12 Fuck Yungblud

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"Dom?" Wed moved the sofa and made a makeshift bed on the living room floor. He was next to me, staring up at the ceiling "dom?"
"Yeah?" He turned to look at me, his face spreading into a smile when he saw me lay on my side facing him "what did you wanna say?"
"Do you think a lot about what happened in the car?"
"Sometimes. Why?" I didn't say anything in return, watching as he laid down on his back again to stare at the ceiling. He clearly wasn't expecting me as I moved over and lifted his arm up to cuddle "Hello there."
"I'm sorry, did you want me to, like, let go or...or-"
"You're just fine. You can lie there if you want." Once I'd got comfy he moved his arms again, holding me softly "I worry you think bad of me because of it."
"No. You were mad and had every right to be."
"But I didn't need to corner you like that. It wasn't fair. And that being the first time you met mum kinda sucks."
"Bringing me home to momma?" He chuckled
"Be quiet." I closed my eyes and settled against his chest "Didn't mean it."
"Tough. I'm tired." He sighed softly
"Did you like today?" He said softly
"Loved it."
"You too tired to get up and get into your bed?"
"Ok. Stay right there."
"I like dom. Yungblud is cool as fuck but doms the best."
"Don't worry about that. I'm right here for you."
"I'm sorry, for leaving you guys like that." I looked up at him but he wouldn't look down "can feel your eyes on me"
"Did having someone in the bhc living with you make it worse?"
"Thought you were tired."
"Did I make it worse, Dom?"
"It's okay if I did. I can understand why"
"You didn't make it worse alright!" He didn't shout, his voice wasn't raised either. It was more so the manner in which he said it that unsettled me. I put my head back down but didn't move, waiting for him to comfort me. "Why do you always think it was your fault?"
"Well you didn't exactly make an effort to make us think otherwise." I didn't particularly want an argument, but it was clear it would be the only way to get anything across. He dropped his arm from around me, not yet pushing me off but not keeping me there either
"Well I wanted to fucking die so there were bigger problems." He spat back
"But you can't pretend-"
"I'm not fucking pretending! I just didn't have time to think about you lot when I wanted so desperately to be six feet fucking under!" That time he did raise his voice, making me instantly sit up as though the devil had possessed me
"I'm going to bed." My voice was quiet, showing him how much he'd scared me if the jumping up wasn't enough
"Come back kit." I shook my head and stood up
"No. Its fine that you don't want us anymore, but to fucking pretend that you don't know why I think like that is cruel. It's not my fucking fault."
"So it's mine?" He asked, tears in his eyes. But I couldn't lie to him
"Yeah. Fuck you, and yungblud and all the stupid shit you made me believe in. If you don't give a shit about the way it all fell apart and fucking RUINED me, then you never really gave a shit at all." I didn't believe half of what I was saying, I was just angry at the way he put it all on that fact he was having a rough time, but that still didn't take away how we felt
"That's not true." He said, crying now
"Like I said, you didn't exactly make an effort to make us think otherwise." I walked out
"Kit! Kit please!" He begged, making me start to break down. I closed my door, leaning against it to hear him "Kit please! I need you!" I cried quietly "Katie I fucking love you!" He cried for a bit, sobbing but not saying anything since he gathered he wouldn't get a response. It slowly faded out, small sniffles here and there. But then it went quiet. Eerie silence that left an unsettling feeling in the pit of my stomach. I sat down next to my door, my ear pressed to it in hopes I'd hear some kind of movement, but I didn't. Then a small sound made me jump, it was a glass hitting the side. Then another, a larger one. A more full one. Then I thought about it. And I concluded
"Shit." I cursed, getting up and unlocking my door. I ran to the kitchen, pulling the glass from his hands before he even had a chance to tip it slightly towards his lips. It spilled out and on to my hand, but I didn't care.
"What the fuck was that for?" I looked at the bottle on the side and felt so fucking stupid "It's water kit, just needed a drink. The guy behind the bar gave it to me as a joke, because I don't drink anymore." I was still holding the glass and he gently took it out of my hand, setting it on the side "Did you think you made me drink?"
"I'm going to bed."
"Katie please, let's talk about that."
"No. You're sober so it's fine. Just fuck off and drink your water."

"Hey kit" tom said softly "is everything okay, it's like 2am"
"Did I wake you?"
"No. Been up on the phone. Did you need me?"
"I'm...nah actually I'm good." I hung up the phone and just got into bed, forgetting about Tom despite how upset I was about dom. It wasn't fair for me to bring him in on it. But I still couldn't sleep so I just remained in my numb little bubble, daydreaming to try and escape all the horrible feelings I felt when everything first fell apart, when I first felt like little teenage me was being lost forever. I jumped when the door opened "fuck off dom!" Then it hit me, he could only get in with my door key, so he must have gone down stairs and
"It's me" he closed the door behind him "I got the spare key from the security guy, was super worried about you I came here as soon as I could." I sat up and he sat on the end of the bed "What happened?"
"Me and dom got into a fight about the bhc. He doesn't get it tom, it's like he doesn't wanna acknowledge he hurt us."
"He does know what he did. He beat himself up about it for years kit."
"Just want him to make it better. I thought it wouldn't make it weird, him being someone I looked up to. But it's all got fucked up."
"You will find your way. I know it."
"I was so fucking mean. Then I heard him put a glass down and got all panicky"
"He doesn't drink anymore."
"I thought...I thought that I had...yknow?"
"Made him? No, he's very strong like that. Only determination I saw in him after everything went to shit, that he wouldn't drink. Used to make him spiral."
"Did you see him on the way in?" He looked away from me and shook his head
"You're lying." He chuckled
"Very observant you."
"Did he look okay?"
"A bit upset. But I think it's weird for him too, not you but the bhc thing. It's always gonna be there."
"But I don't want to pretend it's not. I just want him to see how much losing it hurt me."
"Like I said-"
"I know I know. He knows what he's done."
"Talk to him."
"We did that, remember?" He sighed at me, clearly getting frustrated with the way I wouldn't cooperate
"But that was about yungblud. How about you talk about dom and Katie?"
"Fine. But you're the one who has to live here for the rest of the year. So you're only gonna make it hard on yourself."
"Will you come with me? Think it might, like, heal a part of you too." He looked up at me but didn't seem to sold on the idea "I'm sorry."
"Why are you apologising?" He said softly
"I don't know, you seem to be frustrated with me." He shook his head
"I'm not. Promise. Just think that talking to dom and establishing some boundaries might be good."
"Be better in the morning."
"Okay. We can do it in the morning. Cmon, you need to sleep he will be okay."
"If...if he's not. Will you...like...come and tell me?" He smiled, a soft warm smile. The kind that would make you trust someone so quick it could be dangerous.
"I promise. Cmon. He's safe here for now." I laid back down under the covers and closed my eyes. I felt him get up, expecting him to just leave. But he didn't. Instead he walked over and leaned down to gently kiss my forehead "Don't scare me like that again okay?"
"Okay. Night?" He chuckled at my uncertainty
"Yeah, night kit." He turned my lamp on so I didn't feel as closed in "I'm just in there. Only a room away."
"Thanks Tom."
"You're very welcome Katie love." He closes the door and I smiled, feeling all warm and fuzzy. He was being so gentle and I loved every bit of it.

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