Part 2

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Six days left. That's how long the wonder boy has left in his life. Just a friendly reminder.

The two friends were now parting ways, not having spoken since the previous day. Valt had to go back to BC Sol - Kris' orders. Shu had offered to walk him to the airport, but the silence had become too overbearing so he decided to drop Valt off halfway, deciding he was capable enough to find his way there.

"I'll see you around, Valt," Shu said, going to walk off. He had never been one for long goodbyes, which was surprising, considering not only his best friend, but the rest of his friend group.

"Do you hate me?" Valt asked, out of the blue. There was a curious air around him, hoping and praying he did nothing wrong. He didn't wanna hurt the most important person in his life. "For what I said yesterday?"

Shu stared at him for a moment before smiling and shaking his head, forgetting how sensitive to criticism Valt could be. "I don't hate you. I was just tired and overreacting. You have nothing to worry about."

It was a lie, he was seething about what had been said, but he wasn't sure whether his anger was justified so he just kept his mouth shut. Valt seemed to sense this and fidgeted, upset that he was being lied to, and over something so trivial. They were supposed to be besties. This meant that they told each other everything, even with the off chance it might offend the other because it meant they could trust one another. Some people might prefer being hurt with the hard truth then be spared with the beautiful lie.

"Would you tell me if you did hate me or were annoyed with something I had said?" Valt asked, which seemed to take Shu by surprise. Valt was usually quite a trusting person, even if he sensed something was off - he was one to believe in the good nature of others, and it is still yet to backfire on him. So what constituted this lack of trust was unclear, but it hurt Shu deeply.

"Where is this coming from?" Shu narrowed his eyes at the blunette, questioning his suspicious behaviour. It wasn't like the wonder boy, where one or two unusual instances would have been the norm, but this wasn't the case anymore. "You've been acting off all weekend and it's not like you."

"Really? You think so?" Valt gave him a sad smile before shrugging, trying to change the subject as quickly as possible. Shu was a smart cookie. He couldn't have our little prodigy figure out too much too soon, or it could ruin everything. Just kidding. Although, it would make any and all future plans all the harder to act on if he knows too much. "I have no clue."

It was also a lie. But most things he said about himself were a lie nowadays. It was a bad habit he had gotten himself into. Pretending instead of asking for help. And soon it was gonna come and bite him in the ass. But, he was prepared for that. He always had been. Surprisingly enough, Valt was the prepared type.

"Valt, you know you can always talk to me, right?" Shu checked, now concerned for his friend. He was just... off; different, if you will. It was strange. Out of character, almost. But it was already out of the albino's control, so there was nothing he could do.

"Ditto!" Valt grinned, a smile everyone had come to know and love. A smile that so many people trusted. A weapon he could use to his advantage.

But that smile didn't shake his friend's concerns about him. But not that it mattered. It was too late for the wonder boy. He was already beyond saving, whether people liked that or not. He gave up a long time ago. When Shu was revealed as Red Eye. When all hell seemed to break loose. It was a miracle he had lasted this long; that he still wanted to fight this battle when life had given him a million reasons to stop. It shows his conviction. How much he cares about this generation of people. And they should know how blessed they are to have a miracle boy on their side. Someone who would fight until his deathbed for them. Nobody really realised it until it was too late.

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