Chapter Eighteen

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My eyes fluttered open and my breath was taken away. I was greeted by hues of blue, purple, pink, and black. Stars glimmered far in the distance. Stardust whirled around me, yet the air was completely still.

I tried to move my head, but my neck wouldn't turn.

Actually, no part of me would move.

"Vincent?!" I exclaimed, relieved to at least be able to speak.

I could feel my brother's hand still in mine. I strained my eyes to look to my right. He was there, blinking in confusion. "Why can't we move?"

"I don't know."

"HELLO? ANYONE?!" Vincent shouted into the darkness and brilliance.

There was no response, but I could hear faint twinkling bells.

From what I could see, the space beyond was vaster than I had ever dreamed. Some parts looked emptier than others. I wondered which part we were in.

"I think Kioku was right. They're not going to talk to us," Vincent said with a sigh after more shouting. "We should get back."

"Yeah, well, how do we do that?"

"I don't know. We probably should have asked Kioku."

I groaned. "I knew I shouldn't have rushed into this..."

Suddenly, there was heat from behind me. A voice I definitely knew spoke, "You can't leave until you've resolved something deep inside of you, or answered a question, or found a solution to a problem."

Vincent's breathing became shaky. "Raven?!"

The light that I felt on my back went away, and my deceased friend floated above our heads. She faced us with a wonderful smile.

Raven looked so beautiful - black hair floating, pale skin glowing gently, dark eyes lit with understanding. "Hello, Vincent. Roxie."

"It's really you!" Vincent said, choking up. "I can't believe it!"

I smiled. "I knew you'd be a star."

Raven chuckled. "What are you two doing here? You shouldn't be dead for many more years!"

"We came to ask the stars how to fix the whole... situation with Mike and Derek."

My friend sighed. "I'm afraid there's no way we can help you."

"But stars know everything, don't they?"

"Yes. But if we told everyone everything, most things wouldn't go the way they need to."


"Roxie?! Is that you?!" another familiar voice exclaimed. Light to my left flared and receded, and Jade came swimming through the stardust. He wrapped his arms around me tight. "I missed you!!!"

I laughed through tears. "Jade!!!" I longed to return the embrace, but my body still wouldn't move. "I missed you, too, bud."

The greenish-skinned boy pulled away and patted my head. His emerald eyes looked at me with a divine kindness and understanding. He had so much sympathy and joy and Love. I could somehow sense that he knew my future, what I would become. "Give it a second, you should be able to move soon."


"You kind of have to adjust to this realm."

"Ah." Realm?

"Sorry I can't help you. Trust me, I would if I could."

"Thanks anyway, bud."

I slowly felt my nerves reawaken. The stiffness fell from my body and I curled into a ball, letting out a breath of relief. Vincent did the same. By the time we figured out how to stay upright, a few more stars had joined Raven and Jade.

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