crying more and not caring for his attempts to calm me down after making me cry. I hated him in the moment. And he'd have to try much harder than that to get me to forgive him
"Fuck off!"

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