10 Yungblud is back?

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"Perfect" I marvelled, looking at the laid out outfit on the bed and smiling. I looked up at dom and he seemed distracted as he nodded "Are you okay?"
"What do you mean I don't understand?"
"Exactly that." I said, finding a pair of shoes to match the outfit to distract myself. I found a pair of creepers and held them up, asking if they were okay with my gesture
"I'm trying to." I sighed and laid them on the bed "It was rough kit. I know what he felt. How he felt about me."
"Then why say he doesn't understand?"
"Because it feels like no one does. Not even me." He sat down on the edge of the bed "It's hard to think he knew me like that. That's all he sees now and it hurts."
"We have a lecture at-"
"I don't care about the fucking lecture alright!" I jumped and his face instantly softened up when he realised he'd scared me "I don't care about none of this stupid uni stuff."
"Then go home. No one is holding you here. Or making you fit in a box." I tried to calm myself down as I wasn't angry, just frustrated "You always said that no matter what the box isn't where it ends."
"But that was yungblud, kit, not me." I sighed again
"Just get ready yeah?"
"Katie please? I'm sorry." I moved myself in front of him, standing between his legs and taking his face in my hands
"You've nothing to apologise for okay?" He nodded "Get ready, I need to call Tom."
"You wanna borrow my phone?"
"No. I have his number. He gave it to me last night." I kissed his forehead softly then put mine to his "You gonna be okay?"
"Yeah." He said softly, completely transfixed and it was so sweet "I'll be okay."
"Love ya." I let go of his face and began to walk out "If I'm not out there I'll be in my room, give me a knock if you need me."
"Will do bubs. See you in a sec."

"But it's all okay though? Because I actually really liked talking with you last night. And I don't wanna ruin a friendship before it's even started." He chuckled on the other side of the phone
"Katie sweetheart it's all okay. We can hang out after doms show thing if you want?" Dom made his way into the living room and smiled at me, doing a little twirl to show he was all dressed
"Do you have anything planned after you do your song?" He shook his head
"Nope. You're welcome to bring Tom back here if you want." I nodded
"Did you hear that?" I asked tom
"Yep. I'll see you then. You go sort stuff out with dom."
"See you later."
"Bye kit." He said softly. It was quite calming and I knew he'd does it that way on purpose to get me to calm down. But me and Tom were okay so I guess that was one less thing to worry about. He hung up the phone after saying bye so I went to bother dom instead. He'd moved to sit on the couch in his outfit, looking quite content with it
"You okay?" He patted his lap with a big grin on his face "What?"
"Nothing" he pat his lap again "Come sit." I raised an eyebrow but sat down on his lap anyway since it was what he was asking me to do. He hugged me as soon as I sat down "Thank you. Haven't felt like this in ages."
"Glad he's still in there. Even if it's not out there for everyone." He sighed, contented though not like he was sad. I gently ruffled his hair "Proud of you." He melted into me, smiling lazily
"Thinkin of maybe doing some yungblud stuff. What you said got to me a bit, made me realise I kinda owe you guys."
"No you don't." I kissed the top of his head "gave us the best gift. Gave us each other."
"But that's not enough. I've been gone so long it's not fair-"
"Protect yourself. We're okay. I promise you we're not mad."
"Wish I had you when everything went to shit." He hugged me tighter and I sighed softly "Sorry."
"It's alright. Don't be sorry, just don't want yungblud back."
"Maybe I might want yungblud back. Just a bit."
"Then that's your choice. But do it for you. Wouldn't enjoy it if I knew it was just for appearance." He nodded
"Okay love." I tried to hide my smile at how comforting that felt but he moved away at the wrong time, catching me "You're so cute."
"Shut up dom. We need to have some food."
"Whatever you say kit, but you're fucking adorable." I rolled my eyes and got up off his lap "I already had toast remember?"
"Well let's go somewhere, do something fun."
"What do you count as fun?" He asked, a smirk on his face though we both knew there was nothing more to it
"Dominic. Just get ready to go. I'm gonna get dressed."
"Can I go out in this?" I smiled
"What if he does it again though?"
"He won't. Not while I'm there."
"Promise bubs. I'm gonna get dressed into, like, today's clothes not last nights. I'll see you in a sec."
"Okay. See you in a minute."

Going out was weird. It was like we weren't as close as we were just an hour or so earlier. Like he was purposely trying to distance himself from me. It was kinda off putting but I put it down to him being uncomfortable with being out in public dressed like yungblud for the first time in years. He pulled my chair out for me in the coffee shop though, making me make a comment about how much of a gentleman he was. But once again he sat down and seemed to completely disregard how deep of a connection we'd formed. Maybe I was reading into it. But I couldn't help but think about it over and over as I sipped my drink. I clearly wasn't paying attention because the next time I came back to earth was when dom touched my hand, making me jump
"Kit sweet are you okay?"
"Mmm hmm."
"What's wrong. You're thinking, I can see it."
"You were so soft before." He raised an eyebrow
"And you're just...not now. I don't wanna be someone who you rely on to comfort you, but you don't want me the rest of the time." I looked down at my hands
"Have people done that to you before?"
"That's not the point. It's just, it's like we're just normal friends. Like you're pretending it's just that."
"But we already said it was nothing more, katie it's never gonna be that way."
"No not like that."
"Has someone-"
"I don't wanna talk about it."
"Katie, I want to."
"I don't." He sighed and I rolled my eyes, creating only more tension in the room
"Well I didn't wanna talk to my mum but you still made me so-" he stopped when he saw my face. He'd clearly meant it in a lighthearted way. More so along the lines of 'you did something good for me and I think this is good for you'. But I hated how he brought it up
"Do you regret letting me in?"
"No. Not at all."
"Then why have you suddenly changed. You're all close and loving and now you're just not. It's like fucking whiplash."
"You seem quite reserved, like you don't want others to know how vulnerable you can be. And the last thing you want is them ripping into you for hanging around with me, it would literally kill you off."
"Did someone do that to you?" He asked again, softer and less in shock. He was being gentle and kind like before, but this time he was the one comforting me
"Yeah. People go cold until they want something. Well...not cold just less lovey. And you did that and-"
"You thought I used you?" I nodded "cmere." He was sat in the booth part of the seats, facing where the loose chairs were. I got up and sat beside him, letting him embrace me "I owe everything to you guys. I will never ever take you for granted. Or use you. Or take advantage of that huge heart. Promise."
"Really. I will spend my life believing in you. I promise." That was his sentiment. That was him allowing that little but more of yungblud to shine through. And I know it scared him but he was willing to share it with me, and that was beautiful.

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