2 Adam

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"Hey." He whispered "Hey kit?" I groaned and opened my eyes, not quite taking in anything other than the fact I was in the living room "You tired?"
"Was sleepin." I mumbled, closing my eyes
"Well I need a piss. So can you, like, get up?" I came round and sat up
"Shit. Was I sleeping on you." I felt my face flush red as he got up
"It's okay. You can go back when I come back in." I shook my head "It's okay. You were falling asleep against the back of the couch so I moved you to be more comfy."
"That's sweet. But I'm gonna go to bed." I stood up but stumbled because I was tired as fuck
"Woah. Wake up first yeah?" I shook my head, regaining my footing and beginning to walk back to my room "Night then."
"Shit, sorry." I walked back over to him and gave him a hug "Night." I mumbled before walking back and closing the door behind me

I couldn't settle after I'd woken up, so after a few hours of trying I gave up and walked into the kitchen. Dom had already put all his stuff in there, and I may have been a little cheeky in my act of taking a pot noodle from the cupboard and settling on it as a snack. I filled the kettle up and let it boil, feeling relaxed by the way the water moved. Sounds weird by bubbles and waves were always something used to soothe me, ever since I was a baby
"What's got you up so early?" I jumped "Awe sorry. Didn't mean to scare you. Just heard the kettle boiling." He walked over and picked up the pot noodle from the side "Now I know why." He smiled and set it down "Cheeky." He teased
"I was hungry and haven't brought much other than a microwave meal for breakfast. I have to do shopping."
"Well go together. Few bits I need to get too." I nodded "You wanna go sit down while I make it?"
"Why are you being so nice to me? You don't have to feel bad for making me cry yknow?" He chuckled
"I do feel bad. But that's not why I'm being nice. I'm being nice because I like you." I smirked at him "Fucl off you're worse than me. You know what I meant." I giggled
"Yeah. Only messin. I'll stay in here with you. Since I'm not the only one who can't sleep." He chuckled. I hopped up onto the kitchen counter
"I don't sleep much. Don't worry about me. More concerned with you if I'm honest." He took a pot noodle out of the cupboard for himself and opened them both up just as the kettle finished boiling "You could've stayed with me. You were comfy." He looked up at me after he'd poured the water "I don't bite."
"Just didn't want to bother you." He walked over to me and gently placed his hands on the counter either side of my legs
"You're not bothering me alright?" I shrugged and stopped making eye contact "You can come to me to occupy yourself." He let go of the counter and walked back over to where our pots were "I'm not gonna turn you away."
"Just can't sleep, dom, that's all." He didn't challenge my attitude, instead he just saw it as me trying to get him off my back
"Okay. That's fine. But whilst you're awake you can have something to eat and come watch a bit of TV." He picked up both pots and smiled at me "Cmon. You're actually alright. Don't mind staying with you." I smiled back at him and hopped down off the counter "Let's get to know each other."
"We already did."
"Yeah? All you know is yungblud and all I know is that you like him. That's not a lot. I wanna see who you are." He saw I was a bit apprehensive and he sighed softly "We don't have to. Not if you don't want."
"Don't wanna." I mumbled, still stood up as he sat down on the sofa. He patted the seat beside him
"Then we can just eat and watch TV." I sat down next to him, sitting in silence whilst he picked something to watch
"Thanks. For not making me talk." He chuckled
"It's okay. You'll tell me if you want to."
"No. I want to. I just...not right now yeah?" I looked up at him and he was just watching me talk with a soft look, one not of concern but a caring one. One that showed me he was truly listening to me "Yeah?" I repeated
"Yeah." He confirmed, gently stroking the back of his hand over my cheek "So what have you always wanted to ask yungblud?" He asked when he moved his hand away
"Smooth Harrison." I teased "Real smooth."
"Give me a break alright. I'm a little tired. Just don't wanna pressure you."
"Okay. Can I ask you anything?"
"Within reason. But yeah. Go ahead."
"Anything?" He chuckled
"Yes. Anything."
"You're gonna regret that. I promise."

