4 "Friends"

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I opened my eyes and realised the knock on my door wasn't my imagination
"Kit? Kit open the door." He sounded desperate and I wasn't even the one mad at him to begin with, so I got up out if bed and unlocked the door. He was crying when I got to it, chewing his lip and acting like a 5 year old who was about to tell his mum he'd been sick
"Can I come stay with you. I...I usually stay with the boys. Yknow? When it gets bad. But...but they're not here and I need someone." I moved out of the way of the door
"Come in sweetheart. I'll just go grab something from my bathroom okay?" He nodded and walked into the room. He was sat down when I got back, a towel over my arm and a face cloth in hand "Cmere, let me clean your face up." I put the towel down on the bed and stood in front if him, starting to wipe his face clean. I smiled when I saw the eyeliner all smudged from the crying
"What?" I chuckled
"Nothing. Just the way you still wear eyeliner. It's like a tiny bit of the old you." He smiled, closing his eyes as I began to wipe it away "You shouldn't leave it on overnight though. Need to clean your face." I pulled the face cloth away and checked to make sure his tear stained face was now clean. The way he was so content right there made me feel guilty for what I'd done. But I knew it was for the best "Left your phone before. Brought it in here to charge it for you." I picked up the towel and gently dabbed at his face to dry it off
"Thanks. Think that was for the best. Mum's numbers still in there and it just gets to me everytime I'm like this."
"Didn't think you'd still have it." I said, trying my hardest to give the idea I didn't already know. I wasn't very good but he was tired so he didn't seem to bother "Maybe you should. Call that is."
"Maybe." Selfishly that settled some of the guilt "Do you think they'd be happy to see me?" I nodded, quickly going to the bathroom to put the things back "I don't know kit. What if they're mad?"
"I know for a fact they'll welcome you with open arms. They miss you I know it."
"You seem sure."
"Only from experience." I lied "You staying in here tonight?"
"Yeah. If that's okay?" He looked up at me with wide eyes
"That's perfectly fine. Lucky I get a double bed in here. Premium shit." He chuckled "Just get comfy. Do you want a drink or anything before we go to bed."
"You don't think this is weird do you?" I shook my head, getting into bed beside him
"Seems like you use it as a way to stay safe, when things get bad. I don't think that's weird. I think it's quite smart actually. The way you know when things are going that way but you stop yourself from getting there." He nodded, laying on his side to face me. He seemed so interested in me talking, looking over at me with pure adoration, once again like a young child "You gonna be alright there?"
"Yeah. But, like, when you get up can you not leave me if I'm still sleeping?" I smiled, reaching out to place my hand on the side of his face
"Promise you I'll stay here." He smiled and closed his eyes. My phone buzzed on the table behind me so I rolled onto my back and grabbed it. There in bold letters on the screen was the confirmation that filled me with dread.
'We'll be there'
I put the phone back down and closed my eyes, expecting dom to be asleep by that point. He wasn't and after a minute or so he moved so he had one arm over me and his face cuddled into my neck
"Got some friends coming over tomorrow. Would like you to meet them since they wanna know who I'm living with." I was surprised at how easy that lie rolled off my tongue
"Would love to." He mumbled. I sighed softly "Night"
"Night dom. I'll be right here in the morning."

I kept my promise, not moving an inch after I opened my eyes since he was still in the same position as the night before. I hoped to god he wouldn't feel awkward about it.
"Mornin'." He said softly "Thanks for last night, didn't deserve it after yelling at you."
"Did you feel safer in here?" He nodded "My friends are due in like..." I glanced up at the clock "Shit. They're due in like an hour. You ready to get up?"
"Why? You scared they'll find you in bed with me?" He laughed at his own joke and stayed put "I'm hot. That's a good thing for them to think."
"Shush you." I chuckled at him "you gonna get up then?"
"I like it here with you though." He whined, much like the night before, like he was feeling vulnerable again
"They've travelled here. Least I can do is put some proper clothes on."
"Do you want me to make breakfast whilst you get dressed?" I smiled
"If you're sure?" He nodded, soft as anything just laid there "Promise you're not gonna be mad, when they're not what you expect."
"I'm the last person to judge your friends. I won't be mad, promise."
"Do you trust me?"
"Kit why are you being weird? Is everything okay? Do you want to tell me something?" He sat up, looking down at me with a concerned look rather than a puzzled one
"No." That was a lie. I definitely did want to tell him. But I was scared of what would happen, at least with them there he wouldn't shout as much. I hoped at least
"Okay? I'm gonna go make some breakfast. Anything you want?"
"No. Nothing specific."
"Alright. You get ready. If your friends get here early do you mind if I let them in?" I shook my head "Okay. I'm just through there if you need me."
"I won't. But thank you." He chuckled and got up off the bed completely
"See you soon sweetheart. And thanks again for last night. Really needed it."
"You're welcome dom. Hope you feel like you can come to me whenever."
"Yeah. Feels safe." He looked down at his hands making me smile "I'm gonna...I'm gonna go make breakfast yeah?" He looked up at me
"Okay. See you when I'm dressed."

"Hello m'lady. Breakfast is served." He dropped the Knight act once he laid down a plate on the breakfast bar "Is that okay?"
"Yeah. Thanks."
"Kit you seem off. Is everything okay? I can make myself scarce until you call if you're worried about what they'll think of me." I took a bite of eggs and chewed it in silence "Katie what the fuck is up with you? Did I make it awkward?"
"Then what's wrong. If these people are scaring you it's not worth it. And I don't feel comfortable having them in my flat."
"Your too sweet. Don't deserve it."
"Kit what's wrong?" He sounded genuinely desperate to know what was up
"Just scared you'll be mad when you meet them. You won't like them being here." He chuckled
"They're your friends. I'm willing to get to know them."
"I'm sorry." There was a knock at the door, almost as if the universe was perfectly planned, like it was trying to fukc with my head more. But now I was stuck, because I couldn't back out or tell him what was going on "Answer it for me please."
"What are you sorry for?"
"Short notice." I lied but I knew with how he was panicking that he knew something was up "Please answer it whilst I eat this." He walked around the breakfast bar, walking behind me and walking up to the door. He was still friendly and bubbly, but every step made me more guilty. Not even the idea that I was doing it for the right reasons soothed my brain enough. He unlocked the door and started talking before he'd even opened it fully
"Hi! You must be-" I knew he'd opened the door fully then, he stood silent as he took in who my 'friends' really were. Then he stuttered out a response and it made me feel sick with how small he sounded "Mum?"

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