Chapter Thirteen

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Vincent ended up staying another Night so that he could work the next Day. Winter wanted him to help her out whenever he could, since he was such an educated assistant and handler of Magical things. They decided he would work weekends and breaks whenever he didn't have makeup classes.

School resumed with urgency.

At breakfast on Thirday, I made an announcement at my table.

"I have decided to run for class president," I began. My friends turned to one another in excited conversation. "However, I can't do this alone. I was wondering if anyone else would like to run for something."

Damien looked up. "What are the other positions?"

"Vice president and secretary."

My friend was quiet for a second. He looked to his brother, who patted his shoulder with a supportive nod. "I think... I think I'll run for secretary."

I smiled in surprise. "Really?!"

Damien gulped, but nodded.

"Thank you." I looked around the table at my friends and fellow Ragdolls. "Anyone else?"

Parry stood up. "I'll run for secretary of my class, too!"

I was shocked. "Thank you! Who's gonna join him?"

Karter looked up at me with tired but determined eyes. "I guess I might as well."

"What'll you run for?"



"And I'll try for vice president!" Serenity joined.

"Me, too!" Liana suddenly blurted.

I looked at her in disbelief. "You said you couldn't do it!"

"I changed my mind."

The six of us made plans to join the race after school.

That Day in band, Emmitt and I got onto the topic of elections. He was complaining about a fellow senior who was running for their class president. "I mean this kid is a complete idiot! He says whatever pops into his head, but everyone loves him! All because he's a being of light!"

I pursed my lips. "That's frustrating..."

"I'd go against him, but no one I know is running for anything."

"Actually... You're wrong about that."

"Wait, serious?"

I nodded. "I'm going for president of my class. Karter's going for hers, too."

"You're joking."

"I am not."

Emmitt stood up, wings twitching excitedly as he put his four arms on his hips. "It's settled, then. I'll run for senior class president!"

Raven overheard us as she was walking by. "You guys are joining the elections?" We nodded. "Me, too! I'm gonna go for president. Miles already applied for vice president."

My heart was swelling, racing, overwhelmed at the sudden odds.

"I doubt I'll win, considering my species. But Miles will get it. He's pretty popular."

"Raven, Emmitt, I have a plan." I explained Mallory's idea. "If we all run, since we're in touch, we can help each other with campaigns."

Raven was fiery-eyed. "I can't wait to see the look on that bully Amaya's face..." Amaya was the one my friend would be going against for freshman president. She was a purple-haired fire flare who, shockingly, hated beings of darkness.

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