6 Nice

63 4 2

"Hey kit." I looked over to see Adam sat next to dom on the couch
"Don't pretend you like me. You think I'm after doms money."
"Yeah...I'm really sorry about that. I just get scared he'll get fucked over again yknow?"
"Well you're barking up the wrong tree. Wouldn't hurt him like that."
"I see you've come around." Dom said, hopefully, smiling at me over the back of the sofa
"I've come for breakfast and that's it. Warn me next time you invite your weird friends into my house please. Or at least knock on my door when they get here." I pulled a pasta pot out of the fridge, thanking past me for picking them out when dom did the food shop
"You don't have to be such a bitch." He muttered
"Neither did you in the car. Guess we're even now."
"For fucks sake just get over it kit. I'm sorry."
"You're only sorry cus you made me cry." I began walking back to my room, food in hand
"Come back when you've pulled your head out of your arse!"
"I'll come back when you've gone out!"

Doms POV
"I think you've actually really upset her."
"She just wants to cause drama." Adam rolled his eyes at me "What?"
"You've upset her. Then you put her down for being upset about it. Feel guilty all you want man, but she doesn't deserve you telling her how she feels is wrong."
"Thought you didn't like her." He chuckled at me "What's so funny?"
"You're getting all moody. And I don't dislike her. I just don't want you getting hurt."
"She wouldn't do that. Not in her to do that."
"Yeah well maybe you ended up hurting her."
"If you're gonna just talk about it the whole time you're here then go home." He chuckled again
"Just talk to her once I'm gone. Properly dom, I mean it."
"Whatever Adam. Just watch the fucking TV and shut up."

As much as it pained me to admit I was wrong, I did take his advice when he left. I didn't wanna give him the satisfaction of knowing I'd done so though, that one was kept to myself. I took a deep breath and knocked on the door to her room
"Kit I wanna talk to you." I got no response, ready to give up, but soon enough she came to her door and unlocked it, looking at me "Can I come in?....or do you wanna, like, come out?"
"Come in." She said, opening the door wider to let me in and closing it behind her. I didn't see the point since both of us were alone, but it made her feel better so I didn't push it "What do you wanna talk about?" I sat down on the bed and she sat on her desk facing me
"Just about what I said in the car."
"You mean what you screamed at me in the car?" I nodded
"What about it?"
"I just wanna say im sorry. I got angry but it was wrong for me to take it out on you like that. You had good intentions."
"Can I ask you something? I nodded "What did you mean by 'like me'?"
"Nothing. I was angry in the moment. You're kind and you want what's best and you never wanna see people hurting. I'd love for my family to be just like you." She paused for a moment, clearly collecting her thoughts, before hopping down off her desk. I braced myself for her showing me the way out but she didn't. She walked up to me and held her hands out. I took them and got up as she tugged "I know, I know. I'll see myself out." But she didn't let me leave. Instead she wrapped her arms around me and hugged me. It was only soft, like she had left plenty of opportunity for me to take it back. But I didn't, I wrapped my arms back around her and rested my chin on top of her head, tucking her under it "Kit?"
"Yeah?" She said softly, making no effort to let go
"Don't take any of that stuff I said seriously. You're actually pretty adorable. And I'm glad you called them."
"Can we go back to the adorable bit?" She teased, making me chuckle
"Don't want you getting a big head, so no." She nodded, still holding onto me "Are we okay now?"
"Yeah." She said softly, adjusting her head so she was comfortable and clearly not prepared to move
"Good. Because you're the first new person I've felt truly safe with in a while. I don't wanna fuck that up."
"Don't worry bubs. Haven't fucked anything up. Promise." I sighed softly
"You gonna let go?" I teased, knowing she wanted to stay there
"No. Cus then I'll have to look at you and its gonna be awkward."
"It won't be. Cmon we can go for a walk." She shook her head "Are you okay?" She seemed reluctant to speak or move her head away from me "Kit are you upset?" She shrugged "I can't help you if you don't talk to me."
"Don't want you to yell at me again. Promise you won't." I sighed
"Promise I won't yell at you again sweetheart."
"Thank you."
"Is that all. You don't, like, have something you're scared of me yelling at you for?"
"No. Just don't want you to shout, not like that anyway. Where I can't get out."  I nodded, she couldn't see me but she seemed to sense it "Can you call Adam so I can say sorry?" I gently stroked her hair as she spoke
"Sure can bubs. Wanna do it now?" She nodded and finally let go of me, looking up at me with wide eyes "Shall we eat something? You haven't eaten anything proper since yesterday, worried about you."
"Yeah. Just let me calm down a bit first yeah?" I nodded, thinking of standing there and letting her take her time to readjust herself. She didn't like that plan very much, evident in the way she took my hand and pulled me out of the room. I followed her to the living room and sat down on the couch. Then she decided to go into the kitchen. I heard the kettle boiling and smiled
"What you doing?"
"Making tea." She said softly, a strained piece of innocence in the way she spoke
"Aren't you gonna ask me if I want tea first?"
"Do you want tea?"
"Yeah. I always want tea, thanks."
"Very welcome. Pick something to watch whilst we drink these and then we can go for that walk."

Katie's POV
"Dom? Dom? You're falling asleep man." He opened his eyes and smiled when he saw me "Did you get much sleep last night?"
"Just the hot drink and the movie put me to sleep."
"Did you sleep?" I pushed "What time did Adam come over. Has he been here all night?"
"I'm fine."
"Dom?" I warned, giving him a look which made him cave
"Fine. I called him over because I felt like shit after what happened. He stayed the night but we didn't really sleep much."
"Why don't you go for a nap then?"
"Because I don't need to." I rolled my eyes
"Your body is telling you to sleep. So you should do it." He shook his head, still weary from the sleep
"I spent years ignoring it so why would I stop now. Let's go for that walk, might wake me up."
"No. You should go for a nap." I moved back from him, only there since I had to get closer to wake him up "Please dom?"
"Walk first, need to calm down. Then I'll come back and have a nap."
"We have a lecture at 5. So you wont have time."
"Just don't go. Say we're sick, like really bad infection sick. It'll get ya at least a week off."
"I'm not even a week in yet. Look, don't go for a nap I don't care. I'm just worried about you and your lack of sleep. I hear you moving about at night, like you just....I don't know, don't sleep at all." He sighed "What? Have I accidentally brought up something traumatic again?"
"No." He said quietly "Just feels nice that someone's being concerned for once, not just laughing it off."
"Feels nice that you noticed. I like that, when things don't feel bad or good or amazing or shit. Just...Nice." he smiled but didn't look at me "We should not go to that lecture, not cus there's no time but because the past few days have been a bit mad." He nodded and I rested my head on his shoulder
"Can we go for a walk though, I want to go somewhere...with you."
"Ew you're not, like, into me or something are you?" I mocked, putting on an American accent as though we were in a teen drama. He laughed, taking the joke
"Surprisingly no. Which seems weird, because you have, like, everything going for you. But that part of my brain doesn't wanna be with you. Just with you. I like you, you're...." he seemed stuck for words
"Nice?" He chuckled
"Yeah, nice."

Roomates (YB Uni AU)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang