Rimuru's reason

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Author: Well let's just say Rimuru wanted some entertainment so he came to DB verse. You see I'm not so used to writing fanfictions so bare with me. I just do this for the fun of it.

Info: Special skills/Techniques: [.....]

Onomatopoeia: *.......*

   Someone talking/thinking: "......."

Rimuru's pov

Man it's boring here!. All I get to do is paperwork in Tempest!. Since my patrons thought that this era was also boring, they decided to skip it, and entered a deep slumber for thirty years. Well I thought this was my chance for escaping, but sadly Ciel is stalking me like a predator stalking it's prey!. Right now she's sitting at the desk next to me, ensuring that I get all the paperwork done on time. She's not even helping me *sigh*. What did I do to deserve this?. Maybe if I ask her nicely she would let me off the leash a bit.

"Um Ciel" I said in a cute way, causing her to give me a sharp glare.

"Eek!. Chill out Ciel don't be mad... I won't be gone for long you know. I know you want to go to that universe too"

Ciel: >>Master is not allowed to leave until his paperwork is complete and even if master wants to go to that universe, I won't be coming with him<<

"Huh? you aren't coming?. You know we could just leave a copy of me behind. Problem solved!"

Ciel: >>A copy of you is still you master. I will stay with that copy to ensure he is doing his work properly and not lazing around. Then I will visit master in other world<<

"You think I'm lazy?. That's false information!"

Ciel: >>......<<

"Well I'm gonna finish up the paperwork and as soon as I'm done, I'm going to that universe. You promise you won't stop me Ciel?"

Ciel: >>I won't stop master as long as he complete his paperwork's<<

Well now that Ciel agree, I could finally go to the other world!. There's no more worrying about paperwork's. All I have to do, is complete these two pages and I'm d—

"Another stack of papers coming up!" Said Rigurd as he ran into my office. I'm probably gonna have ptsd from paperwork *sigh* this is really getting out of hand.

And so I began doing the paperwor's quickly. I don't want Ciel to change her mind about letting me visit the other world!. Sorry other me, but all the paper works will be your then.

About an hour and thirty minutes has passed and I'm finally done doing my paperwor's. Finally I could visit the otherworld. Hopefully it lives up to my expectations.

"Hey Ciel I'm done now. Can I go now?...and please don't tell Veldora and Milim about this" if Veldora and Milim knew about this, it is going to cause some real chaos and I don't want that.

Ciel: >>As I said earlier, master is free to leave once he is done with his paperwor's<<

"You're the best Ciel!" I said as I kissed her on the lip, causing her to blush and turn away in embarrassment.

Ciel: >>B-baka!<<

And so I ran out of my office as I looked up in the skies.

"Now. Here I come"

Rimuru's Pov end...

3rd Person pov

Rimuru would then teleport himself into space as he head for that universe he wanted to visit so badly. He would fly at incredible speed, finally crashing on a planet, creating a huge crater. The planet was identical to his own before reincarnation. The magic energy wasn't the greatest but it was good nonetheless.

Rimuru looked around as he saw a small shack which seemed to be opened. Rimuru would walk to the shack, but before he could get any closer, a little boy with spiky hair would stop him in his track's. The kid wore an orange Gi while pointing an orange pole at Rimuru.

"You monster! You think you could sneak attack me huh?". The boy said as he slowly approached Rimuru.

"No I don't mean any harm. Where am I?". Rimuru asked the kid who was still in a battle stance.

"You're in the forest and this is my home. Now if you're not my enemy, then I guess there is no reason to be hostile". Said the kid as he put his pole on his back.

"Now are you a boy or a girl?". The kid asked Rimuru.

"Well I am a boy and I could see you are the same. Now what's your name kid?" Rimuru asked the spiky head boy.

"My name is Goku, nice to meet you-um"

"My name is Rimuru". Rimuru said with a gentle smile.

"Well then. Nice to meet you Rimuru hahaha" laughed the cheerful Goku.

And just like that, Rimuru and Goku became quick friends. They would eat, play and even train together. Rimuru would teach Goku different fighting techniques and Goku would learn very quickly. Like that they passed their days training everyday until one day Goku became a bit older and decided to leave. He asked Rimuru to join him on his journey to become stronger but Rimuru choose to stay. Goku then embarks on his journey while Rimuru stayed thinking about Ciel and his family in Tempest. It was hard not seeing Ciel, but he understood she needed some space, so he decided to leave her be.

And so, Rimuru's life on an unfamiliar planet continued.

Author: 😁A reader wrote this and I thought it was better than mines so I published it.

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