"So does she not have a room then?" I opened my eyes to see it was day time, dom had opened the blinds and the light was shining in
"Adam leave her alone. Its her first night here."
"She's gonna make a move and tell all her friends she's dating yungblud. You know that right?"
"No she won't. She just needs someone to help her along."
"She needs to keep relevant by knowing you." Adam pushed. I heard dom click the kettle on so clearly he was making himself a brew "I'm not here to judge-"
"You are though aren't you. Why are you even here. I'd argue you're trying to keep your relevance too."
"I just got suspicious if this girl you spoke about. Thought I'd come check her out." He didn't sound too impressed
"You will not be checking her out, in any sense of the word. You hear me?" I smirked at him getting defensive about me. He didn't want anyone to hurt me, especially not his best mate "She's not trying to gain anything. Besides what relevance do I even have now?" The kettle boiled and I soon heard him stirring a mug of something
"I'm just trying to look out for you. Since Jesse you haven't been near anyone."
"And I'm not interested in Katie in that sense. We just live together. Do you want me to quarantine her like she's got the bubonic plague?" I chuckled a little and hoped no one noticed
"Fair enough."
"Look, it's sweet that you care. I'm so lucky to still have you. But you can't jump down the throat of every potential partner like they're a criminal."
"I just don't wanna see you hurt dom. This is a good opportunity and if you go back to that place you won't make it." There was an awkward tense silence before dom next spoke
"I promise you I will call if I need help. But I'm doing good now and me and kit were just friends." I heard the mug scrape as it was picked up from the side "I'm gonna go wake her up because we have things to do. But I really think you two would get along nicely"
"We could do our game night here? Could move it back to mine if she gets too overwhelmed." I pouted because although he was getting annoying, he at least understood that I needed the support dom was talking about
"See. That's the sweet Adam we know. I'll talk to her. Thanks for including her."
"I don't hate her if that's what you think." I heard dom put the mug down on the counter which frustrated me because I concluded by this point that it was for me "I just hate what that bitch did to you."
"It's alright mate. Cmere. Give dom a big hug" he teased. Adam playfully resisted but eventually they hugged "I love you brother." He said, his voice muffled. He pulled away and picked the mug back up again "Now go on. Be gone with ya. Or Tom's gonna think you tried to kill us." He laughed at that and began to walk out
"See ya later." Adam shouted before closing the door. Dom didn't buy my sleeping bullshit however and set the cup down on the coffee table
"Cmon. I know you're not sleeping." I opened my eyes and looked up at him, still a little sad at the way I was being viewed even if Adam had some consideration towards the end
"You don't think I like you because of yungblud right?" He sighed, looking away from me for a moment, so evidently frustrated with what Adam had made me think "Right?"
"No!" He said, making me jump and causing my eyes to tear up since I couldn't gauge how he felt
"Promise?" He sat down on the sofa "Dom? You know I don't right?"
"Cmere." I shuffled over to rest my head on his shoulder, my arms wrapped around his arm closest to me. It was more to soothe me than to engage in a hug or a cuddle. But he didn't mind "I promise you, that I know you don't just like me because I was yungblud. And Adam does too, because he's not stupid he knows that people like me as a person. He's just scared of someone hurting me. Or changing who I am again." I nodded, instantly calmed by how softly spoken he was
"Bit like you."
"Bit like you, cockblocking Adam before he even began."
"You will not be checking her out in any sense of the word." I mocked. He chuckled
"Yeah." He sighed "Yeah I guess that's me." He chuckled again and rested his head against mine "We need to do some food shopping."
"I've got a lecture 3 till 5."
"I know. You left your timetable out." He was still speaking softly and it made me sleepy "Nuh uh. Not time for sleep. We have things to do."
"Are we buying our own or paying half each?" He got as close to my ear as possible
"Stop trying to string the conversation out." I screamed and jumped away from him, causing him to panic until he saw me laughing. He stood up and towered over me on the sofa, reaching to grab my stomach to tickle me. I thrashed about, still laughing at him "Cmon!" He shouted over the noise, but it didn't scare me like it did before "Get changed. We can discuss the money thing on the way."

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