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"Louis! Louis! please don't leave me! don't leave your son!" A woman hysterically cried over a man who was kicking her numerous times. " Stop this! get inside! " Louis said as he scolded the woman who was carrying their 1-month-old child.

Louis ran and didn't turn back. " My mission is important, I cannot let you two get involved in this!" He said in his head. He was on his way to the Train station to go to Poitiers.


The Lady got back to their house, she was crying, she was mad, and she was feeling a lot of emotions. "What do I expect? nothing right? he left me, he left us?" She asked the then 1-month-old Jean. The baby just stared at his Mom. He didn't cry. "We will survive son!" The lady said as she gives the baby his bottle.

Sophie, that's her name. The lady was broken into pieces when her partner left her. She was a Dean's lister, a good daughter, and a hard worker. Her parents taught her how to be a good person, and they did a great job! But most good disappears and becomes bad or yet, the worst when they start to fall in love. Sophie's case was different. She was a doting mother to Jean. She promised herself that even if her parents disowned her for choosing Louis and her then pregnancy, over them, she will still have goodness in her heart, especially for her son.

 She promised herself that even if her parents disowned her for choosing Louis and her then pregnancy, over them,  she will still have goodness in her heart, especially for her son

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Louis was also brokenhearted, he didn't wish to do what he did. Just when he thought he had fallen deeply in love with Sophie and was willing to be open with her and be a family, life took a turn.

The travel to Poitiers isn't that long. But that travel, gave him a lot of things, a lot of memories while he was in Angers. He recalled how he went to a local bar and was attracted to the lovely Bartender. "A beer please!" Louis said as he was seated on one of the bar stools. The young woman tosses the guy's order. "Here," Sophie said to Louis. And as if, he was struck by lightning, Louis was shocked as if he got electrified. He was stunned by the young Sophie's beauty.

The then 15-year-old was not yet allowed to work as a regular bartender, but seems no one could resist her charm. The bar owner gave in to the young girl's plea. " I need this sir! I need this job for my school fees!" Sophie begged the owner for the part-time job. After her school, she would go to the bar and would work until 12: 30 MN. Louis who was 18, became a regular of the said bar. "Every night, he would order beer and chit-chat with Sophie. Until a usual thing happened.

Louis most of the time now his drinking limit. He would usually do 2 bottles and he's good to go, but one night, he got 4 bottles. Sophie got worried. " You look upset, school? or work stuff?" she asked Louis. But Louis refuses to answer. Although they talk about anything, he didn't get to talk about personal stuff. " Nothing serious!" was his only reply. Louis left his payment at the bar table and slowly disappeared from the now-crowded place. It was 12:30 MN, and Sophie was already off duty, she was on her way home when she passed by a dark alley. There he found Louis, throwing up like there's no tomorrow. " What happened here? Let me help you!" Sophie said as she got Louis' right arm and they walked to her dorm. Sophie helped Louis and gave her a blanket as she let him sleep on her couch. "Goodnight!" Sophie said as she was about to leave. But she was surprised at the hand that pulled her. " Stay with me!" the sexy-deep voice of Louis whispered in her ears. And so she did, that time, Sophie and Louis happened.

The morning felt like bliss. Louis smiled as he woke up next to Sophie that morning. He almost forgot what he was upset about. "Good Morning," Louis said and greeted Sophie with a kiss. He stood up and asked where the kitchen is, he prepared their meal and enjoyed breakfast. Sophie has to hurry for school and Louis, for his unknown agenda. That started Louis in and out of Sophie's life. It went on for months.


" I have to tell you something!" Sophie said before she blows the Birthday cake that Louis brought her. "sure Mon bébé! what is it? Louis said as he patiently waited for Sophie to speak. "Je Suis enceinte!" Sophie nervously said. She felt like she would pass out to know what would be Louis' reaction." Ah, bon? je suis tellement excitée! je serai papa!" Louis said excitedly. He cannot believe it. It all happened too soon.

The whole 9 months went by, and it was December 4, 1992, when their son Jean was born. They were happy for a month until Louis received a message that spoiled all his happiness.

"You're still on a mission! Don't you dare forget that! Do it! Or I'll end your precious family!" The message was sent thru his voicemail from an unknown number. After learning the message, he started acting weird. " Are you okay Mon bébé?" Sophie looks all concerned to Louis. " Please hold Jean, I'll get the bottle from the kitchen, I'll be right back!" Sophie said and then handed the now 1-month-old child. " je t'aime mon fils, souviens-toi toujours de ça, je t'aime toi et ta maman!" Louis said and kissed his precious child on the forehead. A few hours passed and Louis's panic took over him. He had no choice but to leave.

" nous sommes arrivés à destination!" announced from the Train's speaker. Louis woke up from his slumber.

A/N: Hi guys! Thanks very much as we are #8 in ASSASSINS CATEGORY from day 2 of release! Congratulations! We wouldn't be here without all your LOVE AND SUPPORT!

The Story is getting more and more interesting! What's Louis' mission? What did Sophie and Jean have anything to do with that? Why is life so cruel to them? Let's find them out in the succeeding chapters.

If you like this chapter please give it a ⭐and comment with your thoughts. Hope y'all have a Great Day ahead!

Borahae 💜


poijeunaibi 🖤

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