11 Our friends

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"You ready?" He shook his head
"What if they hate it?" I chuckled
"Then fuck em."
"Yeah. Fuck em." I sighed softly "What?"
"I'm fine. I'm just nervous. I put all that behind me."
"I know. But you did it for the good. And now you can enjoy all that without all the trauma. It's just us in a bar dom. You'll be alright." He nodded "I'm gonna invite Tom over after If that's alright."
"Why wouldn't it be? It's your place too."
"Just wonder where the boundaries are on my friendships with your friends."
"Let's go. We're gonna be late meeting our friends." He got up, much to my surprise, and offered his hand out
"Our friends?"
"Do you want them to be?" I paused for though, nodding when I reached the conclusion that yes I did want them to be considered my friends too."Then they are our friends."
"Okay." He smiled
"You sure that's okay honey?" He asked softly
"I'm sure." He offered his hand again and I took it this time
"Let's go. Or they'll think we've abandoned them."

"Are you sure it's nothing?" Tom pushed. We were waiting at the bar as dom was backstage with Ben and Adam. Well, backstage was a loose term. It was more of a little room at the back or the bar, a cloakroom of sorts. But he hadn't come back so clearly it was enough
"Nah its not like that. It's like...I don't know. He's just like a little kid around me, like he needs healing or something."
"Maybe he misses home?" He sipped his drink whilst I thought about it "You know you shouldn't feel like you have to be there. Only if you want to."
"I never said I didn't want to." I defended
"Hey. I never said you did. I'm just saying that you shouldn't let it harm you, taking care of him."
"I won't. Promise." I went to reach out to touch his hand on the bar but jumped when someone spoke from behind me
"Katie! It's so nice to see you again." I turned around to see Sam stood there with izzy "How's my boy been?"
"On his best behaviour." I joked "Do you want a drink?"
"No, sweetheart, don't you go paying for me tonight."
"No I'm being serious, don't mind. Izzy?" She looked at her mum but I shook my head "Don't worry about your mum. She'll come around. Go order a drink and put it on my tab. The bar guy knows who I am." She smiled and left her mother to go to the barman. Tom thought best to go too, probably to escape whatever conversation about dom Sam was willing to have
"You and Tom? I saw that hand." I shook my head
"Nothing more. Just mates and that, he was looking out for me."
"Hope he's not trying to steer you off my dominic."
"No. And I'm not interested in dom even if he was."
"Does dom know that?"
"Yeah. Wouldn't string him along like that. Not really into dating anyone right now."
"You seem like a sweet girl, you'll find someone when the time is right. But you're young, be free whilst you can." I chuckled
"Thanks. Nice to have someone not look down at me." She seemed to be a little put out by that fact
"Never. You brought my boy back into my life. I'll always love you for that."
"Well he needed a kick up the arse." She started laughing and so did I, only interrupted by a drink being held in front of me
"What's so funny?" Tom asked as I took the drink
"Nothing" me and Sam said at the same time, making us laugh again
"Well tell me about nothing later because dom is about to go on."

Doms POV
I looked over at her. Tom was stood behind her, his arms draped over her shoulder holding her to him. But it seemed nothing sinister, nothing more than friendship. I knew they were bonding over me, as hard as it was to understand. The look on her face was hopeful, beaming with wide eyes as she watched me sit tight on the little stool on the small stage area. I smiled softly at her and she smiled back.
"Uhm, this one's called 'its quiet in Beverly Hills'. For kit." She rested her head back against Tom's chest, content that it was just for her. I smiled at mum and began playing, not taking my eyes off kit because it made me calmer. She was yungblud. As weird and metaphorical as it sounds she was a reminder that they were still there

Katie's POV
Tom held me ever so so softly. Perfectly gentle despite his toned arms being the ones around me. I watched dom on the stage, the little smirk on his lips as he sung every word with such grace. He wouldn't take his eyes off me. I knew I made him calm by being so contented there. But as the song finished up my eyes started to gloss over. He stopped playing and immediately everyone started clapping for him. Some rowdy guys at the back started whistling too. But I didn't do anything and neither did he. We both just looked at each other. He said something to Ben and Adam when the crowd had died down before making his way over to me. Tom knew what to do, letting go of me as dom came closer. Dom didn't hesitate. He picked me up and hugged me tight, my legs wrapped around him to hold me up
"I'm so fucking proud of you."
"I'm proud you made it that far without crying." I chuckled "Come on. Get down." I dropped my legs from around him and he put me gently back down on the floor. He pulled away and smiled softly at me "Is kit okay?"
"Kit is okay but she might need a cuddle when we get home?" I looked over at him and he rolled his eyes
"Okay. Whatever kit wants." He wiped my tears away with his thumb then kissed my forehead "I'm gonna go talk to mum. Didn't you want to go back with Tom?"
"Not tonight. Was thinking of going for a drink with him though?" He smiled
"Sounds nice, I know a few good bars if you need recommendations."
"Thanks. You're a star." He laughed
"Yeah. A rock one. Now come on so we can go talk to mum. Want this memory to replace the first one yeah?" I nodded but I couldn't help but feel he was stuck on that event, stuck on the way he spoke to me. But I let it slide and made my way over to Sam and izzy, all smiles and no problems. Tom came over to me since he wasn't buying the bullshit
"Hey, I think you should go back with dom tonight. Take a raincheck on us hanging out."
"Drinks on me sometime?" He smiled
"It's a date." I must've looked quite uncomfortable with that concept because he softly chuckled "It's okay, I'm not talking about an actual date, just us hanging out yeah?"
"Yeah. Just need a cuddle from dom tonight."
"Whatever you want sweetheart. Just let me know when you're free for that drink." He gently squeezed my shoulder, making me smile "Cmon. You can't avoid Sam forever. She'll be pulling you over singing your praises if you don't go now."
"Thanks, for not trying to like...take advantage of me." He sighed
"Never thank me for that. It what people should do, and how people should've treated you. Cmon, ill go with you." He held his hand out and I took it, letting him lead me
"Kit! Finally, so nice to see you!"

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